5,595 research outputs found

    Measurements of positive ions and air-earth current density at Maitri, Antarctica

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    Simultaneous measurements of the small-, intermediate- and large- positive ions and air earth current density made at a coastal station, Maitri at Antarctica during January to February 2005, are reported. Although, small and large positive ion concentrations do not show any systematic diurnal variations, variations in them are almost similar to each other. On the other hand, variations in intermediate positive ion concentrations are independent of variations in the small/large positive ions and exhibit a diurnal variation which is similar to that in atmospheric temperature on fair weather days with a maximum during the day and minimum during the night hours. No such diurnal variation in intermediate positive ion concentration is observed on cloudy days when variations in them are also similar to those insmall/large positive ion concentrations. Magnitude of diurnal variation in intermediate positive ion concentration on fair weather days increases with the lowering of atmospheric temperature in this season. Scavenging of ions by snowfall and trapping of Alha - rays from the ground radioactivity by a thin layer of snow on ground, is demonstrated from observations. Variations in intermediate positive ion concentration are explained on the basis of the formation of new particles by the photolytic nucleation process.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figure and 2 tabl

    Interleukin-12 p40 secretion by cutaneous CD11c(+) and F4/80(+) cells is a major feature of the innate immune response in mice that develop Th1-mediated protective immunity to Schistosoma mansoni

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    Radiation-attenuated (RA) schistosome larvae are potent stimulators of innate immune responses at the skin site of exposure (pinna) that are likely to be important factors in the development of Th1-mediated protective immunity. In addition to causing an influx of neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells (DCs) into the dermis, RA larvae induced a cascade of chemokine and cytokine secretion following in vitro culture of pinna biopsy samples. While macrophage inflammatory protein 1alpha and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) were produced transiently within the first few days, the Th1-promoting cytokines IL-12 and IL-18 were secreted at high levels until at least day 14. Assay of C3H/HeJ mice confirmed that IL-12 secretion was not due to lipopolysaccharide contaminants binding Toll-like receptor 4. Significantly, IL-12 p40 secretion was sustained in pinnae from vaccinated mice but not in those from nonprotected infected mice. In contrast, IL-10 was produced from both vaccinated and infected mice. This cytokine regulates IL-12-associated dermal inflammation, since in vaccinated IL-10(-/-) mice, pinna thickness was greatly increased concurrent with elevated levels of IL-12 p40. A significant number of IL-12 p40(+) cells were detected as emigrants from in vitro-cultured pinnae, and most were within a population of rare large granular cells that were Ia(+), consistent with their being antigen-presenting cells. Labeling of IL-12(+) cells for CD11c, CD205, CD8alpha, CD11b, and F4/80 indicated that the majority were myeloid DCs, although a proportion were CD11c(-) F4/80(+), suggesting that macrophages were an additional source of IL-12 in the skin

    A maximum-likelihood method for improving faint source flux and color estimates

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    Flux estimates for faint sources or transients are systematically biased high because there are far more truly faint sources than bright. Corrections which account for this effect are presented as a function of signal-to-noise ratio and the (true) slope of the faint-source number-flux relation. The corrections depend on the source being originally identified in the image in which it is being photometered. If a source has been identified in other data, the corrections are different; a prescription for calculating the corrections is presented. Implications of these corrections for analyses of surveys are discussed; the most important is that sources identified at signal-to-noise ratios of four or less are practically useless.Comment: 9 pp., accepted for publication in PAS

    Distal occurrence of mid-Holocene Whakatane Tephra on the Chatham Islands, New Zealand, and potential for cryptotephra studies

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    The Whakatane Tephra, a rhyolitic tephra erupted ca. 5500 cal. BP from Okataina Volcanic Centre, central North Island, has been identified on the Chatham Islands which lie ˜900 km east of Christchurch, New Zealand. The visible tephra layer, ˜5 mm in thickness and preserved within peat on Pitt Island, was identified using both radiocarbon dating and analysis of glass shards by electron microprobe. Whakatane Tephra is the first Holocene tephra to be identified on the Chatham Islands, and it is the most distal Holocene tephra yet recorded in the New Zealand region, being ˜850 km from source. The Pitt Island occurrence extends the tephra's dispersal area markedly, by an order of magnitude, possibly to ˜300,000 km2. An estimated dispersal index (D) of approximately 105 km2 indicates that the eruption generated a very high plinian column, possibly exceeding ˜30 km in height, with strong winds blowing the ash plume southeastwards. This new discovery of distal Whakatane Tephra as a thin but visible layer strongly implies that cryptotephras are likely to be preserved on the Chatham Islands and within adjacent ocean floor sediments. Therefore the potential exists to develop enhanced cryptotephrostratigraphic records from these distal areas, which in turn would help facilitate precise correlation via tephrochronology of palaeoenvironmental records (such as NZ-INTIMATE) from mainland New Zealand, the southwest Pacific Ocean, and the Chatham Islands

    The Extremely Red Objects Found Thus Far in the Caltech Faint Galaxy Redshift Survey

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    We discuss the very red objects found in the first field of the Caltech Faint Galaxy Redshift Survey, for which the observations and analysis are now complete. In this field, which is 15 arcmin2^2 and at J005325+1234 there are 195 objects with Ks<20K_s < 20 mag, of which 84% have redshifts. The sample includes 24 spectroscopically confirmed Galactic stars, 136 galaxies, three AGNs, and 32 objects without redshifts. About 10% of the sample has (R−K)≄5(R-K) \ge 5 mag. Four of these objects have redshifts, with 0.78≀z≀1.230.78 \le z \le 1.23. Three of these are based on absorption features in the mid-UV, while the lowest redshift object shows the standard features near 4000\AA. Many of the objects still without redshifts have been observed spectroscopically, and no emission lines were seen in their spectra. We believe they are galaxies with z∌1−1.5z \sim 1 - 1.5 that are red due to their age and stellar content and not to some large amount of internal reddening from dust. Among the many other results from this survey of interest here is a determination of the median extinction in the mid-UV for objects with strong emission line spectra at z∌1−1.3z \sim 1 - 1.3. The result is extinction by a factor of ∌\sim2 at 2400\AA.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, with 2 figures. To be published in the proceedings of the conference "Infrared Surveys: A Prelude to SIRTF

    New analysis in the field of open cluster Collinder 223

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    The present study of the open cluster Collinder 223 (Cr 223) has been mainly depended on the photoelectric data of Claria & Lapasset (1991; hereafter CL91). This data of CL91 has been used with the cluster's image of AAO-DSS in order to re-investigate and improve the main parameters of Cr 223. Stellar count has been achieved to determine the stellar density, the cluster's center and the cluster's diameter. In addition, the luminosity function, mass function, and the total mass of the cluster have been estimated.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Near Infrared Imaging of the Hubble Deep Field with The Keck Telescope

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    Two deep K-band (2.2ÎŒm2.2 \mu m) images, with point-source detection limits of K=25.2K=25.2 mag (one sigma), taken with the Keck Telescope in subfields of the Hubble Deep Field, are presented and analyzed. A sample of objects to K=24 mag is constructed and V606−I814V_{606}-I_{814} and I814−KI_{814}-K colors are measured. By stacking visually selected objects, mean I814−KI_{814}-K colors can be measured to very faint levels; the mean I814−KI_{814}-K color is constant with apparent magnitude down to V606=28V_{606}=28 mag.Comment: Replaced with slightly revised source positions and corrected V-I magnitudes (which were incorrect in the Tables and Figure 5). 18 pages. The data are publicly available at http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~btsoifer/hdf.html along with a high-resolution version of Fig.

    Microbial and chemical changes during the spontaneous ensilage of grape pomace

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    Pilot scale fermentations with grape pomace from two different wineries were investigated during the 24 weeks of the ensiling period, along with laboratory scale experiments in which the environmental temperatures were held constant at 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C. During this period, yeast and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) counts were made, after which the identity of both groups of organisms was studied, as were the major microbial metabolites present. Major microbial and chemical alterations occurred during the first 3 weeks of ensilage, leaving a more stable product differing significantly from the initial substrate. The results obtained indicated that after initial growth, yeast and LAB populations undergo progressive inactivation at environmental temperatures above 20 °C, although LAB seem to adjust better to this specific, post-fermentation environment. Homofermentative species of Lactobacillus were the dominant LAB. The initial yeast flora of non-Saccharomyces species was replaced by a typical wine yeast flora, i.e. predominantly Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At the chemical level, major alterations were due to an alcoholic fermentation and a malolactic conversion within the first 3 weeks

    The oxygen-II luminosity density of the Universe

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    Equivalent widths of [OII] 3727 A lines are measured in 375 faint galaxy spectra taken as part of the Caltech Faint Galaxy Redshift Survey centered on the Hubble Deep Field. The sensitivity of the survey spectra to the [OII] line is computed as a function of magnitude, color and redshift. The luminosity function of galaxies in the [OII] line and the integrated luminosity density of the Universe in the [OII] line are computed as a function of redshift. It is found that the luminosity density in the [OII] line was a factor of ~10 higher at redshifts z~1 than it is at the present day. The simplest interpretation is that the star formation rate density of the Universe has declined dramatically since z~1.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap
