12 research outputs found

    Wells, Amy Stuart, Jennifer Jellison Holme, Awo Korantemaa Atanda, and Anita Tijerina Revilla, Tackling Racial Segregation One Policy at a Time: Why School Desegregation Only Went So Far, Teachers College Record, 107(Sepember, 2005), 2141-2177.

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    Reports on a 5-year case study of six racially diverse high schools from the late 1970s; describes their curricular and organizational methods of school integration, the external societal factors that influenced the effects of these efforts, and the views of graduates about the long-term impact of their school experiences

    Holme, Jennifer Jellison, Meredith P. Richards, Jo Beth Jimerson, and Rebecca W. Cohen, Assessing the Effect of High School Exit Examinations, Review of Educational Research, 80(December, 2010), 476-526.

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    Sums up and appraises the research on the topic in relation to student achievement, dropping out or graduation, post-secondary outcomes, and school responses