5 research outputs found
Desafios à permanência e agendas de acolhimento no mestrado profissional
The present study was focused to the permanence conditions of working-researchers, in the area of post-graduation - Professional Master’s Degree. It was used a narrative qualitative study, concerning sociocultural aspects, that aimed to comprehend the defiance within the academic course, It was highlight that the challenges throughout the formative course as the overlapped chores referred to the formation and working activities, and the social withdraw caused by Covid-19. As permanence indicators, it was identified the personal and social mobilization of the researchers, and the program’s profile focused on the working people. Thus, it was highlighted the necessity to consolidate an acceptance policy, capable of driving a range of actions to strengthen the formative course.Neste trabalho, enfocamos as condições de permanência de trabalhadores pesquisadores no âmbito da pós-graduação. Apresenta-se resultados de um estudo qualitativo narrativo de cunho sociocultural pelo qual se objetivou compreender os desafios envolvidos no percurso acadêmico na pós-graduação. Destacamos como desafios ao percurso formativo a sobreposição de tarefas no que tange à formação e as atividades laborais e distanciamento social ocasionado pela Covid-19. Como indicadores de permanência, identificamos a mobilização pessoal e social dos estudantes, bem como o perfil do programa voltado a trabalhadores. Neste sentido, destacamos a necessidade da consolidação de uma política de acolhimento capaz de impulsionar um conjunto de ações com vistas a fortalecer o percurso formativo
Colorado Native Plant Society Newsletter, Vol. 3 No. 3, May-June 1979
The Colorado Native Plant Society Newsletter will be published on a bimonthly basis. The contents will consist primarily of a calendar of events, notes of interest, editorials, listings of new members and conservation news. Until there is a Society journal, the Newsletter will include short articles also. The deadline for the Newsletter is one month prior to its release.https://epublications.regis.edu/aquilegia/1014/thumbnail.jp