7 research outputs found

    Neutron Scattering Investigations of Correlated Electron Systems and Neutron Instrumentation

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    HEIMDAL:A thermal neutron powder diffractometer with high and flexible resolution combined with SANS and neutron imaging - Designed for materials science studies at the European Spallation Source

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    HEIMDAL will be a multi length scale neutron scattering instrument for the study of structures covering almost nine orders of magnitude from 0.01 nm to 50 mm. The instrument is accepted for construction at the European Spallation Source (ESS) and features a variable resolution thermal neutron powder diffractometer (TNPD), combined with small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and neutron imaging (NI). The instrument uses a novel combination of a cold and a thermal guide to fulfill the diverse requirements for diffraction and SANS. With an instrument length of 170 m, HEIMDAL will take advantage of the high neutron flux of the long pulse at ESS, whilst maintaining a high q-resolution due to the long flight path. The q-range coverage is up to 20 Å-1 allowing low-resolution PDF analysis. With the addition of SANS, HEIMDAL will be able to cover a uniquely broad length scale within a single instrumental set-up. HEIMDAL will be able to accommodate modern materials research in a broad variety of fields, and the task of the instrument will be to study advanced functional materials in action, as in situ and in operandi at multiple length scales (0.01-100 nm) quasi simultaneously. The instrument combines state-of-the-art neutron scattering techniques (TNPD, SANS, and NI) with the goal of studying real materials, in real time, under real conditions. This article describes the instrument design ideas, calculations and results of simulations and virtual experiments

    Magnetic order, hysteresis, and phase coexistence in magnetoelectric LiCoPO4

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    The magnetic phase diagram of magnetoelectric LiCoPO4_4 is established using neutron diffraction and magnetometry in fields up to 25.9T applied along the crystallographic bb-axis. For fields greater than 11.9T the magnetic unit cell triples in size with propagation vector Q = (0, 1/3, 0). A magnetized elliptic cycloid is formed with spins in the (b,c)(b,c)-plane and the major axis oriented along bb. Such a structure allows for the magnetoelectric effect with an electric polarization along cc induced by magnetic fields applied along bb. Intriguingly, additional ordering vectors Q \approx (0, 1/4, 0) and Q \approx (0, 1/2, 0) appear for increasing fields in the hysteresis region below the transition field. Traces of this behavior are also observed in the magnetization. A simple model based on a mean-field approach is proposed to explain these additional ordering vectors. In the field interval 20.5-21.0T, the propagation vector Q = (0, 1/3, 0) remains but the spins orient differently compared to the cycloid phase. Above 21.0T and up until saturation a commensurate magnetic structure exists with a ferromagnetic component along bb and an antiferromagnetic component along cc