8,091 research outputs found

    High-pressure seals for rotary shafts

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    High pressure seals for rotating shafts are machined from a polyimide resin. It is more durable and cheaper than the older seals of plastic coated metal and works at temperatures between - 400 degrees and plus 900 degrees f

    Subgame perfect implementation with almost perfect information and the hold-up problem

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    The foundations of incomplete contracts have been questioned using or extending the subgame perfect implementation approach of Moore and Repullo (1988). We consider the robustness of subgame perfect implementation to the introduction of small amounts of asymmetric information. We show that Moore- Repullo mechanisms may not yield (even approximately) truthful revelation in pure or totally mixed strategies as the amount of asymmetric information goes to zero. Moreover, we argue that a wide class of extensive-form mechanisms are subject to this fragility

    X-ray Observations of Distant Optically Selected Cluster

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    We have measured fluxes or flux limits for 31 of the 79 cluster candidates in the Palomar Distant Cluster Survey (PDCS) using archival ROSAT/PSPC pointed observations. Our X-ray survey reaches a flux limit of 3×1014\simeq 3 \times 10^{-14} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2} (0.4 - 2.0 keV), which corresponds to luminosities of Lx5×1043L_x\simeq 5 \times 10^{43} erg s1^{-1} (HoH_o = 50 km s1^{-1} Mpc1^{-1}, qoq_o = 1/2{1/2}), if we assume the PDCS estimated redshifts. Of the 31 cluster candidates, we detect six at a signal-to-noise greater than three. We estimate that 2.91.4+3.32.9^{+3.3}_{-1.4} (90% confidence limits) of these six detections are a result of X-ray emission from objects unrelated to the PDCS cluster candidates. The net surface density of X-ray emitting cluster candidates in our survey, 1.712.19+0.911.71^{+0.91}_{-2.19} clusters deg2^{-2}, agrees with that of other, X-ray selected, surveys. It is possible, given the large error on our contamination rate, that we have not detected X-ray emission from any of our observed PDCS cluster candidates. We find no statistically significant difference between the X-ray luminosities of PDCS cluster candidates and those of Abell clusters of similar optical richness. This suggests that the PDCS contains objects at high redshift similar to the low redshift clusters in the Abell catalogs. We show that the PDCS cluster candidates are not bright X-ray sources, the average luminosity of the six detected candidates is only Lxˉ=0.9×1044\bar{L_x}=0.9\times10^{44} erg s1^{-1} (0.4-2.0 keV). This finding is in agreement with previous X-ray studies of high redshift, optically selected, rich clusters of galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX with AAS Preprint Macros (v. 4), 3 embedded postscript figures, 3 Seperate Tables using aj_pt4.sty, Accepted by the Astronomical Journal for November 199

    A model-based constraint on CO<sub>2</sub> fertilisation

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    We derive a constraint on the strength of CO2 fertilisation of the terrestrial biosphere through a “top-down” approach, calibrating Earth system model parameters constrained by the post-industrial increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration. We derive a probabilistic prediction for the globally averaged strength of CO2 fertilisation in nature, for the period 1850 to 2000 AD, implicitly net of other limiting factors such as nutrient availability. The approach yields an estimate that is independent of CO2 enrichment experiments. To achieve this, an essential requirement was the incorpo- ration of a land use change (LUC) scheme into the GENIE Earth system model. Using output from a 671-member ensemble of transient GENIE simulations, we build an emulator of the change in atmospheric CO2 concentration change since the preindustrial period. We use this emulator to sample the 28-dimensional input parameter space. A Bayesian calibration of the emulator output suggests that the increase in gross primary productivity (GPP) in response to a doubling of CO2 from preindustrial values is very likely (90 % confidence) to exceed 20 %, with a most likely value of 40–60 %. It is important to note that we do not represent all of the possible contributing mechanisms to the terrestrial sink. The missing processes are subsumed into our calibration of CO2 fertilisation, which therefore represents the combined effect of CO2 fertilisation and additional missing processes. If the missing processes are a net sink then our estimate represents an upper bound. We derive calibrated estimates of carbon fluxes that are consistent with existing estimates. The present-day land–atmosphere flux (1990–2000) is estimated at −0.7 GTC yr−1 (likely, 66 % confidence, in the range 0.4 to −1.7 GTC yr−1). The present-day ocean–atmosphere flux (1990–2000) is estimated to be −2.3 GTC yr−1 (likely in the range −1.8 to −2.7 GTC yr−1). We estimate cumulative net land emissions over the post-industrial period (land use change emissions net of the CO2 fertilisation and climate sinks) to be 66 GTC, likely to lie in the range 0 to 128 GTC

    A dynamic Bayesian nonlinear mixed-effects model of HIV response incorporating medication adherence, drug resistance and covariates

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    HIV dynamic studies have contributed significantly to the understanding of HIV pathogenesis and antiviral treatment strategies for AIDS patients. Establishing the relationship of virologic responses with clinical factors and covariates during long-term antiretroviral (ARV) therapy is important to the development of effective treatments. Medication adherence is an important predictor of the effectiveness of ARV treatment, but an appropriate determinant of adherence rate based on medication event monitoring system (MEMS) data is critical to predict virologic outcomes. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of a number of summary determinants of MEMS adherence rates on virologic response measured repeatedly over time in HIV-infected patients. We developed a mechanism-based differential equation model with consideration of drug adherence, interacted by virus susceptibility to drug and baseline characteristics, to characterize the long-term virologic responses after initiation of therapy. This model fully integrates viral load, MEMS adherence, drug resistance and baseline covariates into the data analysis. In this study we employed the proposed model and associated Bayesian nonlinear mixed-effects modeling approach to assess how to efficiently use the MEMS adherence data for prediction of virologic response, and to evaluate the predicting power of each summary metric of the MEMS adherence rates.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS376 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Correction techniques for depth errors with stereo three-dimensional graphic displays

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    Three-dimensional (3-D), 'real-world' pictorial displays that incorporate 'true' depth cues via stereopsis techniques have proved effective for displaying complex information in a natural way to enhance situational awareness and to improve pilot/vehicle performance. In such displays, the display designer must map the depths in the real world to the depths available with the stereo display system. However, empirical data have shown that the human subject does not perceive the information at exactly the depth at which it is mathematically placed. Head movements can also seriously distort the depth information that is embedded in stereo 3-D displays because the transformations used in mapping the visual scene to the depth-viewing volume (DVV) depend intrinsically on the viewer location. The goal of this research was to provide two correction techniques; the first technique corrects the original visual scene to the DVV mapping based on human perception errors, and the second (which is based on head-positioning sensor input data) corrects for errors induced by head movements. Empirical data are presented to validate both correction techniques. A combination of the two correction techniques effectively eliminates the distortions of depth information embedded in stereo 3-D displays

    Confidentiality, Conflict of Interest and Tax Professionals

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