109 research outputs found


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    Tectonic is a collection of original poems accompanied by a critical preface

    GCOM-W AMSR2 Soil Moisture Product Validation Using Core Validation Sites

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    The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) is part of the Global Change Observation Mission-Water (GCOM-W). AMSR2 has filled the gap in passive microwave observations left by the loss of the Advanced Microwave Scanning RadiometerEarth Observing System (AMSR-E) after almost 10 years of observations. Both missions provide brightness temperature observations that are used to retrieve soil moisture estimates at the near surface. A merged AMSR-E and AMSR2 data product will help build a consistent long-term dataset; however, before this can be done, it is necessary to conduct a thorough validation and assessment of the AMSR2 soil moisture products. This study focuses on the validation of the AMSR2 soil moisture products by comparison with in situ reference data from a set of core validation sites around the world. A total of three soil moisture products that rely on different algorithms were evaluated; the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) soil moisture algorithm, the Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM), and the Single Channel Algorithm (SCA). JAXA, SCA and LPRM soil moisture estimates capture the overall climatological features. The spatial features of the three products have similar overall spatial structure. The JAXA soil moisture product shows a lower dynamic range in the retrieved soil moisture with a satisfactory performance matrix when compared to in situ observations (ubRMSE0.059 m3m3, Bias-0.083 m3m3, R0.465). The SCA performs well over low and moderately vegetated areas (ubRMSE0.053 m3m3, Bias-0.039 m3m3, R0.549). The LPRM product has a large dynamic range compared to in situ observations with a wet bias (ubRMSE0.094 m3m3, Bias0.091 m3m3, R0.577). Some of the error is due to the difference in observation depth between the in situ sensors (5 cm) and satellite estimates (1 cm). Results indicate that overall the JAXA and SCA have the best performance based upon the metrics considered

    Development and Validation of The SMAP Enhanced Passive Soil Moisture Product

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    Since the beginning of its routine science operation in March 2015, the NASA SMAP observatory has been returning interference-mitigated brightness temperature observations at L-band (1.41 GHz) frequency from space. The resulting data enable frequent global mapping of soil moisture with a retrieval uncertainty below 0.040 cu m/cu m at a 36 km spatial scale. This paper describes the development and validation of an enhanced version of the current standard soil moisture product. Compared with the standard product that is posted on a 36 km grid, the new enhanced product is posted on a 9 km grid. Derived from the same time-ordered brightness temperature observations that feed the current standard passive soil moisture product, the enhanced passive soil moisture product leverages on the Backus-Gilbert optimal interpolation technique that more fully utilizes the additional information from the original radiometer observations to achieve global mapping of soil moisture with enhanced clarity. The resulting enhanced soil moisture product was assessed using long-term in situ soil moisture observations from core validation sites located in diverse biomes and was found to exhibit an average retrieval uncertainty below 0.040 cu m/cu m. As of December 2016, the enhanced soil moisture product has been made available to the public from the NASA Distributed Active Archive Center at the National Snow and Ice Data Center

    Assessment of Version 4 of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Standard Product

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    NASAs Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission launched on January 31, 2015 into a sun-synchronous 6 am6 pm orbit with an objective to produce global mapping of high-resolution soil moisture and freeze-thaw state every 2-3 days. The SMAP radiometer began acquiring routine science data on March 31, 2015 and continues to operate nominally. SMAPs radiometer-derived standard soil moisture product (L2SMP) provides soil moisture estimates posted on a 36-km fixed Earth grid using brightness temperature observations and ancillary data. A beta quality version of L2SMP was released to the public in October, 2015, Version 3 validated L2SMP soil moisture data were released in May, 2016, and Version 4 L2SMP data were released in December, 2016. Version 4 data are processed using the same soil moisture retrieval algorithms as previous versions, but now include retrieved soil moisture from both the 6 am descending orbits and the 6 pm ascending orbits. Validation of 19 months of the standard L2SMP product was done for both AM and PM retrievals using in situ measurements from global core calval sites. Accuracy of the soil moisture retrievals averaged over the core sites showed that SMAP accuracy requirements are being met

    Religion and Order in England and America

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    Republican Dialect or European Accents? The Sound of American Theology

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