8,244 research outputs found

    'Boys don't dance, do they?'

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    In 2005, the Warwick Arts Centre launched the ‘Boys Dancing’ project through the formation of the West Midlands Boys Dance Alliance. Aimed exclusively at boys and young men, the project has offered a range of performance-making opportunities with male professionals including Liam Steel (DV8, Stan Won't Dance) and David McKenna (Beingfrank Physical Theatre), with a view to challenge the perception that dance is primarily an activity pursued by girls and young women. The project involves boys of all abilities and all backgrounds from communities in schools, youth centres and pupil referral units. The stated aims of the project are to nurture discipline in participation, skills development, creativity and creative decision-making, self-esteem and teamwork skills, as well as performance skills in dance and choreography. Drawing on gender studies, ruminations on the negative associations of boys and dance and interviews with key participants, this article explores why and how Boys Dancing has deployed rehearsal, dance and performance methodologies to overtly and covertly challenge normative discourses around boys, young men and masculinity

    Getting Rid of Termites

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    Growing up and growing old with television: peripheral viewers and the centrality of care

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    This essay draws on feminist work on the ethics of care to both (re)establish an alliance between the very young and the very old and to begin to challenge the normative models of subjectivity and spectatorship that circulate within film and television studies. Through textual experiences of time and space and the operations of care, we emphasize the reciprocity and interdependence between generations. This recognition, we argue, offers a new mode of engagement with the challenges of ‘growing up’ and ‘growing old’ on and with television. In our alignment of older and younger audiences we challenge the normative chain of associations where ageing is represented as growth, and growth is associated with development. For the child, this model appears unproblematic even inevitable: ageing = growth = development. In contrast, ageing for older individuals is associated not with growth and development but with decline. A positive alignment between childhood and old age may offer an understanding of this motion (between the status, capacity and experience of child and older adult) as continuous, as an oscillation that is often made evident in the interdependence between child and adult. This, we believe, is mirrored in certain textual and experiential characteristics of television, and we explore it through close textual analysis of children’s programmes Katie Morag, Old Jack’s Boat and Mr Alzheimer’s and Me. These are programmes that not only offer representations of caring intergenerational relationships (of grandchild and grandparent) but express, in their seaside locations, an ebb and flow that is mapped onto experiences of both television and of intergenerational care

    Automatic lightning location system

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    Hyperbolic triangulation method was used for locating lightning storm path and position from VHF lightning charge emissions. Possible applications in electric power companies, forest fire lookout centers, airports, and pipeline companies are indicated

    When is Better Best? A multiobjective perspective

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    Purpose: To identify the most informative methods for reporting results of treatment planning comparisons. Methods: Seven papers from the past year of International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics reported on comparisons of treatment plans for IMRT and IMAT. The papers were reviewed to identify methods of comparisons. Decision theoretical concepts were used to evaluate the study methods and highlight those that provide the most information. Results: None of the studies examined the correlation between objectives. Statistical comparisons provided some information but not enough to make provide support for a robust decision analysis. Conclusion: The increased use of treatment planning studies to evaluate different methods in radiation therapy requires improved standards for designing the studies and reporting the results

    Importance of biological systems in industrial waste treatment potential application to the space station

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    In addition to having applications for waste management issues on planet Earth, microbial systems have application in reducing waste volumes aboard spacecraft. A candidate for such an application is the space station. Many of the planned experiments generate aqueous waste. To recycle air and water the contaminants from previous experiments must be removed before the air and water can be used for other experiments. This can be achieved using microorganisms in a bioreactor. Potential bioreactors (inorganics, organics, and etchants) are discussed. Current technologies that may be applied to waste treatment are described. Examples of how biological systems may be used in treating waste on the space station

    Violation of ensemble equivalence in the antiferromagnetic mean-field XY model

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    It is well known that long-range interactions pose serious problems for the formulation of statistical mechanics. We show in this paper that ensemble equivalence is violated in a simple mean-field model of N fully coupled classical rotators with repulsive interaction (antiferromagnetic XY model). While in the canonical ensemble the rotators are randomly dispersed over all angles, in the microcanonical ensemble a bi-cluster of rotators separated by angle π\pi, forms in the low energy limit. We attribute this behavior to the extreme degeneracy of the ground state: only one harmonic mode is present, together with N-1 zero modes. We obtain empirically an analytical formula for the probability density function for the angle made by the rotator, which compares extremely well with numerical data and should become exact in the zero energy limit. At low energy, in the presence of the bi-cluster, an extensive amount of energy is located in the single harmonic mode, with the result that the energy temperature relation is modified. Although still linear, T=αUT = \alpha U, it has the slope α≈1.3\alpha \approx 1.3, instead of the canonical value α=2\alpha =2.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 7 Figure

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and dementia: a review of the research

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    This report outlines the prevalence of dementia and modifiable risk factors in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Executive summary The high rate of dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities requires urgent attention. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience dementia at an earlier age then the general population and this, combined with the steadily growing number of older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, will result in the number of people effected by  dementia growing significantly in the coming years. Although higher rates of dementia have been reported in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the disease is often overlooked by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander  communities, health workers and service providers. Geographical constraints in the provision of services, a lack of education and awareness in communities and by health workers and the prevalence of other chronic diseases have all posed considerable barriers to the recognition of dementia as an emerging health issue. This paper includes the following recommendations to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, family members and communities have access to awareness, information, and appropriate support services for people with dementia
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