1,707 research outputs found

    Eyebrow movements as signals of communicative problems in human face-to-face interaction

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    Repair is a core building block of human communication, allowing us to address problems of understanding in conversation. Past research has uncovered the basic mechanisms by which interactants signal and solve such problems. However, the focus has been on verbal interaction, neglecting the fact that human communication is inherently multimodal. Here, we focus on a visual signal particularly prevalent in signaling problems of understanding: eyebrow frowns and raises. We present a corpus study showing that verbal repair initiations with eyebrow furrows are more likely to be responded to with clarifications as repair solutions, repair initiations that were preceded by eyebrow actions as preliminaries get repaired faster (around 230 ms), and eyebrow furrows alone can be sufficient to occasion clarification. We also present an experiment based on virtual reality technology, revealing that addressees’ eyebrow frowns have a striking effect on speakers’ speech, leading them to produce answers to questions several seconds longer than when not perceiving addressee eyebrow furrows. Together, the findings demonstrate that eyebrow movements play a communicative role in initiating repair in spoken language rather than being merely epiphenomenal. Thus, they should be considered as core coordination devices in human conversational interaction

    The Inverse Shapley Value Problem

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    For ff a weighted voting scheme used by nn voters to choose between two candidates, the nn \emph{Shapley-Shubik Indices} (or {\em Shapley values}) of ff provide a measure of how much control each voter can exert over the overall outcome of the vote. Shapley-Shubik indices were introduced by Lloyd Shapley and Martin Shubik in 1954 \cite{SS54} and are widely studied in social choice theory as a measure of the "influence" of voters. The \emph{Inverse Shapley Value Problem} is the problem of designing a weighted voting scheme which (approximately) achieves a desired input vector of values for the Shapley-Shubik indices. Despite much interest in this problem no provably correct and efficient algorithm was known prior to our work. We give the first efficient algorithm with provable performance guarantees for the Inverse Shapley Value Problem. For any constant \eps > 0 our algorithm runs in fixed poly(n)(n) time (the degree of the polynomial is independent of \eps) and has the following performance guarantee: given as input a vector of desired Shapley values, if any "reasonable" weighted voting scheme (roughly, one in which the threshold is not too skewed) approximately matches the desired vector of values to within some small error, then our algorithm explicitly outputs a weighted voting scheme that achieves this vector of Shapley values to within error \eps. If there is a "reasonable" voting scheme in which all voting weights are integers at most \poly(n) that approximately achieves the desired Shapley values, then our algorithm runs in time \poly(n) and outputs a weighted voting scheme that achieves the target vector of Shapley values to within error $\eps=n^{-1/8}.

    The Role of Hypothyroidism in the Etiology and Progression of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Doberman Pinschers

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    Background: Hypothyroidism and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) are both common diseases in Doberman Pinschers. A possible influence of hypothyroidism on the etiology and progression of DCM is controversial. Objectives: Evaluation of the role of hypothyroidism in etiology and progression of DCM. Animals: A total of 175 Doberman Pinschers. Methods: In this longitudinal prospective study, echocardiography and 24-hour ambulatory ECG recordings were performed in all dogs as screening tests for DCM. Total thyroxine (TT4) and thyroid ultrasonography served as initial screening tests for hypothyroidism and low TT4 values were followed up by a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test or free total thyroxine (fT4)/cTSH measurements. Additionally, a follow-up study of dogs affected by both DCM and hypothyroidism under optimal treatment for hypothyroidism was conducted. Results: A total of 107 dogs were healthy, 45 dogs had DCM, 11 hypothyroidism, and 12 dogs had both DCM and hypothyroidism. TT4 values as well as the thyroid volumes were equivalent in the healthy dogs and in those with DCM. Neither ventricular premature complexes nor echocardiographic parameters differed between healthy and hypothyroid dogs. Dogs with DCM had a 2.26-fold (CI0.95 = 1.1–4.8) higher risk of also being affected by hypothyroidism. Despite optimal thyroid treatment of dogs with hypothyroidism and DCM, there was a progression of the heart disease. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: This study did not confirm a role of hypothyroidism in the etiology or progression of DCM. Treatment of hypothyroidism did not improve the clinical outcome

    The Role of Hypothyroidism in the Etiology and Progression of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Doberman Pinschers

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    Background: Hypothyroidism and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) are both common diseases in Doberman Pinschers. A possible influence of hypothyroidism on the etiology and progression of DCM is controversial. Objectives: Evaluation of the role of hypothyroidism in etiology and progression of DCM. Animals: A total of 175 Doberman Pinschers. Methods: In this longitudinal prospective study, echocardiography and 24-hour ambulatory ECG recordings were performed in all dogs as screening tests for DCM. Total thyroxine (TT4) and thyroid ultrasonography served as initial screening tests for hypothyroidism and low TT4 values were followed up by a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test or free total thyroxine (fT4)/cTSH measurements. Additionally, a follow-up study of dogs affected by both DCM and hypothyroidism under optimal treatment for hypothyroidism was conducted. Results: A total of 107 dogs were healthy, 45 dogs had DCM, 11 hypothyroidism, and 12 dogs had both DCM and hypothyroidism. TT4 values as well as the thyroid volumes were equivalent in the healthy dogs and in those with DCM. Neither ventricular premature complexes nor echocardiographic parameters differed between healthy and hypothyroid dogs. Dogs with DCM had a 2.26-fold (CI0.95 = 1.1–4.8) higher risk of also being affected by hypothyroidism. Despite optimal thyroid treatment of dogs with hypothyroidism and DCM, there was a progression of the heart disease. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: This study did not confirm a role of hypothyroidism in the etiology or progression of DCM. Treatment of hypothyroidism did not improve the clinical outcome

    The influence of gaze direction on the comprehension of speech and gesture in triadic communication

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    Human face-to-face communication is a multi-modal activity. Recent research has shown that, during comprehension, recipients integrate information from speech with that contained in co-speech gestures (e.g., Kelly et al., 2010). The current studies take this research one step further by investigating the influence of another modality, namely eye gaze, on speech and gesture comprehension, to advance our understanding of language processing in more situated contexts. In spite of the large body of literature on processing of eye gaze, very few studies have investigated its processing in the context of communication (but see, e.g., Staudte & Crocker, 2011 for an exception). In two studies we simulated a triadic communication context in which a speaker alternated their gaze between our participant and another (alleged) participant. Participants thus viewed speech-only or speech + gesture utterances either in the role of addressee (direct gaze) or in the role of unaddressed recipient (averted gaze). In Study 1, participants (N = 32) viewed video-clips of a speaker producing speech-only (e.g. “she trained the horse”) or speech+gesture utterances conveying complementary information (e.g. “she trained the horse”+WHIPPING gesture). Participants were asked to judge whether a word displayed on screen after each video-clip matched what the speaker said or not. In half of the cases, the word matched a previously uttered word, requiring a “yes” answer. In all other cases, the word matched the meaning of the gesture the actor had performed, thus requiring a ‘no’ answer

    Spectral signature of short attosecond pulse trains

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    We report experimental measurements of high-order harmonic spectra generated in Ar using a carrier-envelope-offset (CEO) stabilized 12 fs, 800nm laser field and a fraction (less than 10%) of its second harmonic. Additional spectral peaks are observed between the harmonic peaks, which are due to interferences between multiple pulses in the train. The position of these peaks varies with the CEO and their number is directly related to the number of pulses in the train. An analytical model, as well as numerical simulations, support our interpretation

    Observations of the Crab Nebula with H.E.S.S. Phase II

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    The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) phase I instrument was an array of four 100 m2100\,\mathrm{m}^2 mirror area Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) that has very successfully mapped the sky at photon energies above ∌100 \sim 100\,GeV. Recently, a 600 m2600\,\mathrm{m}^2 telescope was added to the centre of the existing array, which can be operated either in standalone mode or jointly with the four smaller telescopes. The large telescope lowers the energy threshold for gamma-ray observations to several tens of GeV, making the array sensitive at energies where the Fermi-LAT instrument runs out of statistics. At the same time, the new telescope makes the H.E.S.S. phase II instrument. This is the first hybrid IACT array, as it operates telescopes of different size (and hence different trigger rates) and different field of view. In this contribution we present results of H.E.S.S. phase II observations of the Crab Nebula, compare them to earlier observations, and evaluate the performance of the new instrument with Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherland

    Synthesizing Program Input Grammars

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    We present an algorithm for synthesizing a context-free grammar encoding the language of valid program inputs from a set of input examples and blackbox access to the program. Our algorithm addresses shortcomings of existing grammar inference algorithms, which both severely overgeneralize and are prohibitively slow. Our implementation, GLADE, leverages the grammar synthesized by our algorithm to fuzz test programs with structured inputs. We show that GLADE substantially increases the incremental coverage on valid inputs compared to two baseline fuzzers

    Dynamic Many-Body Theory. II. Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Fermi Fluids

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    We develop a systematic theory of multi-particle excitations in strongly interacting Fermi systems. Our work is the generalization of the time-honored work by Jackson, Feenberg, and Campbell for bosons, that provides, in its most advanced implementation, quantitative predictions for the dynamic structure function in the whole experimentally accessible energy/momentum regime. Our view is that the same physical effects -- namely fluctuations of the wave function at an atomic length scale -- are responsible for the correct energetics of the excitations in both Bose and Fermi fluids. Besides a comprehensive derivation of the fermion version of the theory and discussion of the approximations made, we present results for homogeneous He-3 and electrons in three dimensions. We find indeed a significant lowering of the zero sound mode in He-3 and a broadening of the collective mode due to the coupling to particle-hole excitations in good agreement with experiments. The most visible effect in electronic systems is the appearance of a ``double-plasmon'' excitation.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.
