1,242 research outputs found

    Calibration of the high-frequency magnetic fluctuation diagnostic in plasma devices

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    The increasing reservoirs of energetic particles which drive high-frequency modes, together with advances in the understanding of magnetohydrodynamics, have led to a need for higher-frequency (50 kHz to >20MHz) measurements of magnetic field fluctuations in magnetic fusion devices such as tokamaks. This article uses transmission line equations to derive the voltage response of a Mirnov coil at the digitizer end of a transmission line of length ℓ. It is shown that, depending on the terminations of the line, resonances can occur even for ℓ/λ⪡1, with λ the wavelength of a fluctuation in the transmission line. A lumped-circuit model based on the approach of Heeter et al. [R. F. Heeter, A. F. Fasoli, S. Ali-Arshad, and J. M. Moret. Rev. Sci. Instrum.71, 4092 (2000)] is extended to enable the inclusion simultaneously of both serial resistance and parallel conductance elements. As originally proposed by Heeter et al. the lumped-circuit model offers the advantage of remote calibration; this may be of particular value when upgrading existing systems to operate at frequencies above the original design specification. It is formally shown that the transmission line equations for the transfer function and measured impedance reduce to those of the lumped circuit model of Heeter et al. under specific conditions. The result extends the use of the lumped-circuit model of Heeter et al., which can be used to extract the transfer function from measurement of the impedance, beyond the case of an open-circuit termination. Although the numerical procedure does exhibit some problems associated with non-uniqueness, it provides a simple calibration method for systems that are not well defined. Using typical parameters for a high-frequency Mirnov coil installed on the Joint European Torus (JET) tokamak, the lumped-circuit approximation agrees with the steady-state transmission line model to within 0.015° in phase and 22% in amplitude for frequencies up to 1 MHz. A matched termination, though eliminating line resonances and reducing the length of time for the system to reach steady state, is inappropriate for the JET-type coils which exhibit significant temperature-dependent resistance. Finally, for fluctuations of finite duration, a method of computing the discrepancy due to the simplifying assumption of Fourier-stationary conditions is described.This work was funded jointly by the United Kingdom Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and by EURATOM

    A flowing plasma model to describe drift waves in a cylindrical helicon discharge

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    A two-fluid model developed originally to describe wave oscillations in the vacuum arc centrifuge, a cylindrical, rapidly rotating, low temperature and confined plasma column, is applied to interpret plasma oscillations in a RF generated linear magnetised plasma (WOMBAT), with similar density and field strength. Compared to typical centrifuge plasmas, WOMBAT plasmas have slower normalised rotation frequency, lower temperature and lower axial velocity. Despite these differences, the two-fluid model provides a consistent description of the WOMBAT plasma configuration and yields qualitative agreement between measured and predicted wave oscillation frequencies with axial field strength. In addition, the radial profile of the density perturbation predicted by this model is consistent with the data. Parameter scans show that the dispersion curve is sensitive to the axial field strength and the electron temperature, and the dependence of oscillation frequency with electron temperature matches the experiment. These results consolidate earlier claims that the density and floating potential oscillations are a resistive drift mode, driven by the density gradient. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed physics model of flowing plasmas in the diffusion region away from the RF source. Possible extensions to the model, including temperature non-uniformity and magnetic field oscillations, are also discussed

    A high resolution Mirnov array for the Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak

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    Over the past two decades, the increase in neutral-beam heating and alpha particle production in magnetically confined fusion plasmas has led to an increase in energetic particle driven mode activity, much of which has an electromagnetic signature which can be detected by the use of external Mirnov coils. Typically, the frequency and spatial wave number band of such oscillations increase with increasing injection energy, offering new challenges for diagnostic design. In particular, as the frequency approaches the megahertz range, care must be taken to model the stray capacitance of the coil, which limits the resonant frequency of the probe; model transmission line effects in the system, which if unchecked can produce system resonances; and minimize coil conductive shielding, so as to minimize skin currents which limit the frequency response of the coil. As well as optimizing the frequency response, the coils should also be positioned to confidently identify oscillations over a wide wave number band. This work, which draws on new techniques in stray capacitance modeling and coil positioning, is a case study of the outboard Mirnov array for high-frequency acquisition in the Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak, and is intended as a roadmap for the design of high frequency, weak field strength magnetic diagnostics.This work was partly funded by the Australian National University, the United Kingdom Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, and by the European Communities under the contract of Association between EURATOM and CCFE

    Global Alfven Eigenmodes in the H-1 heliac

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    Recent upgrades in H-1 power supplies have enabled the operation of the H-1 experiment at higher heating powers than previously attainable. A heating power scan in mixed hydrogen/helium plasmas reveals a change in mode activity with increasing heating power. At low power (<50 kW) modes with beta-induced Alfven eigenmode (BAE) frequency scaling are observed. At higher power modes consistent with an analysis of nonconventional Global Alfven Eigenmodes (GAEs) are observed, the subject of this work. We have computed the mode continuum, and identified GAE structures using the ideal MHD solver CKA and the gyrokinetic code EUTERPE. An analytic model for ICRH-heated minority ions is used to estimate the fast ion temperature from the hydrogen species. Linear growth rate scans using a local flux surface stability calculation, LGRO, are performed. These studies demonstrate growth from circulating particles whose speed is significantly less than the Alfven speed, and are resonant with the mode through harmonics of the Fourier decomposition of the strongly-shaped heliac magnetic field. They reveal drive is possible with a small, hot energetic tail of the hydrogen species. Local linear growth rate scans are also complemented with global calculations from CKA and EUTERPE. These qualitatively confirm the findings from the LGRO study, and show that the inclusion of finite Larmor radius effects can reduce the growth rate by a factor of three, but do not affect marginal stability. Finally, a study of damping of the global mode with the thermal plasma is conducted, computing continuum, and the damping arising from parallel electric fields. We find that continuum damping is of order 0.1% for the configuration studied. The inclusion of resistivity lifts the damping to 19%. Such large damping is consistent with experimental observations that in absence of drive the mode decays rapidly (~0.1 ms).Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, submitted 07/04/2017 to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio
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