23 research outputs found

    Problemen förgÄr, lösningarna bestÄr : Organisering av kommunala insatser för unga arbetslösa med försörjningsproblem

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    In the beginning of the 1990s, Sweden experienced an economic recession. The unemployment rate increased significantly and the proportion of young adults receiving social assistance rose dra-matically. In response, municipalities initiated local intervention programs aimed at reducing the number of young social assistance recipients. In 2005, this population had decreased. However, the organization of local interventions targeting young unemployed recipients of social assistance remained intensified in the munici-palities. The aim of this study is to analyze social mechanisms that explain the increased importance of local intervention programs for young unemployed people. The results of the thesis show how local intervention programs are justified by images of young unemployed people receiving so-cial assistance and their life situations, i.e their lack of education, their deviating norms and behavior, their personal social problems and the corruptive effects of social assistance. Three categorical pairs influenced the organization of (such) programs: a) clients over and under the age of 25 b) clients deemed deserving and un-deserving c) clients considered able and those considered unable to work. These categorizations have determined which types of inter-ventions have been organized. By organizing programs the munici-pal organizations have gained valuable resources aiding their ad-vancement and influence, such as financial funding, suitable clients and legitimacy. The development of local intervention programs for young un-employed recipients of social assistance can be understood as a process of institutionalization; a certain way of organizing is unal-tered, remaining regardless the devolution of the initially perceived problem

    Pathways to Employment

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    Background This project’s aims are twofold (1) to uncover and define the underlying theories of change guiding competing active labor market programs (ALMP) in Sweden, and (2) to assess the relative effectiveness of these competing programs in a theory-based non-randomized controlled trial. The purpose is to assess the extent to which competing ALMPs are effective in moving long-term unemployed individuals (i.e. unemployed for 6 months or more) closer to the labor-market. Methods/Design This project will engage ALMP program administrators and service providers in semi-structured interviews. The transcribed interview material will be used as a basis for program theory reconstruction. All specified program theories will be presented back to program stakeholders for validation. ALMP program effectiveness will be assessed quasi-experimentally with pre- (T1) and posttest (T2) collection of self-reported data. Additionally, official register data from the Longitudinal integrated database for health insurance and labor market studies (LISA) will be collected for all participants. In addition, a matched sample will be collected from LISA to be used as a non-treated control group on final policy outcomes (e.g., employment, salary/wage). This study also assesses program implementation and economic outcomes of the included ALMPs. Discussion Long-term unemployment has profound impact of the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities. In addition, the effects of long-term unemployment have been found to impact subgroups differently. Today we have scant knowledge on the mechanisms that are influential in moving individuals from long-term unemployment closer to the labor market. This study is designed to answer six research questions using a variety of methods (mixed-methods) and outcome measures (self-report, official register). In addition, this study leverages official register data to construct an untreated control group. This study will assess the extent to which an emerging theory of becoming job ready holds under experimental scrutiny

    Kommunala insatser för arbetslösa unga vuxna

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    Commitment and control : Teamwork as management tool in a welfare state bureaucracy

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    Teamwork is a well-known management technique for eliciting commitment and exerting control in private companies. However, less is known about how teamwork operates as a management tool in welfare state bureaucracies. Tying critical management and street-level bureaucracy studies, this article explores teamwork as a key component in the normative control of street-level bureaucrats within the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Based on extensive ethnographic research, the analysis demonstrates how teamwork functions as a subtle steering device in public management. The analysis identifies teams as: a) performative tools; b) cushioning structures; and c) “moral corsets” on caseworkers. By the seamless linking of vertical and horizontal governance mechanisms, teamwork was instrumental in achieving organizational targets, thereby changing the nature of casework and reducing caseworkers’ discretion. The findings call for more research on the normative shaping of caseworkers under new forms of public management.Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv</p

    Lokal arbetsmarknadspolitik med fokus pÄ autonomi och delaktighet : Ett brukarperspektiv pÄ Det stegvisa jobb- och kunskapslyftet

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    Inledning NĂ€r det gĂ€ller arbetsmarknadspolitik pĂ„ det kommunala planet, har det ofta funnits utrymme för profession och politik att skapa och utforma lokala program. UtgĂ„ngspunkterna har inte sĂ€llan varit ’innovativa idĂ©er’ i syfte att tillgodose flera behov samtidigt. SĂ€llan har verksamheterna vilat pĂ„ forskning och beprövad erfarenhet. Systematisk uppföljning och kunskap om programmens konsekvenser har lyst med sin frĂ„nvaro, sĂ„vĂ€l i termer av kvantitativt mĂ€tbara effekter (exempelvis antal som gĂ„r vidare till studier eller anstĂ€llning) som i termer av kvalitativa följder (exempelvis deltagares erfarenheter och upplevelser av programmen). Göteborgs stads och ARBVUX satsning pĂ„ Det stegvisa jobb- och kunskapslyftet Ă€r pĂ„ en och samma gĂ„ng ett lokalt innovativt arbetsmarknadspolitiskt program och ett försök att bygga in ett evidensbaserat utvecklingsarbete i befintlig kommunal struktur. Den del av Det stegvisa jobb- och kunskapslyftet som Ă€r analyserad i föreliggande rapport Ă€r vĂ„rdstegen. Den empiriska tonvikten ligger pĂ„ vĂ„rdstegens första trappsteg. En klass med 12 deltagare har följts under 2018, nĂ€r de befann sig pĂ„ det inledande traggsteg som Ă€r utbildningen till serviceassistent. Intervjuer med 10 av deltagarna och observationer i klassrummet utgör den empiriska basen, men analysen vilar ocksĂ„ pĂ„ intervjuer med lĂ€rare, mötesobservationer, intervjuer med kommunala tjĂ€nstepersoner och lĂ€sning av dokument. Analysen utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n deltagarnas erfarenheter och berĂ€ttelser samt ett antal empiriskt och teoretiskt grundande begrepp. Studiedesignen Ă€r pĂ„ det arbetsmarknadspolitiska fĂ€ltet metodologiskt nydanande. ForskningsfrĂ„gor och analytiska begreppHur upplever deltagarna programmet? har varit en grundlĂ€ggande frĂ„ga i forskningsprocessen. Valet av perspektiv; brukarperspektivet, vilar pĂ„ övertygelsen om att politik Ă€r praktik. VĂ„rt metodval Ă€r dĂ€rför en direkt följd av vĂ„rt perspektivval. De mĂ„l som Göteborgs stad formulerat i JĂ€mlikhetsrapporten (2017): jĂ€mlikhet, samhĂ€llelig delaktighet och minskade skillnader i livsvillkor, har varit viktiga ledstjĂ€rnor i arbetet. Som operationaliserade, teoretiskt förankrade mĂ„l har vi anvĂ€nt ett stĂ€rkt medborgarskap och ökad personlig autonomi. I ett andra analytiskt skede har vi stĂ€llt följande frĂ„ga till materialet: UtifrĂ„n deltagarnas perspektiv, leder Det stegvisa till ett stĂ€rkt medborgarskap och ökad personlig autonomi? Sammanfattande slutsatser Det enkla svaret pĂ„ frĂ„gan ovan Ă€r ja. TillgĂ„ngen till sociala rĂ€ttigheter, som sjukförsĂ€kring, stĂ€rks i och med att deltagarna byter status frĂ„n klient till anstĂ€lld. OcksĂ„ den personliga autonomin, definierad som möjligheten för medborgaren att i möjligaste mĂ„n leva sitt liv i enlighet med den egna planen, stĂ€rks i och med upplevelser av meningsfullhet och gemenskap och i övertygelsen om att utbildningen till serviceassistent ökar möjligheten till en fast anstĂ€llning och försörjning genom lön. Om vi dĂ€remot nyanserar det jakande svaret finns emellertid en rad försvĂ„rande omstĂ€ndigheter. Det rör för det första livserfarenheter, ofta svĂ„ra, som pĂ„verkar den nuvarande livssituationen för deltagarna och, för det andra, organisatoriska faktorer. De komplexa livssituationerna hindrar etablering pĂ„ den ordinarie arbetsmarknaden och försvĂ„rar en tĂ€nkt stegvis förflyttning inom Det stegvisa. Till de organisatoriska faktorerna hör bristande förankring av programmet pĂ„ de boenden dĂ€r deltagarna arbetar parallellt med sina studier, samt informationsbrist och oro inför en osĂ€ker framtid, eftersom tjĂ€nsten Ă€r tidsbegrĂ€nsad. Dessa omstĂ€ndigheter utgör hinder för autonomi och upplevelser av delaktighet hos deltagarna. I rapporten belyser vi Ă€ven problematiken med avsaknad av ett brukarperspektiv inom kommunal arbetsmarknadspolitik. Evidens kan aldrig uppnĂ„s utan mindre Ă€n att kunskapen frĂ„n de som berörs av en verksamhet tas tillvara och tillĂ„ts pĂ„verka policy och praktik. Som ett sĂ€tt att bĂ„de institutionalisera ett systematiskt tillvaratagande av brukarkunskap och lösa det empiriskt identifierade problemet med informationsbrist föreslĂ„r vi inrĂ€ttandet av en vĂ€gledningscentral. VĂ€gledningscentralen skulle kunna bli en plats dĂ€r deltagarna hade möjlighet att trĂ€ffa personal med kompetens att guida i frĂ„gor som rör utbildning, arbetsmarknad och de sociala trygghetssystemen. Samtidigt skulle deltagarnas synpunkter och erfarenheter tas tillvara pĂ„ vĂ€gledningscentralen. I kombination med de professionellas kunnande hade en kunskapsbas bildats i syfte att vĂ€gleda verksamhetsutvecklingen

    ”Det Ă€r klart de vet vad uppgivenhet betyder” : Kommunikation och sprĂ„k i vĂ„rd- och omsorgsutbildning pĂ„ komvux

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    This paper concerns the role of teachers as street level buerarucrats in Swedish vocational healthcare education for adult students. At the center of the analysis are the challenges related to policy implementation when many of the students are second language speakers and language and communication play a role. Policy documents provide the analysis with a normative framework. Interviews with teachers give the analysis its standpoint. As a societal context, the field of elderly care suffers from labour shortages with difficulties recruiting trained staff. Policy stakeholders place high expectation on adult care education to both supply the labour market with trained staff, and to contribute to a smooth integration of migrants into society. As a matter of fact, half of the students in Swedish adult vocational healthcare education are migrants and the majority of those who complete the education get employment within elderly care. Thus, healthcare teachers are incremental to the implementation of policies. In their role as street level bureaucrats, they use different strategies to handle the press transferring sometimes contradictory policies into practice in the direct encounters with students. The results stress the importance of communication and language in healthcare education – and in elderly care practice

    Individual need and societal claims : Challenging the understanding of universalism versus selectivism in social policy

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    In this article, we argue that basic social policy concepts can fertilise the discussion on active labour market policy (ALMP). During the last decades, research on ALMP has become a flourishing field. This is an overall positive development. However, the development tends to fractionate the wider picture of social policy and distance the discussion from social policy seen as a multifold set of government measures that have a direct impact on the welfare of the citizens, by providing services and/or income. We analyse a local ALMP programme in the light of three classical social policy concepts: universalism, selectivism and need. To understand what is going on in ALMP programmes, we argue that it is as important to uncover claims made by the state as it is to satisfy the human needs most often presented as the objectives of ALMP programmes. We propose that the programme under study be characterised as a hybrid, combining elements frequently perceived as dichotomies in social policy literature. Selectivism and universalism are both present as principles and the programme consists of benefits in cash and in kind

    Följsamhet som styrningsideal hos FörsÀkringskassan - ett hot mot rÀttssÀkerheten?

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    Baserad pĂ„ ett etnografisk studie av styrningen av handlĂ€ggarna inom sjukförsĂ€kringen reser denna debattartikel ett antal kritiska frĂ„gor om konsekvenserna av den informella styrningen inom myndigheten. I synnerhet pĂ„talas att följsamhetsnormen och duktighetskulturen inom FörsĂ€kringskassan riskerar hota – och inte stĂ€rka – rĂ€ttssĂ€kerheten