29 research outputs found

    Two tales of Annexin A2 knock-down: One of compensatory effects by antisense RNA and another of a highly active hairpin ribozyme

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    Besides altering its own expression during cell transformation, Annexin A2 is upregulated during the progression of many cancer types and also plays key roles during viral infection and multiplication. Consequently, there has been great interest in Annexin A2 as a potential drug target. The successful design of efficient in vivo delivery systems constitutes an obstacle in full exploitation of antisense and RNA-cleaving technologies for the knock-down of specific targets. Efficiency is dependent on the method of delivery and accessibility of the target. Here, hairpin ribozymes and an antisense RNA against rat annexin A2 mRNA were tested for their efficiencies in a T7-driven coupled transcription/translation system. The most efficient ribozyme and antisense RNA were subsequently inserted into a retroviral vector under the control of a tRNA promoter, in a cassette inserted between retroviral Long Terminal Repeats for stable insertion into host DNA. The Phoenix package system based on defective retroviruses was used for virus-mediated gene transfer into PC12 cells. Cells infected with the ribozyme-containing particles died shortly after infection. However, the same ribozyme showed a very high catalytic effect in vitro in cell lysates, explained by its loose hinge helix 2 region. This principle can be transferred to other ribozymes, such as those designed to cleave the guide RNA in the CRISPR/Cas9 technology, as well as to target specific viral RNAs. Interestingly, efficient down-regulation of the expression of Annexin A2 by the antisense RNA resulted in up-regulation of Annexin A7 as a compensatory effect after several cell passages. Indeed, compensatory effects have previously been observed during gene knock-out, but not during knock-down of protein expression. This highlights the problems in interpreting the phenotypic effects of knocking down the expression of a protein. In addition, these data are highly relevant when considering the effects of the CRISPR/Cas9 approach.publishedVersio

    The cooperative folding of annexin A2 relies on a transient nonnative intermediate

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    Annexins (Anxs) are a family of highly homologous proteins that bind and aggregate lipid vesicles in the presence of calcium. All members of the family contain a variable N-terminus determining specific functions, followed by a conserved core region responsible for the general calcium-dependent lipid-binding property. The core structure consists of four homologous domains (DI–DIV), each consisting of a right-handed super-helix of five α-helices. We present data from a combination of site-directed mutagenesis, NMR, and circular dichroism showing that the G25–D34 region of the N-terminus as well as the contacts between residues D38A, R63A, and Q67A of AnxA2-DI are crucial for the autonomous folding and stability of DI of AnxA2. However, we also show that the folding of the full-length protein is very robust in that mutations and truncations that disrupted the folding of AnxA2-DI did not abolish the folding of full-length AnxA2, only lowering its thermal stability. This robustness of the folding of full-length AnxA2 is likely to be mediated by the existence of at least one transient nonnative intermediate as suggested by our kinetic data using stopped-flow fluorescence experiments. We also show that hydrophobic amino acids in AnxA2-DI involved in interfacial contacts with AnxA2-DIV are important for the cooperative folding and stability of the full-length protein. Mutating all of the V57E-V98R-G101Y residues in AnxA2-DI did not affect the folding of the domain, only its stability, but prevented the cooperative folding of the full-length protein. Our collective results favor a highly cooperative and robust folding process mediated by alternative intermediate steps. Since AnxA2 is a multifunctional protein involved in several steps of the progression of cell transformation, these data on structure and folding pathways are therefore crucial to designing anticancer drugs targeting AnxA2.publishedVersio

    Structure of the ALS Mutation Target Annexin A11 Reveals a Stabilising N-Terminal Segment

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    The functions of the annexin family of proteins involve binding to Ca2+, lipid membranes, other proteins, and RNA, and the annexins share a common folded core structure at the C terminus. Annexin A11 (AnxA11) has a long N-terminal region, which is predicted to be disordered, binds RNA, and forms membraneless organelles involved in neuronal transport. Mutations in AnxA11 have been linked to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We studied the structure and stability of AnxA11 and identified a short stabilising segment in the N-terminal end of the folded core, which links domains I and IV. The crystal structure of the AnxA11 core highlights main-chain hydrogen bonding interactions formed through this bridging segment, which are likely conserved in most annexins. The structure was also used to study the currently known ALS mutations in AnxA11. Three of these mutations correspond to buried Arg residues highly conserved in the annexin family, indicating central roles in annexin folding. The structural data provide starting points for detailed structure–function studies of both full-length AnxA11 and the disease variants being identified in ALS.publishedVersio

    Reactive oxygen species exert opposite effects on Tyr23 phosphorylation of the nuclear and cortical pools of Annexin A2

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    Annexin A2 (AnxA2) is a multi-functional and -compartmental protein whose subcellular localisation and functions are tightly regulated by its post-translational modifications. AnxA2 and its Tyr23-phosphorylated form (pTyr23AnxA2) are involved in malignant cell transformation, metastasis and angiogenesis. Here, we show that H2O2 exerts rapid, simultaneous and opposite effects on the Tyr23 phosphorylation status of AnxA2 in two distinct compartments of rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells. Reactive oxygen species induce dephosphorylation of pTyr23AnxA2 located in the PML bodies of the nucleus, whereas AnxA2 associated with F-actin at the cell cortex is Tyr23 phosphorylated. The H2O2-induced responses in both compartments are transient and the pTyr23AnxA2 accumulating at the cell cortex is subsequently incorporated into vesicles and then released to the extracellular space. Blocking nuclear export by leptomycin B does not affect the nuclear pool of pTyr23AnxA2, but increases the amount of total AnxA2 in this compartment, indicating that the protein might have several functions in the nucleus. These results suggest that Tyr23 phosphorylation can regulate the function of AnxA2 at distinct subcellular sites

    The native structure of annexin A2 peptides in hydrophilic environment determines their anti-angiogenic effects

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    The progression of aggressive cancer occurs via angiogenesis and metastasis makes these processes important targets for the development of anti-cancer agents. However, recent studies have raised the concern that selective inhibition of angiogenesis results in a switch towards increased tumour growth and metastasis. Since Annexin A2 (AnxA2) is involved in both angiogenesis and metastasis, it may serve as an ideal target for the simultaneous inhibition of both processes. Based on the discovery that domains I (DI) and IV (DIV) of AnxA2 are potent inhibitors of angiogenesis, we designed seven peptides derived from these domains based on AnxA2 crystal structures. The peptides were expressed as fusion peptides to increase their folding and solubility. Light scattering, far-UV circular dichroism and thermal transition analyses were employed to investigate their aggregation tendencies, α-helical propensity and stability, respectively. 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (50%) increased the α-helical propensities of all peptides, indicating that they may favour a hydrophobic environment, but did not enhance their thermal stability. DI-P2 appears to be the most stable and folded peptide in a hydrophilic environment. The secondary structure of DI-P2 was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. The effect of the seven AnxA2 peptides on the formation and integrity of capillary-like networks was studied in a co-culture system mimicking many of the angiogenesis-related processes. Notably, DI-P2 inhibited significantly network formation in this system, indicating that the folded DI-P2 peptide interferes with vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent pro-angiogenic processes. Thus, this peptide has the potential of being developed further as an anti-angiogenic drug

    Two tales of Annexin A2 knock-down: One of compensatory effects by antisense RNA and another of a highly active hairpin ribozyme

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    Besides altering its own expression during cell transformation, Annexin A2 is upregulated during the progression of many cancer types and also plays key roles during viral infection and multiplication. Consequently, there has been great interest in Annexin A2 as a potential drug target. The successful design of efficient in vivo delivery systems constitutes an obstacle in full exploitation of antisense and RNA-cleaving technologies for the knock-down of specific targets. Efficiency is dependent on the method of delivery and accessibility of the target. Here, hairpin ribozymes and an antisense RNA against rat annexin A2 mRNA were tested for their efficiencies in a T7-driven coupled transcription/translation system. The most efficient ribozyme and antisense RNA were subsequently inserted into a retroviral vector under the control of a tRNA promoter, in a cassette inserted between retroviral Long Terminal Repeats for stable insertion into host DNA. The Phoenix package system based on defective retroviruses was used for virus-mediated gene transfer into PC12 cells. Cells infected with the ribozyme-containing particles died shortly after infection. However, the same ribozyme showed a very high catalytic effect in vitro in cell lysates, explained by its loose hinge helix 2 region. This principle can be transferred to other ribozymes, such as those designed to cleave the guide RNA in the CRISPR/Cas9 technology, as well as to target specific viral RNAs. Interestingly, efficient down-regulation of the expression of Annexin A2 by the antisense RNA resulted in up-regulation of Annexin A7 as a compensatory effect after several cell passages. Indeed, compensatory effects have previously been observed during gene knock-out, but not during knock-down of protein expression. This highlights the problems in interpreting the phenotypic effects of knocking down the expression of a protein. In addition, these data are highly relevant when considering the effects of the CRISPR/Cas9 approach