169 research outputs found

    Microwave observations of Uranus

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    This thesis explores the atmosphere of Uranus using microwave observations at wavelengths from 1 to 20 cm, with primary emphasis on high resolution VLA data at wavelengths of 2 and 6 cm. While radio maps of Uranus have been published previously, this is the first detailed analysis and interpretation of such observations. Atmospheric structures are mapped to depths greater than has been seen on any giant planet. Several features of the data are immediately clear. First, there are strong horizontal and vertical gradients in the atmospheric properties that control the radio brightness. Polar regions are much brighter than lower latitudes, and the deep troposphere (pressures greater than a few tens of bars) appears much dimmer than would be expected based on the upper troposphere. (Both these results had been postulated in previous works, but older observations lacked the resolution to confirm them.) A second important feature of the data is that the intrinsic latitudinal brightness variations determined in this work at 2 cm and 6 cm are highly correlated with each other and with Voyager infrared measurements, suggesting a common cause. Because these data sets probe different altitudes between 50 and 0.1 bar, the cause must be acting over this altitude range of about 250 km. Another immediate result, independent of atmospheric modeling, is that the radio brightness features have not changed significantly in the 8 years between 1981 and 1989. Since radio brightness is a function of temperature and composition, the observations can be used to map these properties as a function of latitude and height. Arguments are presented that indicate compositional gradients are the dominant factor controlling the brightness variations, and these compositional changes are used as a tracer to infer the general circulation and some of the chemical processes of the atmosphere. The most likely interpretation of the data is that the Southern Hemisphere is dominated by a single meridional circulation cell, with an upwelling centered near -25° latitude that brings absorber rich air parcels from 50 bars up to the 0.1 bar region. As parcels rise, the absorber mixing ratio drops by a factor of about 100 between 25 and 10 bars, and then a further factor of 2 at higher altitudes. These depletions are probably due to condensation. The absorber depleted parcels then move poleward and descend, dominating the atmospheric composition over the pole down to 50 bars, but not deeper. This circulation is consistent with the zonal winds and upper atmospheric temperatures observed by Voyager in the context of a simple, linear, dynamical model. The model suggests that the forcing driving these motions occurs within the upper few hundred bars of the atmosphere. The species most likely to be responsible for microwave absorption in the atmosphere is NH_3, and at depth it appears to have a molar mixing ratio within an order of magnitude of 1.4 x 10^(-4), the solar value. The formation of an NH_4SH cloud above 30 bars can account for the primary depletion of NH_3, while NH_3 ice condensation at 5 bars accounts for the rest. Most of the results discussed here, however, are independent of what the absorbing species actually is. Superimposed on the large scale brightness pattern are smaller brightness oscillations, less than about 15° wide in latitude. These long lasting features are reminiscent of the zones and belts of Jupiter, and could be the result of variations in either cloud altitudes or the depth of penetration of subsiding air parcels. A more extensive analysis is needed, however, to understand these small scale structures. The final point addressed in this work is the seasonal variability of the atmosphere. While no variations exist in the current high resolution data set, which covers about 10 years of the mid-summer season, it is expected that detectable changes will occur over 20 to 40 year time scales (each season on Uranus lasts 21 years). The magnitude of the variations, however, cannot be determined from the available data.</p

    DSS-28: a novel wide bandwidth radio telescope devoted to educational outreach

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    We have recently equipped the 34-meter DSS-28 radio telescope at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex with a novel wide bandwidth radiometer and digital signal processor as part of the Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) educational outreach program operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Lewis Center for Educational Research. The system employs a cryogenically cooled wide bandwidth quad-ridge feed and InP low noise amplifiers to achieve excellent noise performance from 2.7 to 14 GHz; a fractional bandwidth better than 4:1. Four independently tunable dual-polarization receivers each down-convert a 2 GHz block to baseband, providing access to 8 GHz of instantaneous bandwidth. A flexible FPGA-based signal processor has been constructed using CASPER FPGA hardware and tools to take advantage of this enormous bandwidth. This system demonstrates many of the enabling wide bandwidth technologies that will be crucial to maximizing the utility of future large centimeter-wavelength arrays, in particular the Square Kilometer Array. The GAVRT program has previously used narrow bandwidth total power radiometers to study flux variability of quasars and the outer planets. The versatility of DSS-28 will enable other projects including spectroscopy and SETI. Finally, the wide instantaneous bandwidth available makes this system uniquely suited for studying transient radio pulses. A configuration of the digital signal processor has been developed which provides the capability of recording a burst of raw baseband voltage data triggered by a real-time incoherent dedispersion system which is very sensitive to pulses from a known source, such as the Crab Nebula pulsar

    Next Generation Very Large Array Memo No. 6, Science Working Group 1: The Cradle of Life

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    This paper discusses compelling science cases for a future long-baseline interferometer operating at millimeter and centimeter wavelengths, like the proposed Next Generation Vary Large Array (ngVLA). We report on the activities of the Cradle of Life science working group, which focused on the formation of low- and high-mass stars, the formation of planets and evolution of protoplanetary disks, the physical and compositional study of Solar System bodies, and the possible detection of radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. We propose 19 scientific projects based on the current specification of the ngVLA. Five of them are highlighted as possible Key Science Projects: (1) Resolving the density structure and dynamics of the youngest HII regions and high-mass protostellar jets, (2) Unveiling binary/multiple protostars at higher resolution, (3) Mapping planet formation regions in nearby disks on scales down to 1 AU, (4) Studying the formation of complex molecules, and (5) Deep atmospheric mapping of giant planets in the Solar System. For each of these projects, we discuss the scientific importance and feasibility. The results presented here should be considered as the beginning of a more in-depth analysis of the science enabled by such a facility, and are by no means complete or exhaustive.Comment: 51 pages, 12 figures, 1 table. For more information visit https://science.nrao.edu/futures/ngvl

    Keys of a Mission to Uranus or Neptune, the Closest Ice Giants

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    Uranus and Neptune are the archetypes of "ice giants", a class of planets that may be among the most common in the Galaxy. They are the last unexplored planets of the Solar System, yet they hold the keys to understand the atmospheric dynamics and structure of planets with hydrogen atmospheres inside and outside the solar system

    Initial Processing of Infrared Spectral Data

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    The Atmospheric Infrared Spectrometer (AIRS) Science Processing System is a collection of computer programs, denoted product generation executives (PGEs), for processing the readings of the AIRS suite of infrared and microwave instruments orbiting the Earth aboard NASA's Aqua spacecraft. Following from level 0 (representing raw AIRS data), the PGEs and their data products are denoted by alphanumeric labels (1A, 1B, and 2) that signify the successive stages of processing. Once level-0 data have been received, the level-1A PGEs begin processing, performing such basic housekeeping tasks as ensuring that all the Level-0 data are present and ordering the data according to observation times. The level-1A PGEs then perform geolocation-refinement calculations and conversions of raw data numbers to engineering units. Finally, the level-1A data are grouped into packages, denoted granules, each of which contain the data from a six-minute observation period. The granules are forwarded, along with calibration data, to the Level-1B PGEs for processing into calibrated, geolocated radiance products. The Level-2 PGEs, which are not yet operational, are intended to process the level-1B data into temperature and humidity profiles, and other geophysical properties

    Uranus and Neptune missions: A study in advance of the next Planetary Science Decadal Survey

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    The ice giant planets, Uranus and Neptune, represent an important and relatively unexplored class of planet. Most of our detailed information about them comes from fleeting looks by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in the 1980s. Voyager, and ground-based work since then, found that these planets, their satellites, rings, and magnetospheres, challenge our understanding of the formation and evolution of planetary systems. We also now know that Uranus-Neptune size planets are common around other stars. These are some of the reasons ice giant exploration was a high priority in NASA's most recent Planetary Science Decadal Survey. In preparation for the next Decadal Survey, NASA, with ESA participation, conducted a broad study of possible ice giant missions in the 2024-2037 timeframe. This paper summarizes the key results of the study, and addresses questions that have been raised by the science community and in a recent NASA review. Foremost amongst these are questions about the science objectives, the science payload, and the importance of an atmospheric probe. The conclusions of the NASA/ESA study remain valid. In particular, it is a high priority to send an orbiter and atmospheric probe to at least one of the ice giants, with instrumentation to study all components of an ice giant system. Uranus and Neptune are found to be equally compelling as science targets. The two planets are not equivalent, however, and each system has things to teach us the other cannot. An additional mission study is needed to refine plans for future exploration of these worlds