496 research outputs found

    Feeding a Novel Trace Mineral at Lower Levels to Grazing Stocker Cattle Does Not Impair Performance

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    When grazing stocker cattle on native Flint Hills pasture, optimizing growth rate is important in determining overall profitability. The correct selection of mineral supplements is an important decision that can be used to help promote overall productivity during a grazing season

    Evaluation of Trace Mineral Sources on Newly Arrived Stocker Cattle

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    Light weight stocker calves experience variable degrees of physiological and psychological stressors as they are assembled from various marketing points and transported to their destination. Susceptibility to disease in young, long hauled calves is greatly enhanced and the consequence of sickness is a major cause for poor production outcomes. Enhanced nutritional trace mineral programs that contain zinc, copper, and manganese from organic or hydroxy sources may be more efficacious as a means of minimizing disease or realizing improved performance than the sulfate form of these respective trace minerals

    Receiving Stocker Cattle Performance is Similar With Either Corn or Sorghum Wet Distillers Grains

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    Distillers grains are an excellent energy and protein feed source for beef cattle. Corn distillers grains have been fed to beef cattle for many years, but sorghum distillers grains are becoming more popular and may be more cost effective than corn. Sorghum is very comparable to corn in terms of energy, but has a higher crude protein value. All distillers grains are available in a wet and dry form. The moist texture of wet distillers grains can help to reduce sorting at the bunk and appears to improve intake in young calves. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of corn and sorghum wet distillers grains on performance and digestibility of receiving stocker calves

    Zelnate on Arrival Could Decrease the Likelihood of Subsequent Pulls in Suspect Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex Cases

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    Antimicrobial metaphylaxis is an important tool used for the prevention of Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex; a disease with a large economic impact that typically affects newly-weaned beef calves that are marketed and transported a distance from their origin. There are questions involving the potential benefit of Zelnate, a novel non-antibiotic technology designed to activate an animal’s natural immunity to fight Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex, being used either solely or in combination with metaphylaxis at the time of initial processing of high risk calves. More knowledge is also needed regarding the possible effects of repeated use of Zelnate when subsequent therapy is required in individual Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex cases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Zelnate when used as part of an antimicrobial metaphylaxis treatment or when used in combination with an antibiotic when a calf is diagnosed with Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex

    Horn Fly Control and Growth Implants are Effective Strategies for Heifers Grazing Flint Hills Pasture

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    Horn flies (Haematobia irritans (L.)) are considered the most important external parasite that negatively affects pasture-based beef systems with losses estimated to exceed $1 billion annually to the U.S. beef industry. Control strategies have relied heavily on insecticide applications to control horn flies and are implemented when the economic threshold of 200 flies/animal have been exceeded. When horn fly populations are maintained below 200 flies/animal by treating them with insecticides then the level of stress annoyance behaviors such as leg stomping, head throwing, and skin twitching decreases while grazing increases. While most stocker operators utilize some type of fly control these are rarely used as a single pharmaceutical technology to aid in performance of the animals. Additional pharmaceutical technologies are utilized in combination of others, with the use of de-wormers and implants showing the largest impact with performance of stockers. The objective of this study was to compare a commercial injectable insecticide, LongRange, to an insecticidal ear tag for horn fly control and determine the impact of weight performance on stockers when fly control technologies were used in combination with implants versus no implants

    Evaluation of Calcium Hydroxide-Treated Stover (Second Crop) in Receiving and Growing Diets and Effects on Cattle Performance

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    Production of ethanol from corn as an alternative fuel source has significantly affected the pricing landscape for corn as an energy source for livestock. As ethanol usage has become more prevalent, corn prices have become more volatile, especially in critical corn-growing areas that have been affected by drought. Consequently, many beef cattle feeders have become interested in alternative energy sources in an effort to control cost of gain. Second Crop (ADM Corp., Decatur, IL) is a process in which calcium hydroxide is added to fibrous crop residues, such as wheat straw and corn stover. When applied to low-quality roughages, calcium hydroxide disrupts the chemical bonds between lignin and hemicellulose, thus improving digestibility of the fiber by ruminal microbes. Treatment of low-quality forage with the Second Crop process could improve the energy value of forages, effectively decreasing reliance on cereal grains as sources of supplemental energy

    Route of Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida Vaccine Administration Does Not Affect Health or Performance of Receiving Heifers

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    Light weight stocker calves often experience health problems shortly after arrival to feeding facilities. Preventative health programs are routinely administered to calves upon arrival to reduce the incidence of Bovine Respiratory Disease. The major route of vaccine administration in cattle is via injection through either intramuscular or subcutaneous routes. Several products have been introduced that utilize the intranasal route of vaccine administration. There are several reasons why intranasal vaccine administration may be more beneficial: 1) Intranasal vaccine administration alleviates concerns that injections pose for Beef Quality Assurance programs. 2) Intranasal vaccine administration may be less stressful on the animal. 3) Intranasal vaccine administration delivers the vaccine to the site of infection in the case of respiratory pathogens, and may provide a different adaptive immune response to the vaccine. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of route of administration of the Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida fractions of the vaccine regimen on receiving cattle growth performance, health, and mortality

    Smartamine M Supplementation Reduces Inflammation but Does Not Affect Performance in Receiving Beef Heifers

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    Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the ability of supplemental methionine to improve health, inflammation status, and performance of receiving cattle. Study Description: A group of 384 crossbred heifers (initial weight 489 lb) of Tennessee origin were used in a 45-day receiving trial with limit-feeding to evaluate the effects of supplemental methionine (Smartamine M; Adisseo, Alpharetta, GA) on health, inflammation, and performance. Cattle received either 0 (control) or 10 grams/day Smartamine M, a ruminally protected methionine product. Plasma haptoglobin levels measured on days 0, 14, and 45 were used as a biomarker of inflammation. The Bottom Line: Supplemental methionine supplied by Smartamine M does not improve performance but reduces inflammation and possibly improves immune function in receiving heifers

    Effects of Limit Feeding Cold Stressed Growing Calves in the Morning Versus the Evening, as well as Bunk Line Sharing on Performance

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    Objective: To determine the response of cold stressed growing calves to being fed in the evening instead of morning hours, as well as the effect of bunk line sharing. Study Description: Crossbred steers (n = 360) of Texas, Oklahoma, and Idaho origin were blocked by weight into four size groups and randomly assigned to pens, which were randomly allocated to one of five treatments. All steers received a diet formulated to provide 60 Mcal net energy for gain/100 lb of dry matter and were limit fed with a target of 2.0% of their body weight in dry matter intake. Treatments consisted of being fed in the morning (AM), in the evening (PM), fed half of their feed in the morning and half in the evening (50/50), and two treatments that allowed cattle to be fed in the same pen yet were rotated twice daily utilizing a holding pen, allowing for half of the calves to be fed in the morning (Shuttle AM) and half to be fed in the evening (Shuttle PM), doubling the use of the pen and bunk line. The steers were fed for 77 days and individual animal weights were taken on day -1 (allocation), day 0 (initial processing), day 64/65 (blood sampling), and day 77 (final weights). Plasma glucose was obtained individually on day 64 and 65, and pen weights were collected on days 0, 21, 28, 35, 56, 63, 70, and 77. The Bottom Line: When limit feeding cold stressed growing calves, neither shifting from morning feed delivery to evening feed delivery, nor bunk line sharing signifi­cantly improves the efficiency of feed conversion