13 research outputs found

    Peut-on dire le monde ? Perception et narration dans les romans de Robert Menasse

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    Depuis les annĂ©es 90 on voit clairement se profiler dans la littĂ©rature germanophone une volontĂ© de s’opposer Ă  l’ancienne avant-garde devenue canon littĂ©raire et de dĂ©passer l’esthĂ©tique adornienne par un retour Ă  la narration. Lors des dĂ©bats sur la « Neue Deutsche Lesbarkeit », les conteurs, les narrateurs aux ambitions artistiques, l’avant-garde consacrĂ©e, tous, se disputaient la lĂ©gitimitĂ© littĂ©raire. L’un des programmes littĂ©raires les plus convaincants du moment, et qui a fait autoritĂ© Ă  l’encontre de plus d’un adepte de la « Neue Deutsche Lesbarkeit » est celui de Robert Menasse. Sa « trilogie en quatre volets », Die Trilogie der Entgeisterung, rĂ©actualise un « rĂ©alisme hermĂ©tique » inspirĂ© par Georg LukĂ cs et s’avĂšre ĂȘtre le rĂ©sultat d’une rĂ©flexion sur l’histoire littĂ©raire. Il s’oppose autant Ă  la nouvelle honorabilitĂ© littĂ©raire d’un simple divertissement vide de sens qu’au rĂ©alisme naĂŻf et au formalisme de l’avant-garde. C’est un credo littĂ©raire qui insiste sur la narration du monde contemporain, sans jamais renoncer aux exigences littĂ©raires et Ă  l’autonomie de l’art.In den 90er Jahren meldete sich im deutschen Sprachraum immer deutlicher eine junge Literatur jenseits der Adornoschen Ästhetik zu Wort, der es darum zu tun war, sich gegen die lĂ€ngst kanonisierte Avantgarde durchzusetzen. Zum Ausdruck kam dies beispielsweise in den Debatten rund um die « Neue Deutsche Lesbarkeit »: Geschichten-ErzĂ€hler, Narratoren mit Kunstanspruch und konsekrierte Avantgarde rangen in jenen Jahren um die literarische LegitimitĂ€t. Eines der ĂŒberzeugendsten literarischen Programme jener Jahre, dem dann im Gegensatz zu so manchem Vertreter der « Neuen Deutschen Lesbarkeit » auch tatsĂ€chlich der Durchbruch gelang, ist jenes von Robert Menasse. Seine vierbĂ€ndige Trilogie der Entgeisterung reaktiviert einen an LukĂ cs geschulten « hermetischen Realismus » und gibt sich als Resultat einer bewußten Auseinandersetzung mit der Geschichte des literarischen Feldes, die einem sinnentleerten postmodernen Unterhaltungsanspruch ebenso eine Absage erteilt wie einem abbildenden Realismus und einem avantgardistischen Formalismus. Das literarische Credo Menasses insistiert auf der ErzĂ€hlbarkeit der zeitgenössischen Welt, formuliert jedoch zugleich einen expliziten Kunstanspruch und beharrt auf dem Autonomiestatus der Literatur

    Site selection for biogenic reef restoration in offshore environments: The Natura 2000 area Borkum Reef Ground as a case study for native oyster restoration

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    1. According to the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC), marine protected areas (MPA) should contribute to a good environmental status of the Europeans seas. Measures maintaining or restoring a favourable conservation status of protected species and habitats are mandatory according to the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). 2. Identification of suitable sites for ecological restoration measures within MPAs is a crucial step towards successful conservation and sustainable MPA management. In terms of species restoration, it is important to restore the respective species with the best possible environment for growth, survival, fitness, and successful recruitment. 3. This study provides a comprehensive list of site-selection criteria for ecological species restoration. Three general categories were chosen: (1) ecological history: evidence for the historical distribution; (2) feasibility of restoration: regulating framework and logistics; and (3) environmental conditions: quality of abiotic and biotic factors. A total of 16 site-selection criteria were identified and applied to biogenic reef restoration, namely for reefs of the native European oyster Ostrea edulis, in the German Bight. 4. The Natura 2000 area Borkum Reef Ground was identified as a suitable site for oyster restoration. It is one of three MPAs in the German Exclusive Economic Zone of the North Sea, which have been declared as Nature Conservation Areas according to national legislation. The conservation objectives include maintenance or, if necessary, restoration of the habitat type ‘reefs’. As a reef-building species, the European oyster O. edulis is of particular importance for this habitat type in terms of nature conservation

    Apocalypse hégélienne. La fin des temps dans la Trilogie Viennoise de Robert Menasse

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    Holler Verena. Apocalypse hĂ©gĂ©lienne. La fin des temps dans la Trilogie Viennoise de Robert Menasse. In: Cahiers d'Études Germaniques, numĂ©ro 51, 2006/1. Visions de la fin des temps. L’apocalypse au XXe siĂšcle. Discours et reprĂ©sentations. pp. 203-216

    Autonomie und Heteronomie - das Profane und das Kulturelle : Überlegungen zum österreichischen Literaturbetrieb der letzten Jahre

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    Das Etikett "österreichische Literatur" scheint nach wie vor fĂŒr jene AutorInnen reserviert, die den autonomen Pol des österreichischen Feldes seit den 1970er Jahren dominieren. Junge AutorInnen, die sich von dieser dominierenden Position dezidiert abgrenzen, haben inzwischen zwar auch hierzulande auf sich aufmerksam gemacht, es ist ihnen jedoch nach wie vor nicht gelungen, die Umrisse des Markenzeichens "österreichische Literatur" mit den Grenzen ihrer literarischen Universen in Einklang zu bringen. Und dies, obwohl dieses vormalige QualitĂ€tssiegel außerhalb des österreichischen Literaturbetriebs mittlerweile nicht mehr zwangslĂ€ufig als Garant wahrer Kunst gilt. Um den Renommeeverlust der einstigen Avantgarde außerhalb Österreichs einerseits sowie die bislang nur beschrĂ€nkt erfolgreichen Durchsetzungsversuche eines Teils der jungen österreichischen Literatur andererseits nachzuzeichnen, sei hier zu einem kurzen, literatursoziologischen Spaziergang in die jĂŒngste Geschichte des deutschen und österreichischen Feldes eingeladen

    Promenade dans les faubourgs de la modernitĂ© viennoise. Josefine Mutzenbacher, l’amour et le dĂ©sir

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    Holler Verena. Promenade dans les faubourgs de la modernitĂ© viennoise. Josefine Mutzenbacher, l’amour et le dĂ©sir. In: Cahiers d'Études Germaniques, numĂ©ro 50, 2006/1. L'amour autour de 1900. Actes du colloque international Aix-en-Provence, 3, 4 et 5 mars 2005. pp. 241-255

    Diagnosis of hepatic veno-occlusive disease by plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 plasma antigen levels: a prospective analysis in 350 allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell recipients

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    BACKGROUND: Veno-occlusive disease (VOD) is one of the most serious complications following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and is associated with a high mortality. We conducted a large trial in order to investigate the value of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) plasma antigen levels in VOD patients as PAI-1 has been described as a possible diagnostic marker of VOD. METHODS: In all, 350 stem cell recipients were included in our study. PAI-1 levels were analyzed prior to conditioning therapy and then weekly until eight weeks after HSCT. Transplantation-related complications (TRC) including VOD, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA), and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) were recorded weekly throughout the study. RESULTS: Maximum PAI-1 antigen levels were increased in all patients with VOD (n=15; mean 248 ng/ml; 95% CI 183-314 ng/ml). Maximum PAI-1 levels above 120 ng/ml showed a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 30.6% for VOD after HSCT. CONCLUSION: Our study underlines that maximum PAI-1 plasma antigen levels not exceeding 120 ng/ml have a strong negative predictive value in the diagnosis of VOD and thus represent a helpful non-invasive tool for exclusion of VOD after HSCT

    Defibrotide: an endothelium protecting and stabilizing drug, has an anti-angiogenic potential in vitro and in vivo

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    Defibrotide (DF) is a polydisperse mixture of 90% single-stranded oligonucleotides with anti-thrombotic and anti-apoptotic functions. DF is used in the treatment of endothelial complications in the course of allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Recent preclinical evidence suggests that DF might also have anti-neoplastic properties. In the present study we hypothesized that DF might inhibit tumors via an anti-angiogenic effect. The anti-angiogenic potential of DF was tested in vitro using human microvascular endothelial cells forming vessel structures across a layer of dermal fibroblasts. Our results show that pharmacologic DF concentrations (100 mug/ml) significantly reduced vessel formation in this assay. Similarly, DF blocked sprouting from cultured rat aortic rings. In vivo, angiogenesis in a human gastric tumor (TMK1) implanted in dorsal skin-fold chambers (in nude mice) was inhibited by i.v. application of 450 mg/kg DF. Notably, due to its short half-life, DF was most effective when given on a daily basis. Although the precise mechanism of DF remains to be elucidated, initial Western blots show that DF reduces phosphorylation-activation of p70S6 kinase, which is a key target in the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway linked to endothelial cell and pericyte proliferation and activation. However, in vitro data suggest that DF acts independently of vascular endothelial growth factor. Taken together, our data suggest that while DF is known for its endothelium-protecting function in SCT, it also inhibits formation of new blood vessels, and thus should be considered for further testing as an adjuvant anti-cancer agent, either alone, or in combination with other drugs

    Frey's syndrome after superficial parotidectomy: role of the sternocleidomastoid muscle flap: a prospective nonrandomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of Frey's syndrome (FS) after superficial parotidectomy in correlation to the sternocleidomastoid muscle flap (SCMMF) interposition is analyzed. METHODS: A prospective nonrandomized controlled multicenter trial included 130 patients. During superficial parotidectomy, SCMMF was dissected, if excised specimens' volume exceeded 25 mL (SCMMF group). Follow-up examinations took place after 6, 12, and 24 months and included a Minor's test. RESULTS: SCMMF was dissected in 30 (23.1%) patients. A total of 104, 80, and 68 patients completed the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd follow-up, respectively. FS was detectable with nonvarying prevalence (46.3%, 45.6%, and 43.4%, respectively) during follow-up. The prevalence was higher in the SCMMF group (59.9%) than in the non-SCMMF group (41.8%; P = .92). The sweating area increased during follow-up (P = .12). Overall, 89.5% of patients characterized FS as not disturbing after 2 years. CONCLUSIONS: FS occurred with a steady and high prevalence after superficial parotidectomy. In particular, SCMMF did not lower the risk of FS. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved