368 research outputs found

    Emerging Collaborative Writing Strategies in Digital Environments

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    Ethology in conservation : how an ethologist can contribute to conservation projects

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    Det finns idag mĂ„nga arter som riskerar att utrotas, ofta pĂ„ grund av mĂ€nsklig pĂ„verkan pĂ„ deras habitat. Det tvĂ€rvetenskapliga fĂ€ltet bevarandeetologi syftar till att anvĂ€nda etologi, kunskapen om djurs beteende och anledningen till det, inom bevarandet av dessa arter. FĂ€ltet Ă€r relativt nytt och saknar dĂ€rför en standard för hur man ska anvĂ€nda det inom olika projekt. BĂ„de skeptiska och optimistiska forskare till att det kommer gĂ„ att utveckla ett sĂ„dant ramverk finns. Den hĂ€r studien har gjorts för att reda ut hur bevarandeetologin hittills har bidragit till bevarandearbete, hur man kan lösa problem som idag finns inom bevarandeprojekt med hjĂ€lp av etologi samt hur man med hjĂ€lp av bevarandeetologi kan utforma hĂ„llbara bevarandeprojekt. Resultatet visar att bevarandeetologi hittills har anvĂ€nts inom projekt som bĂ„de Ă€ger rum utanför och i ett djurs naturliga habitat samt vid Ă„terintroduktioner och förflyttningar av djur. Vetenskapen har bland annat anvĂ€nts för att minska risken för dĂ„lig vĂ€lfĂ€rd och frustration hos djur som hĂ„lls i fĂ„ngenskap, öka chanserna för att Ă„terintroduktioner ska lyckas och utforma mĂ€nsklig infrastruktur sĂ„ djur inte blir skadade. Studien visar ocksĂ„ att bevarandeetologi skulle kunna anvĂ€ndas för att lösa problem som minskat antal reproducerande individer i en population, felaktig hantering av ekoturism som skapar stress hos vissa arter samt hot som uppstĂ„r pĂ„ grund av att djur uppfattar omvĂ€rlden pĂ„ ett annorlunda sĂ€tt Ă€n oss mĂ€nniskor, t.ex. att de blir störda av ljus och ljud pĂ„ ett annat sĂ€tt. Det ska dock pĂ„pekas att lösningar pĂ„ dessa problem endast Ă€r teoretiska och mĂ„ste utvĂ€rderas innan man kan faststĂ€lla att bevarandeetologin Ă€r nyckeln i dessa fall. NĂ€r det kommer till att utforma hĂ„llbara projekt med hjĂ€lp av bevarandeetologi lyfter den hĂ€r studien fram att fokus bör lĂ€ggas pĂ„ att utforma lĂ„ngsiktiga Ă„terintroduktionsprojekt, jobba fram metoder sĂ„ mĂ€nniskor och djur kan samexistera samt forska pĂ„ hur arter kommer reagera pĂ„ eventuella förĂ€ndringar i klimat och habitat. För att sĂ„dana strategier ska kunna utformas korrekt behövs bevarandeetologin, som ett verktyg av mĂ„nga. I framtiden Ă€r förhoppningen att se mer applicerad bevarandeetologi, eventuellt med den hĂ€r studien som stöd i hur man kan anvĂ€nda fĂ€ltet praktiskt. Att dessutom kontinuerligt utvĂ€rdera anvĂ€ndandet av etologi inom bevarandearbete Ă€r nĂ„got som krĂ€vs för att en utveckling framĂ„t ska kunna ske. Jag har en stor tro pĂ„ att bevarandeetologi har mycket att bidra med inom bevarandet av den biologiska mĂ„ngfalden, men det krĂ€vs struktur över hur man ska anvĂ€nda det för att det ska bli en standard vid varje projekt.When work towards preserving the biodiversity on Earth is pursued, it is often required to understand how and why an animal exhibits different behaviours. Therefore, during the mid 1990’s, the interdisciplinary field conservation behaviour developed, as a tool to use ethology in that work. The field has encountered some obstacles in its development, although many scientists are positive and believe the field has great potential, and has despite the problems faced been able to contribute to conservation projects in different ways. The purpose with this literature review was to investigate how conservation behaviour has contributed to conservation projects in the past, how it can be a key to solve current problems in the work towards conservation and how it can be used in the future to create sustainable conservation projects. The results of this study show that conservation behaviour has demonstrably been used in projects both ex situ and in situ, within reintroductions and translocations, and to help reduce human-animal conflicts. Through these contributions, many projects were able to succeed and reduce the risk of extinction in several species. There are also some problems that can be solved by using conservation behaviour, for example when conservation areas are planned and to evaluate the risk with effective population size that some species may encounter. Furthermore, an ethologist can understand how certain animals experience anthropogenic changes in the environment. The conclusion is therefore that people with an expertise in animal behaviour can contribute to developing conservation projects, sustainable considering society, economy and environment, with long term results. A framework for how to use conservation behaviour is required in order to use the tool as effective as possible. Alternative questions for further research are proposed and encouraged, in order to establish conservation behaviour as a standard within conservation work

    Manual correction of semi-automatic three-dimensional echocardiography is needed for right ventricular assessment in adults; validation with cardiac magnetic resonance

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    Background: Three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) and semi-automatic right ventricular delineation has been proposed as an appropriate method for right ventricle (RV) evaluation. We aimed to examine how manual correction of semi-automatic delineation influences the accuracy of 3DE for RV volumes and function in a clinical adult setting using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) as the reference method. We also examined the feasibility of RV visualization with 3DE. Methods: 62 non-selected patients were examined with 3DE (Sonos 7500 and iE33) and with CMR (1.5T). Endocardial RV contours of 3DE-images were semi-automatically assessed and manually corrected in all patients. End-diastolic (EDV), end-systolic (ESV) volumes, stroke volume (SV) and ejection fraction (EF) were computed. Results: 53 patients (85%) had 3DE-images feasible for examination. Correlation coefficients and Bland Altman biases between 3DE with manual correction and CMR were r = 0.78, -22 +/- 27 mL for EDV, r = 0.83, -7 +/- 16 mL for ESV, r = 0.60, -12 +/- 18 mL for SV and r = 0.60, -2 +/- 8% for EF (p < 0.001 for all r-values). Without manual correction r-values were 0.77, 0.77, 0.70 and 0.49 for EDV, ESV, SV and EF, respectively (p < 0.001 for all r-values) and biases were larger for EDV, SV and EF (-32 +/- 26 mL, -21 +/- 15 mL and -6 +/- 9%, p <= 0.01 for all) compared to manual correction. Conclusion: Manual correction of the 3DE semi-automatic RV delineation decreases the bias and is needed for acceptable clinical accuracy. 3DE is highly feasible for visualizing the RV in an adult clinical setting

    Nutritional evaluation of lowering consumption of meat and meat products in the Nordic context

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    The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) recommended in 2007 that consumer intake of red meat is minimized and processed meat eliminated. The recommendation was based on a systematic review of the available literature on the association between meat consumption and cancer. The recommendation to individuals was to ingest less than 500 grams of red meat per weeks, and very little - if anything - processed meats. In a new study, National Food Institute has assessed the nutritional consequences from living the recommendations of the WCRF, in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. The current consumption of meat in the Nordic countries is not far from the level WCRF has proposed on an individual level. The study also shows that it will have no significant nutritional consequences to reduce the intake of meat to the recommended, neither when it comes to red meat nor processed meat
