28 research outputs found

    FEKETEHÁZY Jånos életpålyåja: The Career of Jånos FEKETEHÁZY / Carera lui Jånos FEKETEHÁZY

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    This paper shows the life and work of engineer JĂĄnos FeketehĂĄzy, an outstanding personality of the late 19th century in building rail and road bridges in Hungary. Noted among the railway bridges are the ones on the Tisza at Szolnok and Poroszlo; and on the Danube at Baja. He also designed the road bridge on the Tisza at Szeged, the bridges of KomĂĄrom (ErzsĂ©bet-hĂ­d = Elizabeth Bridge) and the SzabadsĂĄg-hĂ­d (Liberty Bridge) in Budapest over the Danube among others. Some elements of civil construction, such as the roof of the "Keleti pĂĄlyaudvar" (Eastern Railway Station) also in Budapest shall also be attributed to him. We owe him a series of remarkable technical innovations in the field. Rezumat Lucraea prezintă viața și opera inginerului JĂĄnos FeketehĂĄzy, o personalitate de excepție a sfĂąrșitului secolului 19. Ăźn domeniul construcției podurilor feroviare și rutiere din Ungaria. Dintre podurile feroviare se remarcă cele de pe Tisa la Szolnok și PoroszlĂł, sau cea de pe Dunărea de la Baja. Tot el a proiectat podul rutier de pe Tisa de la Szeged (Seghedin), podurile de pe Dunărea de la KomĂĄrom (ErzsĂ©bet-hĂ­d = Podul Elisabeta) și SzabadsĂĄg-hĂ­d (Podul Libertății) din Budapesta, dar și altele. I-se atribuie și cĂąteva elemente de construcții civile, cum este acoperișul gării Keleti pțlyaudvar (Gara de Est) tot din Budapesta. Îi datorăm și o serie de inovații tehnice remarcabile Ăźn domeniu

    Ki volt a BudavĂĄri AlagĂșt tervezƑje? Who was the designer of the BudavĂĄr Tunnel? / Cine a proiectat tunelul BudavĂĄr?

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    For the citizens the functionality of engineering constructions is more important than the identity of their designer. But who is the creator of an engineering construction? Is it the designer or the person who makes the plan, the intellectual work transformed into drawings, become reality? In fact, both of them are creators, but the plan is always a pre-condition of the building. The important question is whose name is remembered by the coming generations?Few people know that the designer of the Eiffel Tower (built in 1888-89) was not engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) as many believe, but a young Alsatian-Swiss engineer working in the Eiffel Engineering Office, called Maurice Koechlin (1856-1946). He got his degree at the Zurich technical university, just as JĂĄnos FeketehĂĄzy who designed the majority of Hungary's bridges. FeketehĂĄzy was the designer of the Szeged downtown bridge as well, which was believed to be an Eiffel-design by the citizens for half a century, but he also designed the huge industrial complex in Budapest-KƑbĂĄnya which is known today as Eiffel-Hall, utilized by the Hungarian State Opera.According to many professional books on the topic, the Buda Castle Tunnel was built as the continuation of the SzĂ©chenyi Chain Bridge's track to make the Budapest-DĂ©li railway station in KrisztinavĂĄros (in Buda) easily accessible for anyone travelling from the Pest-side of the city. We know that the designer of the Chain Bridge (plans made in 1838-39) was the English engineer William Tierney Clark (1783-1852) and the construction works (cofferdam construction from 1839, bridge construction in 1842-49) were led by the Scottish engineer Adam Clark (1811-1866). We also know that after handing over the bridge to the public, Adam Clark returned to London, then after the construction of a few more bridges (Pirna, Leitmeritz, Wien) he settled down in Hungary. His last big work was the construction of the Buda Castle Tunnel (handed over on 30th April, 1857), to which the construction plans were also made by himself. But can we consider him as the designer of the Buda Castle Tunnel? Both of the above assumptions are incorrect.The plan of the tunnel preceded not just the start of the first Hungarian railway line (test run: 10 November 1845, between Pest-RĂĄkospalota, start of passenger traffic: 17 July 1847 on the Pest-VĂĄc line), but also the construction plans of the Chain Bridge and the start of the passenger traffic on the bridge as well (20 November 1849).But who was the real designer then if not the person who made the construction plans based on the earlier approved plans? The answer is not simple and not unambiguous since the coming generations forgot about the identity of the real designer and gave this tile to Adam Clark. We try to explore the precedents and the names connected to the different plan versions, but in the end, considering that several plan versions became known, we have to admit that the constructor is to be thanked for the final form of the construction, irrespective of the authors of the plan concepts. Rezumat Pentru persoanele care folosesc lucrări de inginerie, relevanța acestora este importantă și mai puțin creatorul. Dar cine este creatorul unei structuri? Este proiectantul sau persoana care implementează planul? De fapt, ambele sunt, dar existența acestuia din urmă este condiționată de existența primului. Dar numele căreia se păstrează pentru posteritate? Puțini oameni știu că proiectantul turnului Eiffel (construit Ăźn 1888-89), contrar credinței populare, nu a fost Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (1832–1923), un antreprenor Ăźn construcții, ci un tĂąnăr inginer alsacian-elvețian care lucra pentru Eiffel, Maurice Koechlin (1856–1946), care a absolvit aceeași Universitate Tehnică din Zurich ca JĂĄnos FeketehĂĄzy, care a proiectat cele mai multe poduri Ăźn Ungaria. Știm că a proiectat și podul din centrul orașului Szeged, despre care populația crezuse timp de jumătate de secol că este planul lui Eiffel, precum a construit și imensul complex industrial de hale din Budapesta-KƑbĂĄnya, care astăzi este folosit de Opera de Maghiară se Stat ca Sala Eiffel. Conform mai multor cărți tehnice, tunelul BudavĂĄr a fost construit ca o continuare a podului SzĂ©chenyi pentru a oferi acces rapid din partea Pest la Gara de Sud din Buda. Știm că podul cu lanțuri (1838–1839) a fost proiectat de William Tierney Clark (1783–1852), un inginer englez, și construcția (construcția barajului din 1839, construcția podului 1842–49) de către inginerul scoțian Adam Clark (1811–1866). Știm că Adam Clark s-a Ăźntors la Londra după intrarea Ăźn funcțiune a  podului, dar după construirea unor poduri (Pirna, Leitmeritz, Viena) s-a instalat Ăźn Ungaria, iar ultima sa lucrare importantă a fost construcția tunelului BudavĂĄr (inaugurată la 30 aprilie 1857). Dar poate fi considerat cu adevărat drept designerul tunelului BudavĂĄr? Ambele ipoteze de mai sus sunt incorecte.Proiectarea tunelului a precedat timp de mai mulți ani prima linie feroviară maghiară (testul Ăźntre Pest-RĂĄkospalota la 10 noiembrie 1845, Ăźnceperea traficului de pasageri pe linia Pest-VĂĄc la 17 iulie 1847), dar bineĂźnțeles și planificarea efectivă a podului cu lanțuri și Ăźnceputul traficului (20 noiembrie 1849). Dar cine a avut concepția, deoarece Ăźn mod evident nu a aparținut persoanei care a pregătit mai tĂąrziu planurile de realizare pe baza planurilor aprobate anterior? Răspunsul nu este simplu și lipsit de ambiguitate, ĂźntrucĂąt posteritatea nu a păstrat niciun nume Ăźn calitate de designer și a acordat acest titlu lui Adam Clark. Încercăm să descoperim numele persoanelor care pot fi atribuite variantelor de plan și, Ăźn sfĂąrșit, recunoaștem că forma finală, indiferent de autorul conceptelor de plan, se datorează implementatorului. Kivonat A mĂ©rnöki alkotĂĄsokat hasznĂĄlĂł lakossĂĄg szĂĄmĂĄra annak megfelelƑsĂ©ge a fontos Ă©s kevĂ©sbĂ© Ă©rdekes az alkotĂł szemĂ©lye. De ki egy Ă©pĂ­tmĂ©ny alkotĂłja? A tervezƑ, vagy az, aki a tervet, a rajzokba transzformĂĄlt szellemi alkotĂĄst a gyakorlatban megvalĂłsĂ­tja? ValĂłjĂĄban mindkettƑ, de az utĂłbbi lĂ©tezĂ©sĂ©nek feltĂ©tele az elƑbbi meglĂ©te. De mĂ©gis kinek a nevĂ©t Ƒrzi meg az utĂłkor?KevĂ©s ember tudja, hogy az Eiffel torony (Ă©pĂŒlt 1888–89-ben) tervezƑje a közhiedelemmel ellentĂ©tben nem Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (1832–1923) mĂ©rnök, Ă©pĂ­tĂ©si vĂĄllalkozĂł volt, hanem egy, az Eiffel IrodĂĄban dolgozĂł ifjĂș elzĂĄszi-svĂĄjci mĂ©rnök, Maurice Koechlin (1856–1946), aki ugyanazon a ZĂŒrichi MƱszaki Egyetemen szerzett diplomĂĄt, mint a legtöbb magyarorszĂĄgi hidat tervezƑ FeketehĂĄzy JĂĄnos. RĂłla tudjuk, hogy azt a szegedi belvĂĄrosi hidat is Ƒ tervezte, amit fĂ©l Ă©vszĂĄzadon ĂĄt Eiffel-tervnek gondolt a lakossĂĄg Ă©s azt a hatalmas Budapest-KƑbĂĄnyĂĄn ĂĄllĂł ipari csarnok-komplexumot is, amit ma a Magyar Állami OperahĂĄz Eiffel-csarnok nĂ©ven hasznosĂ­t.Több szakkönyvben az olvashatĂł, hogy a BudavĂĄri AlagĂșt azĂ©rt Ă©pĂŒlt a SzĂ©chenyi LĂĄnchĂ­d nyomvonalĂĄnak folytatĂĄsakĂ©nt, hogy a pesti oldalrĂłl gyorsan elĂ©rhetƑ legyen a budai Krisztina-vĂĄrosban Ă©pĂŒlt DĂ©li pĂĄlyaudvar. Tudjuk, hogy a LĂĄnchĂ­d tervezƑje (terv 1838–1839) William Tierney Clark (1783–1852) angol mĂ©rnök volt Ă©s a kivitelezĂ©st (zĂĄrĂłgĂĄt Ă©pĂ­tĂ©se 1839-tƑl, hĂ­dĂ©pĂ­tĂ©s 1842–49) Adam Clark (1811–1866) skĂłt mĂ©rnök vezette. Tudjuk, hogy a hĂ­d hasznĂĄlatba vĂ©telĂ©t követƑen Adam Clark visszatĂ©rt Londonba, majd nĂ©hĂĄny hĂ­d (Pirna, Leitmeritz, BĂ©cs) megĂ©pĂ­tĂ©se utĂĄn MagyarorszĂĄgon telepedett le Ă©s utolsĂł nagy mƱve a BudavĂĄri AlagĂșt kivitelezĂ©se (ĂĄtadva 1857. ĂĄprilis 30-ĂĄn) volt, melyhez maga kĂ©szĂ­tett kiviteli (megvalĂłsulĂĄsi vagy realizĂĄciĂłs) tervrajzokat. De valĂłban Ƒ tekinthetƑ-e (az akkori nevĂ©n a budai VĂĄralagĂșt) tervezƑjĂ©nek? MindkĂ©t fentebbi feltĂ©telezĂ©s tĂ©ves.Az alagĂșt terve sok Ă©vvel megelƑzte az elsƑ magyarorszĂĄgi vasĂșt megindulĂĄsĂĄt (prĂłbaĂșt 1845. november 10. Pest-RĂĄkospalota között, Pest-VĂĄc vonalon a szemĂ©lyforgalom megindulĂĄsa 1847. jĂșlius 17-Ă©n), de a megvalĂłsult LĂĄnchĂ­d tĂ©nyleges tervezĂ©sĂ©t Ă©s termĂ©szetesen a LĂĄnchĂ­don a közĂști forgalom kezdetĂ©t (1849. november 20.) is.De kiĂ© volt a koncepciĂł, mivel nyilvĂĄn nem azĂ©, aki a korĂĄbban jĂłvĂĄhagyott tervek alapjĂĄn kĂ©sƑbb a kiviteli terveket kĂ©szĂ­tette? A vĂĄlasz nem egyszerƱ Ă©s nem egyĂ©rtelmƱ, mivel az utĂłkor köztudata nem Ƒrzött meg tervezƑkĂ©nt egy nevet sem, egyĂ©rtelmƱen ezt a cĂ­met Adam Clarknak ajĂĄndĂ©kozta. MegprĂłbĂĄljuk feltĂĄrni az elƑzmĂ©nyeket, a terv-vĂĄltozatokhoz rendelhetƑ neveket, vĂ©gĂŒl elismerjĂŒk, hogy mivel több tervvĂĄltozat vĂĄlt ismerttĂ©, a vĂ©gsƑ forma a tervkoncepciĂłk szerzƑsĂ©gĂ©tƑl fĂŒggetlenĂŒl a megvalĂłsĂ­tĂłnak köszönhetƑ.   &nbsp

    Új lehetƑsĂ©gek Ă©s elkĂ©pzelĂ©sek a vidĂ©kfejlesztĂ©sben Ă©s a fejlesztĂ©spolitikĂĄban

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    A vidĂ©kfejlesztĂ©si szakpolitika egyre inkĂĄbb felĂ©rtĂ©kelƑdik. Úgy gondoljuk, a vidĂ©kfejlesztĂ©st nem csak agrĂĄr-megközelĂ­tĂ©sbƑl kell szemlĂ©lni. Az EU komolyan veszi a vidĂ©ken Ă©lƑk problĂ©mĂĄit, Ă©s az Ă©letszĂ­nvonal növelĂ©sĂ©re törekszik. A KAP reformok segĂ­tenek a vidĂ©ki fejlesztĂ©spolitika tĂ©rnyerĂ©sĂ©ben Ă©s a vidĂ©k fejlƑdĂ©sĂ©nek gyors Ă©s pozitĂ­v vĂĄltozĂĄsĂĄban. Napjainkban globĂĄlis versenyrƑl beszĂ©lhetĂŒnk. Ennek jellemzƑi a következƑk: - a kereskedelem nemzetközivĂ© vĂĄlĂĄsa, - a termelĂ©s Ă©s a tƑkeĂĄramlĂĄs vilĂĄgmĂ©retƱ növekedĂ©se, - az innovĂĄciĂłs folyamatok globalizĂĄciĂłja. Lengyel (2003) szerint ezek a fƑ jellemzƑk, mely ismeretekkel helytĂĄllhatunk a globĂĄlis versenyben. Úgy gondoljuk, csak a tudĂĄsalapĂș tĂĄrsadalom fejlƑdĂ©si pĂĄlyĂĄjĂĄn lehetĂŒnk sikeresek. MagyarorszĂĄg fejlƑdĂ©se a termĂ©szeti erƑforrĂĄsok hasznĂĄlatĂĄra Ă©pĂŒl. A falusi termelĂ©s mellett az energetikai cĂ©lĂș termelĂ©s, valamint az integrĂĄlt Ă©s az ökolĂłgiai gazdĂĄlkodĂĄs is elkĂ©pzelhetƑ. Indokolt a zöldsĂ©g-gyĂŒmölcs termelĂ©s Ă©s az ĂĄllattenyĂ©sztĂ©s fejlesztĂ©se. Nagyon fontos a foglalkoztatĂĄs növelĂ©se Ă©s a nĂ©pessĂ©gmegtartĂĄs. A vidĂ©kfejlesztĂ©s szerepe tĂ©rben Ă©s idƑben vĂĄltozĂł. A vĂĄltozĂĄsok ĂĄttekintĂ©se fontos, hogy az ismeretek birtokĂĄban a vidĂ©ki terĂŒletek fejlƑdĂ©se nagyobb lendĂŒlettel folytatĂłdjon. A versenykĂ©pessĂ©gre hatĂł tĂ©nyezƑket sok szerzƑ elemezte. EmlĂ­thetƑ Csath (2019), SzƱcs – Marselek (2019), ChikĂĄn A. (2017), HollĂł – Marselek (2016) munkĂĄssĂĄga. A falvak fejlesztĂ©se sorĂĄn fontos szempontokat kell figyelembe venni. Rövid ĂĄttekintĂ©sĂŒnkben csak nĂ©hĂĄny, a kutatĂĄssal összefĂŒggƑ terĂŒletre utalunk. Ilyenek pl.: a földhasznĂĄlat kĂ©rdĂ©se, a mezƑ- Ă©s vidĂ©kgazdasĂĄg helyzete, az agrĂĄr-versenykĂ©pessĂ©g, a környezetvĂ©delem, az öntözĂ©s Ă©s vĂ­zvĂ©delem, a zöld gazdasĂĄg Ă©s a körforgĂĄsos gazdasĂĄg

    Synthesis, physico-chemical characterization and bacteriostatic study of Pt complexes with substituted amine ligands

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    Three complexes of general formula PtCl2R2 were synthesized, where R is the amine ligand with aromatic substituents. Coordination compounds [Pt(an)2Cl2] (1), [Pt(pa)2Cl2] (2) and [Pt(aph)2Cl2] (3), where an = 2-aminonaphthalene, pa = 2-aminopyrimidine, aph = 4-anilinophenol, were characterized by on-line coupled TG/DTA-MS, powder XRD and spectroscopic techniques (FTIR, ESI–MS and NMR), and tested against selected Gram(+) and Gram(–) bacteria. The thermal data show that all three compounds contain lattice or absorbed water, and the stability of the anhydrous compounds in nitrogen decreases in the order 2 > 1 > 3. Above 200 °C, the complexes loose characteristic fragments of their ligands. The spectroscopic data are in accordance with the thermal properties of the samples and prove their composition. The compounds are more effective inhibitors of Gram(+) than Gram(−) bacteria. © 2016 AkadĂ©miai KiadĂł, Budapest, Hungar

    Significant improvement in melanoma survival over the last decade: A Hungarian nationwide study between 2011 and 2019

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    Recent real-world studies have reported significant improvements in the survival of malignant melanoma in the past few years, mainly as a result of modern therapies. However, long-term survival data from Central Eastern European countries such as Hungary are currently lacking.This nationwide, retrospective study examined melanoma survival in Hungary between 2011-2019 using the databases of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and Central Statistical Office (CSO) of Hungary. Crude overall survival and age-standardized 5-year net survival as well as the association between age, sex, and survival were calculated.Between 2011 and 2019, 22,948 newly diagnosed malignant melanoma cases were recorded in the NHIF database (47.89% male, mean age: 60.75 years (SD: ±16.39)). 5-year overall survival was 75.40% (women: 80.78%; men: 69.52%). Patients diagnosed between 2017-2019 had a 20% lower risk of mortality compared to patients diagnosed between 2011-2012 (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.73-0.89; p<0.0001). Age-standardized 5-year net survival rates in 2011-2014 and 2015-2019 were 90.6% and 95.8%, respectively (women: 93.1% and 98.4%, men: 87.8% and 92.7%, respectively). The highest age-standardized 5-year net survival rates were found in the 0-39 age cohort (94.6% in the 2015-2019 period).Hungary has similar melanoma survival rates to Western European countries. Based on net survival, the risk of dying of melanoma within 5 years was cut by more than half (55%) during the study period, which coincides with the successful implementation of awareness campaigns and the wide availability of modern therapies