569 research outputs found

    Corporate branding’s influence on front-line employee and consumer value co-creation in UK household consumer markets

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    General managers are presented with an extensive opportunity to innovate and gain market advantage from front-line employees (FLEs) and consumers working together to exchange services and co-create value. To do this, general managers need to understand more about what influences the content and quality of FLE and consumer service exchanges? What predisposes FLEs to commit to service exchange and value co-creation? And what organizational phenomena can general managers use to influence this predisposition? This article presents results from an empirical research study of FLEs employed by a firm that provides installation, servicing and emergency services to domestic households across the United Kingdom. The study reveals the importance of the firm’s corporate brand in its influence upon FLE’s sense of membershipand attachment to a firm (organizational identity) and the consequent effect of this on their predisposition for serviceexchange (organizational commitment), that is, whether FLEs want to remain in their role, because they feel they ought to,want to or they have too much to lose by leaving

    Intraseasonal Dynamics and Dominant Sequences in H3N2 Influenza

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    Long-term influenza evolution has been well studied, but the patterns of sequence diversity within seasons are less clear. H3N2 influenza genomes sampled from New York State over ten years indicated intraseasonal changes in evolutionary dynamics. Using the mean Hamming distance of a set of amino acid or nucleotide sequences as an indicator of its diversity, we found that influenza sequence diversity was significantly higher during the early epidemic period than later in the influenza season. Diversity was lowest during the peak of the epidemic, most likely due to the high prevalence of a single dominant amino acid sequence or very few dominant sequences during the peak epidemic period, corresponding with rapid expansion of the viral population. The frequency and duration of dominant sequences varied by influenza protein, but all proteins had an abundance of one distinct sequence during the peak epidemic period. In New York State from 1995 to 2005, high sequence diversity during the early epidemic suggested that seasonal antigenic drift could have occurred primarily in this period, followed by a clonal expansion of typically one clade during the peak of the epidemic, possibly indicating a shift to neutral drift or purifying selection

    Testing for hereditary thrombophilia: a retrospective analysis of testing referred to a national laboratory

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Predisposition to venous thrombosis may be assessed through testing for defects and/or deficiencies of a number of hereditary factors. There is potential for confusion about which of these tests are appropriate in which settings. At least one set of recommendations has been published to guide such testing, but it is unclear how widely these have been disseminated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a retrospective analysis of laboratory orders and results at a national referral laboratory to gain insight into physicians' ordering practices, specifically comparing them against the ordering practices recommended by a 2002 College of American Pathologists (CAP) consensus conference on thrombophilia testing. Measurements included absolute and relative ordering volumes and positivity rates from approximately 200,000 thrombophilia tests performed from September 2005 through August 2006 at a national reference laboratory. Quality control data were used to estimate the proportion of samples that may have been affected by anticoagulant therapy. A sample of ordering laboratories was surveyed in order to assess potential measurement bias.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total antigen assays for protein C, protein S and antithrombin were ordered almost as frequently as functional assays for these analytes. The DNA test for factor V Leiden was ordered much more often than the corresponding functional assay. In addition, relative positivity rates coupled with elevations in prothrombin time (PT) in many of these patients suggest that these tests are often ordered in the setting of oral anticoagulant therapy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this real-world setting, testing for inherited thrombophilia is frequently at odds with the recommendations of the CAP consensus conference. There is a need for wider dissemination of concise thrombophilia testing guidelines.</p

    Nucleoside diphosphate kinase A as a controller of AMP-kinase in airway epithelia

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    This review integrates recent understanding of a novel role for NDPK-A in two related directions: Firstly, its role in an airway epithelial cell when bound to the luminal (apical) membrane and secondly in the cytosol of many different cells (epithelial and non-epithelial) where an isoform-specific interaction occurs with a regulatory partner, AMPKα1. Thus NDPK-A is present in both a membrane and cytosolic environment but in the apical membrane, its roles are not understood in detail; preliminary data suggest that it co-localises with the cystic fibrosis protein (CFTR). In cytosol, we find that NDPK-A is coupled to the catalytic alpha1 isoform of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPKα subunit), which is part of a heterotrimeric protein complex that responds to cellular energy status by switching off ATP-consuming pathways and switching on ATP-generating pathways when ATP is limiting. We find that ATP is located within this complex and ‘fed’ from NDPK to AMPK without ever ‘seeing’ bulk solution. Importantly, the reverse can also happen such that AMPK activity can be made to decline when NDPK-A ‘steals’ ATP from AMPK. Thus we propose a novel paradigm in NDPK-A function by suggesting that AMP-kinase can be regulated by NDPK-A, independently of AMP

    The Cerebral Microvasculature in Schizophrenia: A Laser Capture Microdissection Study

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies of brain and peripheral tissues in schizophrenia patients have indicated impaired energy supply to the brain. A number of studies have also demonstrated dysfunction of the microvasculature in schizophrenia patients. Together these findings are consistent with a hypothesis of blood-brain barrier dysfunction in schizophrenia. In this study, we have investigated the cerebral vascular endothelium of schizophrenia patients at the level of transcriptomics. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used laser capture microdissection to isolate both microvascular endothelial cells and neurons from post mortem brain tissue from schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. RNA was isolated from these cell populations, amplified, and analysed using two independent microarray platforms, Affymetrix HG133plus2.0 GeneChips and CodeLink Whole Human Genome arrays. In the first instance, we used the dataset to compare the neuronal and endothelial data, in order to demonstrate that the predicted differences between cell types could be detected using this methodology. We then compared neuronal and endothelial data separately between schizophrenic subjects and controls. Analysis of the endothelial samples showed differences in gene expression between schizophrenics and controls which were reproducible in a second microarray platform. Functional profiling revealed that these changes were primarily found in genes relating to inflammatory processes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study provides preliminary evidence of molecular alterations of the cerebral microvasculature in schizophrenia patients, suggestive of a hypo-inflammatory state in this tissue type. Further investigation of the blood-brain barrier in schizophrenia is warranted

    Rates of Viral Evolution Are Linked to Host Geography in Bat Rabies

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    Rates of evolution span orders of magnitude among RNA viruses with important implications for viral transmission and emergence. Although the tempo of viral evolution is often ascribed to viral features such as mutation rates and transmission mode, these factors alone cannot explain variation among closely related viruses, where host biology might operate more strongly on viral evolution. Here, we analyzed sequence data from hundreds of rabies viruses collected from bats throughout the Americas to describe dramatic variation in the speed of rabies virus evolution when circulating in ecologically distinct reservoir species. Integration of ecological and genetic data through a comparative Bayesian analysis revealed that viral evolutionary rates were labile following historical jumps between bat species and nearly four times faster in tropical and subtropical bats compared to temperate species. The association between geography and viral evolution could not be explained by host metabolism, phylogeny or variable selection pressures, and instead appeared to be a consequence of reduced seasonality in bat activity and virus transmission associated with climate. Our results demonstrate a key role for host ecology in shaping the tempo of evolution in multi-host viruses and highlight the power of comparative phylogenetic methods to identify the host and environmental features that influence transmission dynamics

    Seasonal effects of influenza on mortality in a subtropical city

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Influenza has been associated with a heavy burden of mortality. In tropical or subtropical regions where influenza viruses circulate in the community most of the year, it is possible that there are seasonal variations in the effects of influenza on mortality, because of periodic changes in environment and host factors as well as the frequent emergence of new antigenically drifted virus strains. In this paper we explored this seasonal effect of influenza.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A time-varying coefficient Poisson regression model was fitted to the weekly numbers of mortality of Hong Kong from 1996 to 2002. Excess risks associated with influenza were calculated to assess the seasonal effects of influenza.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrated that the effects of influenza were higher in winter and late spring/early summer than other seasons. The two-peak pattern of seasonal effects of influenza was found for cardio-respiratory disease and sub-categories pneumonia and influenza, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular diseases and ischemic heart disease as well as for all-cause deaths.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results provide insight into the possibility that seasonal factors may have impact on virulence of influenza besides their effects on virus transmission. The results warrant further studies into the mechanisms behind the seasonal effect of influenza.</p

    Alterations in Mesenteric Lymph Node T Cell Phenotype and Cytokine Secretion are Associated with Changes in Thymocyte Phenotype after LP-BM5 Retrovirus Infection

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    In this study, mouse MLN cells and thymocytes from advanced stages of LP-BM5 retrovirus infection were studied. A decrease in the percentage of IL-7+ cells and an increase in the percentage of IL-16+ cells in the MLN indicated that secretion of these cytokines was also altered after LP-BM5 infection. The percentage of MLN T cells expressing IL-7 receptors was significantly reduced, while the percentage of MLN T cells expressing TNFR-p75 and of B cells expressing TNFR-p55 increased. Simultaneous analysis of surface markers and cytokine secretion was done in an attempt to understand whether the deregulation of IFN-Υ secretion could be ascribed to a defined cell phenotype, concluding that all T cell subsets studied increased IFN-Υ secretion after retrovirus infection. Finally, thymocyte phenotype was further analyzed trying to correlate changes in thymocyte phenotype with MLN cell phenotype. The results indicated that the increase in single positive either CD4+CD8- or CD4- CD8+ cells was due to accumulation of both immature (CD3- ) and mature (CD3+) single positive thymocytes. Moreover, single positive mature thymocytes presented a phenotype similar to the phenotype previously seen on MLN T cells. In summary, we can conclude that LP-BM5 uses the immune system to reach the thymus where it interferes with the generation of functionally mature T cells, favoring the development of T cells with an abnormal phenotype. These new T cells are activated to secrete several cytokines that in turn will favor retrovirus replication and inhibit any attempt of the immune system to control infection

    Smoking status and common carotid artery intima-medial thickness among middle-aged men and women based on ultrasound measurement: a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking is an established causal factor for atherosclerosis. However, the smoking effect on different echogenic components of carotid arterial wall measured by ultrasound is not well elucidated. METHODS: Middle-aged men and women who had IMT measurement ≥ 0.7 mm at baseline and follow-up were included (N = 413, age 40–60 years at baseline in 1995). Intima-media thickness of common carotid artery (CCA-IMT) and its components (echogenic and echolucent layers) were measured at baseline and in the follow-up examination 3 years later. IMT and its components were compared across current, former and never smokers. Individual growth models were used to examine how smoking status was related to the baseline and progression of overall IMT and IMT components. RESULTS: For both men and women, current smoking was associated with thicker echogenic layer than never smokers; former smokers exhibited thinner echogenic layer than current smokers after adjustment for cigarette pack-years. Among women, current smoking was also associated with a thinned echolucent layer that resulted in a non-significant overall association of current smoking with IMT for women. CONCLUSION: Cigarette smoking is associated with carotid artery morphological changes and the association is sex-dependent. The atherogenic effect of smoking appears to be partly reversible among former smokers. IMT measurement alone may not be adequate to detect carotid atherosclerosis associated with cigarette smoking among middle-age women

    Sex- and age-dependent association of SLC11A1 polymorphisms with tuberculosis in Chinese: a case control study

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    BACKGROUND: Host genetic factors are important determinants in tuberculosis (TB). The SLC11A1 (or NRAMP1) gene has been studied extensively for genetic association with TB, but with inconsistent findings. In addition, no study has yet looked into the effect of sex and age on the relationship between SLC11A1 polymorphisms and TB. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted. In total, 278 pulmonary TB patients and 282 sex- and age-matched controls without TB were recruited. All subjects were ethnic Chinese. On the basis of linkage disequilibrium pattern, three genetic markers from SLC11A1 and one from the nearby IL8RB locus were selected and examined for association with TB susceptibility. These markers were genotyped using single strand conformation polymorphism analysis or fragment analysis of amplified products. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences in allele (P = 0.0165, OR = 1.51) and genotype (P = 0.0163, OR = 1.59) frequencies of the linked markers SLC6a/b (classically called D543N and 3'UTR) of the SLC11A1 locus were found between patients and controls. With stratification by sex, positive associations were identified in the female group for both allele (P = 0.0049, OR = 2.54) and genotype (P = 0.0075, OR = 2.74) frequencies. With stratification by age, positive associations were demonstrated in the young age group (age ≤65 years) for both allele (P = 0.0047, OR = 2.52) and genotype (P = 0.0031, OR = 2.92) frequencies. All positive findings remained significant even after correction for multiple comparisons. No significant differences were noted in either the male group or the older age group. No significant differences were found for the other markers (one SLC11A1 marker and one IL8RB marker) either. CONCLUSION: This study confirmed the association between SLC11A1 and TB susceptibility and demonstrated for the first time that the association was restricted to females and the young age group