1,051 research outputs found

    Sing me a sad song and make me feel better : Exploring rewards related to liking familiar sad music

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    Hogue (2013) tested some of Levinson\u27s (1997) theoretical ideas about why people like listening to songs that make them sad. Particularly, Hogue tested Levinson\u27s ideas of communion, mediation, savoring feeling, and how absorption interacted with the songs to affect communion and the emotion. Hogue, however, did not use musical stimuli that were familiar to the participants, which is a precursor to Levinson\u27s (1997) theory. This thesis retested Levinson\u27s theory comparing familiar songs against unfamiliar songs and songs from another participant. Data were collected from 82 participants. Each participant provided songs that induced happiness and songs that induced sadness. Participants listened to their self-selected songs (familiar), the self-selected songs from the prior participant, and songs that the experimenter chose for everyone to hear (unfamiliar songs). For each type of song, the participants listened to a song that induced happiness and a song that induced sadness. After listening to each song, the participants rated how much emotion (happiness and sadness) and how much satisfaction they had. They also rated how much they liked each song and how much they connected to each song. Also, some participants rated how much they could absorb themselves in music before listening to the songs, but others did so after listening to the songs. Results showed that the participants connected with the familiar songs more than they did with the prior-participant and unfamiliar songs, but that they connected with the familiar songs that induced sadness equally as much as they did with the familiar songs that induced happiness. Sadness mediated the effect that the song on how much the participants connected to the song. Satisfaction predicted liking songs that induced sadness. Finally, absorption did not interact with the songs to influence inducing the emotion or how much they connected with the song. These results supported Levinson\u27s (1997) ideas of communion and the mediated process that the songs influence the emotion, which influences the amount of communion. It did not, however, completely support the idea that satisfaction lessened the severity of sadness on liking the song (savoring feeling) or the idea that absorption would affect the emotions and communion. These results did not support all of Hogue\u27s (2013) findings, showing that people respond to familiar songs differently than they do to unfamiliar songs

    Pressure Dependence of Insulator-Insulator Contact Charging

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    The mechanism of insulator-insulator triboelectric (contact) charging is being studied by the Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory at KSC. The hypothesis that surface ion exchange is the primary mechanism is being tested experimentally. A two-phase model based on a small partial pressure of singly charged ions in an ambient ideal gas in equilibrium with a submonolayer adsorbed film will provide predictions about charging as a function Of ion mass, pressure, temperature, and surface adsorption energy. Interactions between ions will be considered in terms of coulombic and screened potential energies. This work is yielding better understanding of the triboelectrification of insulators, which is an important problem in. space exploration technology. The work is also relevant to important industrial processes such as xerography and the application of paints and coatings. Determining a better understanding of the fundamental mechanism of insulator-insulator triboelectrification will hopefully lead to better means of eliminating or at least mitigating its hazards and enhancing its useful applications

    Electrostatic Evaluation of the ARES I FTS Antenna Materials

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    Surface resistivity and volume resistivity data show all the tested non-metallic materials of the Ares I FTS antenna assembly to be insulative. The external materials (White foam, phenolic) should be able to develop a large surface charge density upon tribocharging with ice crystal impingement. Dielectric breakdown tests on the FTS antenna housing materials show that each of the insulative materials are very resistive to electrical breakdown. The thicknesses of these materials in a nominal housing should protect the antenna from direct breakdown from external triboelectric charging potentials. Per data from the Air Force study, a maximum external electric potential in the range of 100kV can be developed on surfaces tribocharged by ice crystal impingement. Testing showed that under operational pressure ranges, this level of exterior voltage can result in a potential of about 6 kV induced on the electrically floating interior antenna vanes. Testing the vanes up to this voltage level showed that electrostatic discharges can occur between the electrically floating vanes and the center, grounded screw heads. Repeated tests with multiple invisible and visible discharges caused only superficial physical damage to the vanes. Fourier analysis of the discharge signals showed that the frequency range of credible discharges would not interfere with the nominal operation of the FTS antenna. However, due to the limited scope, short timetable, and limited funding of this study, a direct measurement of the triboelectric charge that could be generated on the Ares I antenna housing when the rocket traverses an ice cloud at supersonic speeds was not performed. Instead, data for the limited Air Force study [3] was used as input for our experiments. The Air Force data used was not collected with a sensor located to provide us with the best approximation at the geometry of the Ares I rocket, namely that of the windshield electrometer, because brush discharges to the metal frame of the windshield periodically depleted any charge accumulated. The configuration of the Ares I antenna assembly does not include any exposed metals in the vicinity and the windshield data could not be used. Since the windshield sensor data was unusable, we decided that the Patch 2 location would provide us with a rough approximation to the Ares I antenna configuration and would give us an indication of the possible charging levels that would develop. This was the data that we used in this study. Whether these charging levels would be of the same order of magnitude as the actual charges developed by the Ares I traversing a cloud with ice particles is at this point unknown. An actual experimental test, requiring the acquisition of additional instrumentation, is strongly advised before a final recommendation can be formulated regarding the safe levels of electrostatic charging on the antenna housing. Thus the results of this study should be considered to be preliminary

    Chilled Bird: Freedom of Expression in the Eighties

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    An automated method for finding molecular complexes in large protein interaction networks

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    BACKGROUND: Recent advances in proteomics technologies such as two-hybrid, phage display and mass spectrometry have enabled us to create a detailed map of biomolecular interaction networks. Initial mapping efforts have already produced a wealth of data. As the size of the interaction set increases, databases and computational methods will be required to store, visualize and analyze the information in order to effectively aid in knowledge discovery. RESULTS: This paper describes a novel graph theoretic clustering algorithm, "Molecular Complex Detection" (MCODE), that detects densely connected regions in large protein-protein interaction networks that may represent molecular complexes. The method is based on vertex weighting by local neighborhood density and outward traversal from a locally dense seed protein to isolate the dense regions according to given parameters. The algorithm has the advantage over other graph clustering methods of having a directed mode that allows fine-tuning of clusters of interest without considering the rest of the network and allows examination of cluster interconnectivity, which is relevant for protein networks. Protein interaction and complex information from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used for evaluation. CONCLUSION: Dense regions of protein interaction networks can be found, based solely on connectivity data, many of which correspond to known protein complexes. The algorithm is not affected by a known high rate of false positives in data from high-throughput interaction techniques. The program is available from

    Differential gaze behavior towards sexually preferred and non-preferred human figures

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    The gaze pattern associated with image exploration is a sensitive index of our attention, motivation and preference. To examine whether an individual’s gaze behavior can reflect his/her sexual interest, we compared gaze patterns of young heterosexual men and women (M = 19.94 years, SD = 1.05) while viewing photos of plain-clothed male and female figures aged from birth to sixty years old. Our analysis revealed a clear gender difference in viewing sexually preferred figure images. Men displayed a distinctive gaze pattern only when viewing twenty-year-old female images, with more fixations and longer viewing time dedicated to the upper body and waist-hip region. Women also directed more attention at the upper body on female images in comparison to male images, but this difference was not age-specific. Analysis of local image salience revealed that observers’ eye-scanning strategies could not be accounted for by low-level processes, such as analyzing local image contrast and structure, but were associated with attractiveness judgments. The results suggest that the difference in cognitive processing of sexually preferred and non-preferred figures can be manifested in gaze patterns associated with figure viewing. Thus, eye-tracking holds promise as a potential sensitive measure for sexual preference, particularly in men

    Electrostatic Evaluation of the Propellant Handlers Ensemble

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    The Self-Contained Atmospheric Protective Ensemble (SCAPE) used in propellant handling at NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has recently completed a series of tests to determine its electrostatic properties of the coverall fabric used in the Propellant Handlers Ensemble (PHE). Understanding these electrostatic properties are fundamental to ensuring safe operations when working with flammable rocket propellants such as hydrazine, methyl hydrazine, and unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine. These tests include surface resistivity, charge decay, triboelectric charging, and flame incendivity. In this presentation, we will discuss the results of these tests on the current PHE as well as new fabrics and materials being evaluated for the next generation of PHE
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