478 research outputs found

    Mechanisms in Adaptive Feedback Control: Photoisomerization in a Liquid

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    The underlying mechanism for Adaptive Feedback Control in the experimental photoisomerization of NK88 in methanol is exposed theoretically. With given laboratory limitations on laser output, the complicated electric fields are shown to achieve their targets in qualitatively simple ways. Further, control over the cis population without laser limitations reveals an incoherent pump-dump scenario as the optimal isomerization strategy. In neither case are there substantial contributions from quantum multiple-path interference or from nuclear wavepacket coherence. Environmentally induced decoherence is shown to justify the use of a simplified theoretical model.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    What-if Analysis dengan Excel Scenario Manager untuk Perhitungan Neraca, Laporan Laba Rugi dan Analisa Rasio Keuangan Perusahaan

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    Excel's Scenario Manager Feature makes automating your what-if models easy. You can store different sets of input values (known as changing cells) for any number of variables and give a name to each set. You can then select a set of values by name, and Excel displays the worksheet by using those values. You can generate a summary report that shows the effect of various combinations of values on any number of result cells. The summary report can be an outline or a pivot Table

    Excitation of Biomolecules by Coherent vs. Incoherent Light: Model Rhodopsin Photoisomerization

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    AbstractLight-induced processes in biological molecules, which occur naturally in continuous incoherent light, are often studied using pulsed coherent light sources. With a focus on timescales, the relationship between excitation due to these two types of light sources is examined through a uniform minimal model of the photoisomerization of retinal in rhodopsin, induced by either coherent laser light or low level incoherent light (e.g. moonlight). Realistic timescales for both processes are obtained and a kinetic scheme involving rates for both coherent and incoherent light excitation is introduced, placing all timescales into a uniform framework. The rate limiting step in the natural light-absorption process is shown to be the low incoherent photon flux

    Fracture behavior of multiple adhesive postinstalled anchors subjected to shear force

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    In this study, experiments were conducted on post-installed anchors subjected to shear force  in order to enhance applicability when post-installed anchors were used for seismic reinforcement. Furthermore, since there were a large number of post-installed anchors when they were actually used, an experiment was conducted in which aăshear force was simultaneously applied to one to four anchors. In this study, it was focused on number and pitch of anchors. Major findings of this study were summarized as follows: in case of 22.46 (N/mm2) for concrete compressive strength, shear strength of anchors was not double, triple, and quadruple as number of those increased to 2, 3, and 4, and that gradually decreased as number of those increased, the boundary condition between anchor shear rupture and pry-out failure was found that concrete compressive strength was 25.12 (N/mm2) or less and anchor pitch was 30 to 50 mm, and anchor was tensile strength over SD390

    Meningkatkan Literasi dan Numerasi Pada Siswa Kelas 4 UPT SD Negeri 060843 Medan Barat

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      MBKM merupakan bagian dari kebijakan Merdeka Belajar yang diusung oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan,Riset,dan Teknologi yang memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa/i untuk mengasah kemampuan sesuai bakat dan minat.MBKM bertujuan untuk mendorong mahasiswa supaya memperoleh pengalaman belajar dengan berbagai kompetensi tambahan di luar program studi maupun di luar kampus.Penulis melakukan PKL 1 di UPT SDN 060843.PKL 1 kali ini pelaksanaannya bersamaan dengan Program Kampus Mengajar yang merupakan bagian dari program MBKM yang digagas oleh mitra USU yang bekerjasama sama dengan Dinas Pendidikan Kota Medan.Pada PKL 1 ini dilakukan dengan metode intervensi mikro (casework) melalui tahap intervensi secara umum atau general yang terdiri dari Engagement,Intake,Contract, Assesment, Planning/Perencana, Intervensi, Evaluasi, dan Terminasi.Setelah melakukan semua tahapan casework, adapun hasil yang diharapkan untuk dapat meningkatkan serta memberi edukasi bahwa literasi dan numerasi sangat penting ditanamkan pada siswa kelas 4 UPT SDN 060843