9,173 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Ancient Hebrew Music During the Time of the Old Testament: Especially the Role of Music in the Lives of Israel\u27s First Two Kings, Saul and David

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    Music has always been an inextricable component of Jewish culture from its beginnings. Even before the construction of the Temple, music was used for worship, feasts, festivals, and various other cultural activities. Since much of this music involves the singing of texts, poetry was also a central part of the Jewish music culture. Singing in ancient Israel often involved instrumental accompaniment. The Bible records the texts of much musical activity. Instrumental music, vocal music, and accompanied vocal music are found throughout the Bible. Instrumental music is found in 1 Samuel 16 when David played his harp to soothe Saul and in 1 Samuel 19 when Saul tried to kill David when a troubling spirit came upon him. When men were coming back from battle in 1 Samuel 18, women played instruments and sang songs of David’s greatness. Psalms 16, 24, and 64 are great representations of Hebrew vocal music written by David. Music played a central role in the lives of the first two kings of Israel. This study will encompass a discussion of the role of music in the lives of the first two kings of Israel, Saul and David

    Interdisciplinary Thematic Literature Studies

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    Medical Student Summer Externship Program: Increasing the Number Matching in Family Practice

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    Abstract: Background and Objectives. The number of US allopathic medical school graduates choosing a residency in family medicine has fallen from 13.4% in 1999 to 10.5% in 2002. Concern about declining numbers has led to the development of programs to provide medical students exposure to family medicine outside the clerkship. This paper reports on the development and longitudinal achievements of a clinical summer externship program 1993 to 1999. Methods. The program description, practice settings, students’ experiences, and department commitment are described. The purpose of this prospective study is to determine the percentage of family medicine summer externship participants (n=115) who match into family medicine. Results. During the six years studied, 49 (43.4%) of the participants matched into family medicine. Program participants viewed the program favorably, mean = 5.82 out of 6. Conclusions. The Ohio State University Department of Family Medicine Medical Student Summer Externship Program demonstrates an effective educational experience that can increase and/or attain the proportion of students going into family medicine at the time of graduation

    Custom Application Cost Survey in Kansas

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    Crop Production/Industries,


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    Recent developments in American agricultural and trade policy suggest that the US is backing away from its position as a staunch supporter of freer trade. In the long run, this action will weaken the competitive position of US agriculture and the other protected sectors of the US economy, as was the case when the US did this in the 1920's. It will also clearly harm US trading partners, such as Canada. We'll discuss the direct impacts of the Farm Bill on Canada in another, forthcoming special report. However, for our purposes in this report, the more immediate impact is to deter developing countries from pursuing freer trade as a means of increasing economic growth and improving standards of living. Support for freer trade from developing countries is essential if the current round of WTO is to achieve meaningful gains in trade liberalization. In turn, trade liberalization is absolutely required if low cost/resource rich countries such as the US and Canada are to have prosperous agri-food sectors. Current US policy initiatives give developing countries every incentive to retreat from liberalized trade to highly protectionist policies, just as outlined by Raoul Prebisch nearly 40 years ago. The impact of current US agricultural policy initiatives is to weaken the Doha agenda by forcing developing countries to unilaterally liberalize trade without any significant concessions from the US. This places developing countries in a very difficult position, and dramatically reduces the prospects for future gains through freer trade. In this special report, we outline the following issues that will impact the world agri-food trade context in the coming years: * International trade in primary commodities from the developing country perspective * The US Farm Bill and recent US trade policy initiatives * The agenda for the Doha Round of WTO * Impact of US policy initiatives on the success of WTOAgricultural and Food Policy,


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    This report's intent is to analyze the 2002 US "Farm Bill" to determine whether it is production and trade distorting, and how it will affect commodity markets as well as how it will affect Canadian agri-food. The objectives are to: · To explain the producer subsidy programs and how payments under these programs will be calculated; · To explain other provisions in the Farm Bill that are of interest to the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry; · To discuss the implications of the producer subsidy programs for US producers' decisions to grow the major commodities and pulses, and the likely implications of those decisions for market prices; · To discuss the implications of other Farm Bill provisions, including trade and conservation programs, and country of origin labeling; · To discuss the implications of the Farm Bill for the current round of WTO negotiations; and · To provide some initial thoughts on how governments and firms in Canada and other countries might respond to the Farm Bill. To accomplish the objectives, we provide a thorough description of the Act and its provisions. We apply it to a fictitious 1000 acre farm in the US Midwest to show its financial consequences. We also use production costs from certain regions of the US to determine the level of incentive built into the Act.Agricultural and Food Policy,
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