17 research outputs found

    Nationalization and confiscation between 1945 and 1948

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    Diplomová práce se primárně zabývá tzv. první etapou znárodňovacího procesu v Československu, který probíhal v letech 1945-1948 a současně poválečnými konfiskacemi ze stejného období. Cílem práce je nejprve popis a analýza dobových relevantních právních předpisů a jejich přiměřené zasazení do historického kontextu. Tomuto námětu je obsahově přizpůsobeno pět tematických kapitol. Nejprve se pokouší vymezit základní pojmy, kterými jsou znárodnění, zestátnění, socializace, vyvlastnění a konfiskace. Následně zkoumá základní historické kořeny pojmu znárodnění. Činí tak zejména porovnáním přístupů k vlastnickému právu prizmatem dvou dominantních ideologií, a to liberalismu a socialismu. Jádro práce pak obsahově tvoří samotné znárodňovací a konfiskační dekrety a otázky související. K této problematice měl úzký vztah i institut národní správy. Z pohledu zákonodárce bylo třeba také odlišit, které majetkové podstaty se stanou předmětem konfiskace a které naopak předmětem znárodnění. Znárodnění podlehl nejprve filmový průmysl, následně doly a velké průmyslové podniky, potravinářský průmysl, bankovnictví a pojišťovny. Bezprostředně navazující část velmi stručně mapuje další osud majetku znárodněného v první etapě, jakož i majetku, který dosud znárodněný nebyl. Činí tak zejména prezentací souvisejících právních...The diploma thesis deals primarily with the so-called first stage of the nationalization process in Czechoslovakia, which took place between 1945 - 1948, and the post-war confiscations of the same period, as well. The objective of the thesis is particularly to describe and analyze the then relevant legal regulations and place them adequately in the historical context. The content of the five thematic chapters is adapted to this topic. First, it attempts to define the basic concepts of nationalization, appropriation, socialization, expropriation and confiscation. Subsequently, it examines the basic historical roots of the concept of nationalization. It does so especially by comparing the approaches to proprietary rights through the prism of two dominant ideologies, namely liberalism and socialism. The core of the thesis consists of the nationalization and confiscation decrees themselves and the issues related. The National Institute of Administration was closely associated with this issue, as well. From the legislator's point of view, it was also necessary to distinguish which assets were to be confiscated and which, on the other hand, nationalized. The film industry first, followed by mines and large industrial enterprises, the food industry, banking and insurance companies were subject to...Department of Legal HistoryKatedra právních dějinFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Nationalization and confiscation between 1945 and 1948

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    The diploma thesis deals primarily with the so-called first stage of the nationalization process in Czechoslovakia, which took place between 1945 - 1948, and the post-war confiscations of the same period, as well. The objective of the thesis is particularly to describe and analyze the then relevant legal regulations and place them adequately in the historical context. The content of the five thematic chapters is adapted to this topic. First, it attempts to define the basic concepts of nationalization, appropriation, socialization, expropriation and confiscation. Subsequently, it examines the basic historical roots of the concept of nationalization. It does so especially by comparing the approaches to proprietary rights through the prism of two dominant ideologies, namely liberalism and socialism. The core of the thesis consists of the nationalization and confiscation decrees themselves and the issues related. The National Institute of Administration was closely associated with this issue, as well. From the legislator's point of view, it was also necessary to distinguish which assets were to be confiscated and which, on the other hand, nationalized. The film industry first, followed by mines and large industrial enterprises, the food industry, banking and insurance companies were subject to..

    Test Procedures of Mobile Air Cleaning Devices - First Experiences and Results

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    The pandemic spread of the SARS-CoV2 viruses is leading to the use of new ventilation concepts in Europe. One of these options is the usage of Mobile Air Cleaning Devices. These are used as an alternative to central HVAC-systems (Heating-, Ventilation- and Air Conditioning-systems) and reduce the load of pathogens in the room. However, there are still no consistent methods for evaluating the performances of such devices. Thatswhy the effect on the pathogens, the benefit to the room, and the influence thereof on the room occupants are nearly unknown.This paper presents the measurements and results of different devices in the range of 500 m³/h to 1500 m³/h and beyond. Attention is given to the applied methods to define the different characteristics. Specifically, the parameters of volumetric flow rate, electrical power consumption, sound power, separation efficiency, effect on pathogens, room air flow, draught risk, and effects in the room show the need for development

    Maximum imaging depth of two-photon autofluorescence microscopy in epithelial tissues

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    Endogenous fluorescence provides morphological, spectral, and lifetime contrast that can indicate disease states in tissues. Previous studies have demonstrated that two-photon autofluorescence microscopy (2PAM) can be used for noninvasive, three-dimensional imaging of epithelial tissues down to approximately 150 μm beneath the skin surface. We report ex-vivo 2PAM images of epithelial tissue from a human tongue biopsy down to 370 μm below the surface. At greater than 320 μm deep, the fluorescence generated outside the focal volume degrades the image contrast to below one. We demonstrate that these imaging depths can be reached with 160 mW of laser power (2-nJ per pulse) from a conventional 80-MHz repetition rate ultrafast laser oscillator. To better understand the maximum imaging depths that we can achieve in epithelial tissues, we studied image contrast as a function of depth in tissue phantoms with a range of relevant optical properties. The phantom data agree well with the estimated contrast decays from time-resolved Monte Carlo simulations and show maximum imaging depths similar to that found in human biopsy results. This work demonstrates that the low staining inhomogeneity (∼20) and large scattering coefficient (∼10 mm−1) associated with conventional 2PAM limit the maximum imaging depth to 3 to 5 mean free scattering lengths deep in epithelial tissue