125 research outputs found

    A Short Report: Word-Level Phonological and Lexical Characteristics Interact to Influence Phoneme Awareness

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    In this study, we examined the influence of word-level phonological and lexical characteristics on early phoneme awareness. Typically-developing children, ages 61-78 months, completed a phoneme-based, odd-one-out task that included consonant-vowel-consonant word sets (e.g., “chair-chain-ship”) that varied orthogonally by a phonological characteristic, sound-contrast similarity (similar vs. dissimilar), and a lexical characteristic, neighborhood density (dense vs. sparse). In a subsample of the participants – those with the highest vocabularies – results were in line with a predicted interactive effect of phonological and lexical characteristics on phoneme awareness performance: word sets contrasting similar sounds were less likely to yield correct responses in words from sparse neighborhoods than words from dense neighborhoods. Word sets contrasting dissimilar sounds were most likely to yield correct responses regardless of the words’ neighborhood density. Based on these findings, theories of early phoneme awareness development should consider both word-level (e.g., phonological and lexical characteristics) and child-level (e.g., vocabulary knowledge) influences on phoneme awareness performance. Attention to these word-level item influences is predicted to result in more sensitive and specific measures of reading risk

    Using a Computer-adaptive Test Simulation to Investigate Test Coordinators\u27 Perceptions of a High-stakes Computer-based Testing Program

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    This case study examined the efficiency and precision of computer classification and adaptive testing to elicit responses from test coordinators on implementing a high-stakes computer-based testing. Test coordinators from five elementary schools located in a Georgia school district participated in the study. The school district administered state-made, high-stakes tests using paper and pencil; locally developed tests via the computer or paper and pencil. A post-hoc simulation program, Comprehensive Simulation of Computerized Adatpive Testing, used 586 student item responses to produce results with a variable termination point and classification termination point. Results from the simulation were analyzed and used in the case study to elicit interview responses from test coordinators. The photographs of computer-labs and test schedule documents were collected and analyzed to validate school test coordinators\u27 responses. Test coordinators responded positively to the efficiency and precision of simulation results. Some test coordinators preferred the use of computer-adaptive tests for diagnostic purposes only. Test coordinators experiences focused on the security, the emotions, and the management of testing. The findings of this study will benefit those interested in implementing a high-stakes, computer-based testing program by recommending a simulation study be conducted and feedback by solicited from test coordinators prior to an operational test administration

    Exploring the Overlap Between Dyslexia and Speech Sound Production Deficits

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    Purpose Children with dyslexia have speech production deficits in a variety of spoken language contexts. In this article, we discuss the nature of speech production errors in children with dyslexia, including those who have a history of speech sound disorder and those who do not, to familiarize speech-language pathologists with speech production-specific risk factors that may help predict or identify dyslexia in young children. Method In this tutorial, we discuss the role of a phonological deficit in children with dyslexia and how this may manifest as speech production errors, sometimes in conjunction with a speech sound disorder but sometimes not. We also briefly review other factors outside the realm of phonology that may alert the speech-language pathologist to possible dyslexia. Results Speech-language pathologists possess unique knowledge that directly contributes to the identification and remediation of children with dyslexia. We present several clinical recommendations related to speech production deficits in children with dyslexia. We also review what is known about how and when children with speech sound disorder are most at risk for dyslexia. Conclusion Speech-language pathologists have a unique opportunity to assist in the identification of young children who are at risk for dyslexia

    Differentiating Phonotactic Probability and Neighborhood Density in Adult Word Learning

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The original is available at http://jslhr.pubs.asha.org/article.aspx?articleid=1762869&resultClick=3Purpose The purpose of this study was to differentiate effects of phonotactic probability, the likelihood of occurrence of a sound sequence, and neighborhood density, the number of words that sound similar to a given word, on adult word learning. A second purpose was to determine what aspect of word learning (viz., triggering learning, formation of an initial representation, or integration with existing representations) was influenced by each variable. Method Thirty-two adults were exposed to 16 nonwords paired with novel objects in a story context. The nonwords orthogonally varied in phonotactic probability and neighborhood density. Learning was measured following 1, 4, and 7 exposures in a picture-naming task. Partially correct (i.e., 2 of 3 phonemes correct) and completely correct responses (i.e., 3 of 3 phonemes correct) were analyzed together and independently to examine emerging and partial representations of new words versus complete and accurate representations of new words. ResultsAnalysis of partially correct and completely correct responses combined showed that adults learned a lower proportion of high-probability nonwords than low-probability nonwords (i.e., high-probability disadvantage) and learned a higher proportion of high-density nonwords than low-density nonwords (i.e., high-density advantage). Separate analysis of partially correct responses yielded an effect of phonotactic probability only, whereas analysis of completely correct responses yielded an effect of neighborhood density only. Conclusions These findings suggest that phonological and lexical processing influence different aspects of word learning. In particular, phonotactic probability may aid in triggering new learning, whereas neighborhood density may influence the integration of new lexical representations with existing representations

    A Cross-Sectional Comparison of the Effects of Phonotactic Probability and Neighborhood Density on Word Learning by Preschool Children

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The original publication is available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749596X10000070Two experiments examined the effects of phonotactic probability and neighborhood density on word learning by 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children. Nonwords orthogonally varying in probability and density were taught with learning and retention measured via picture naming. Experiment 1 used a within story probability/across story density exposure context. Experiment 2 used an across story probability/within story density exposure context. Results showed that probability and density interacted to create optimal learning conditions. Specifically, rare/sparse sound sequences appeared to facilitate triggering of word learning. In contrast, the optimal convergence for lexical configuration and engagement was dependent on exposure context. In particular, common sound sequences and dense neighborhoods were optimal when density was manipulated across stories, whereas rare sound sequences and sparse neighborhoods were optimal when density was manipulated within a story. Taken together, children’s phonological and lexical representations were hypothesized to be interdependent on one another resulting in a convergence of form characteristics for optimal word learning

    Phonological and lexical influences on phonological awareness in children with specific language impairment and dyslexia

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    Children with dyslexia and/or specific language impairment have marked deficits in phonological processing, putting them at an increased risk for reading deficits. The current study sought to examine the influence of word-level phonological and lexical characteristics on phonological awareness. Children with dyslexia and/or specific language impairment were tested using a phoneme deletion task in which stimuli differed orthogonally by sound similarity and neighborhood density. Phonological and lexical factors influenced performance differently across groups. Children with dyslexia appeared to have a more immature and aberrant pattern of phonological and lexical influence (e.g., favoring sparse and similar features). Children with SLI performed less well than children who were typically developing, but followed a similar pattern of performance (e.g., favoring dense and dissimilar features). Collectively, our results point to both quantitative and qualitative differences in lexical organization and phonological representations in children with SLI and in children with dyslexia

    The influence of neighborhood density and word frequency on phoneme awareness in 2nd and 4th grades

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The original publication is available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021992410000614Purpose The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that two lexical characteristics – neighborhood density and word frequency – interact to influence performance on phoneme awareness tasks. Methods Phoneme awareness was examined in a large, longitudinal dataset of 2nd and 4th grade children. Using linear logistic test model, the relation between words’ neighborhood density, word frequency, and phoneme awareness performance was examined across grades while co-varying type and place of deletion. Results A predicted interaction was revealed: words from dense neighborhoods or those with high frequency were more likely to yield correct phoneme awareness responses across grades. Conclusions Findings support an expansion of the lexical restructuring model to include interactions between neighborhood density and word frequency to account for phoneme awareness

    If We Don’t Look, We Won’t See: Measuring Language Development to Inform Literacy Instruction

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    Oral language abilities enable children to learn to read, and they predict future academic achievement and life outcomes. However, children with language impairment frequently go unidentified because schools do not systematically measure oral language development. Given that identification paves the way for treatment, schools should increase attention to oral language development, particularly within response to intervention (RTI) frameworks, which aim to prevent learning disabilities by identifying and intervening at early stages. Formal schooling should address language comprehension (in addition to word reading) to ensure an adequate foundation for future reading comprehension. In support, we overview the developmental relations between oral language abilities and reading skills, review current school-based assessment frameworks, and discuss how these frameworks can include language assessments. Measuring language skills early and often benefits not only those who have language impairment but also all children, as it documents language variability to inform differentiated instruction

    Understanding Dyslexia in the Context of Developmental Language Disorders

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    Purpose: The purpose of this tutorial is to discuss the language basis of dyslexia in the context of developmental language disorders (DLDs). Whereas most studies have focused on the phonological skills of children with dyslexia, we bring attention to broader language skills. Method: We conducted a focused literature review on the language basis of dyslexia from historical and theoretical perspectives with a special emphasis on the relation between dyslexia and DLD and on the development of broader language skills (e.g., vocabulary, syntax, and discourse) before and after the identification of dyslexia. Results: We present clinically relevant information on the history of dyslexia as a language-based disorder, the operational definitions used to diagnose dyslexia in research and practice, the relation between dyslexia and DLD, and the language abilities of children with dyslexia. Conclusions: We discuss 3 clinical implications for working with children with dyslexia in school settings: (a) Children with dyslexia-with and without comorbid DLDs-often have language deficits outside the phonological domain; (b) intervention should target a child\u27s strengths and weaknesses relative to reading outcomes, regardless of diagnostic labels; and (c) those who have dyslexia, regardless of language abilities at the time of diagnosis, may be at risk for slower language acquisition across their lifetime. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess multiple language skills early, at the time of the diagnosis of dyslexia, and years later to better understand the complex development of language and reading in children with dyslexia

    GbdR Regulates Pseudomonas aeruginosa plcH and pchP Transcription in Response to Choline Catabolites

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa hemolytic phospholipase C, PlcH, can degrade phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin in eukaryotic cell membranes and extracellular PC in lung surfactant. Numerous studies implicate PlcH in P. aeruginosa virulence. The phosphorylcholine released by PlcH activity on phospholipids is hydrolyzed by a periplasmic phosphorylcholine phosphatase, PchP. Both plcH gene expression and PchP enzyme activity are positively regulated by phosphorylcholine degradation products, including glycine betaine. Here we report that the induction of plcH and pchP transcription by glycine betaine is mediated by GbdR, an AraC family transcription factor. Mutants that lack gbdR are unable to induce plcH and pchP in media containing glycine betaine or choline and in phosphatidylcholine-rich environments, such as lung surfactant or mouse lung lavage fluid. In T broth containing choline, the gbdR mutant exhibited a 95% reduction in PlcH activity. In electrophoretic mobility shift assays, a GbdR-maltose binding protein fusion bound specifically to both the plcH and pchP promoters. Promoter mapping, alignment of GbdR-regulated promoter sequences, and analysis of targeted promoter mutants that lack GbdR-dependent induction of transcription were used to identify a region necessary for GbdR-dependent transcriptional activation. GbdR also plays a significant role in plcH and pchP regulation within the mouse lung. Our studies suggest that GbdR is the primary regulator of plcH and pchP expression in PC-rich environments, such as the lung, and that pchP and other genes involved in phosphorylcholine catabolism are necessary to stimulate the GbdR-mediated positive feedback induction of plcH
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