368 research outputs found

    Crystallisation of magmatic topaz and implications for Nb-Ta-W mineralisation in F-rich silicic melts - The Ary-Bulak ongonite massif

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    Textural, mineralogical and geochemical data on F-rich rhyolite (ongonite) from the Ary-Bulak massif of eastern Transbaikalia help constrain the formation of magmatic topaz. In these rocks, topaz occurs as phenocrysts, thus providing compelling evidence for crystallisation at the orthomagmatic stage. Cathodoluminescence images of topaz and quartz reveal growth textures with multiple truncation events in single grains, indicative of a dynamic system that shifted from saturated to undersaturated conditions with respect to topaz and quartz. Electron microprobe and Raman analyses of topaz indicate near-pure F composition [Al2SiO4F2], with very limited OH replacement. Laser ablation ICP-MS traverses revealed the presence of a large number of trace elements present at sub-ppm to hundreds of ppm levels. The chemical zoning of topaz records trace element fluctuations in the coexisting melt. Concentrations of some trace elements (Li, Ga, Nb, Ta and W) are correlated with cathodoluminescence intensity, thus suggesting that some of these elements act as CL activators in topaz.The study of melt inclusions indicates that melts with different F contents were trapped at different stages during formation of quartz and topaz phenocrysts, respectively. Electron microprobe analyses of glass in subhedral quartz-hosted melt inclusions indicate F ≤ 1.2 wt.%, whereas irregular-shaped melt inclusions hosted in both topaz and quartz have F ≤ 9 wt.%. Cryolithionite [Na3Li3Al2F12] coexists with glass in irregular inclusions, implying high Li contents in the melt. The very high F contents would have increased the solubility of Nb, Ta and W in the melt, thus allowing progressive concentration of these elements during magma evolution. Crystallisation of Nb–Ta–W-oxides (W-ixiolite and tantalite–columbite) may have been triggered by separation of cryolithionite, which would have caused F and Li depletion and consequent drop in the solubility of these elements

    Mutation analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Iranian high risk breast cancer families

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    Background: Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme that synthesises telomeres after cell division and maintains chromosomal stability leading to cellular immortalization. Telomerase has been associated with negative prognostic indicators in some studies. The present study aims to detect any association between telomerase sub-units: hTERT and hTR and the prognostic indicators including tumour's size and grade, nodal status and patient's age. Methods: Tumour samples from 46 patients with primary invasive breast cancer and 3 patients with benign tumours were collected. RT-PCR analysis was used for the detection of hTR, hTERT, and PGM1 (as a housekeeping) genes expression. Results: The expression of hTR and hTERT was found in 31(67.4%) and 38 (82.6%) samples respectively. We observed a significant association between hTR gene expression and younger age at diagnosis (p = 0.019) when comparing patients ≤ 40 years with those who are older than 40 years. None of the benign tumours expressed hTR gene. However, the expression of hTERT gene was revealed in 2 samples. No significant association between hTR and hTERT expression and tumour's grade, stage and nodal status was seen. Conclusion: The expression of hTR and hTERT seems to be independent of tumour's stage. hTR expression probably plays a greater role in mammary tumourogenesis in younger women (≤ 40 years) and this may have therapeutic implications in the context of hTR targeting strategies

    Study protocol for a prospective, non-controlled, multicentre clinical study to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a stepwise two-photon excited melanin fluorescence in pigmented lesions suspicious for melanoma (FLIMMA study)

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    Introduction: Non-invasive, nanosecond, stepwise two-photon laser excitation of skin tissue was shown to induce melanin fluorescence spectra that allow for the differentiation of melanocytic nevi from cutaneous melanoma. Methods and analysis: This prospective, non-controlled, multicentre clinical study is performed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the stepwise two-photon excited melanin fluorescence in the detection of cutaneous melanoma. The comparator will be the histopathological diagnosis. A total of 620 pigmented skin lesions suspicious for melanoma and intended for excision will be enrolled. Ethics and dissemination: Ethics approval was provided by the local ethics committees of the medical faculties of the University of Tuebingen, Heidelberg and Berlin. Study registration: The FLIMMA study NCT02425475

    Imaging signatures of the local density of states in an electronic cavity

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    We use Scanning Gate Microscopy to study electron transport through an open, gate-defined resonator in a Ga(Al)As heterostructure. Raster-scanning the voltage-biased metallic tip above the resonator, we observe distinct conductance modulations as a function of the tip-position and voltage. Quantum mechanical simulations reproduce these conductance modulations and reveal their relation to the partial local density of states in the resonator. Our measurements illustrate the current frontier between possibilities and limitations in imaging the local density of states in buried electron systems using scanning gate microscopy

    Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein Quantification via Spatial Proximity Analyte Reagent Capture Luminescence Assay: Application as Diagnostic and Prognostic Marker in Serum and Effusions of Cats with Feline Infectious Peritonitis Undergoing GS-441524 Therapy

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    Until recently, the diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) in cats usually led to euthanasia, but recent research has revealed that antiviral drugs, including the nucleoside analog GS-441524, have the potential to effectively cure FIP. Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) has been suggested as a diagnostic marker for FIP. However, AGP quantification methods are not easily accessible. This study aimed to establish a Spatial Proximity Analyte Reagent Capture Luminescence (SPARCLTM) assay on the VetBio-1 analyzer to determine the AGP concentrations in feline serum and effusion samples. Linearity was found in serial dilutions between 1:2000 and 1:32,000; the intra-run and inter-run precision was <5% and <15%, respectively; and AGP was stable in serum stored for at least 8 days at room temperature, at 4 °C and at −20 °C. Cats with confirmed FIP had significantly higher serum AGP concentrations (median: 2954 µg/mL (range: 200–5861 µg/mL)) than those with other inflammatory diseases (median: 1734 µg/mL (305–3449 µg/mL)) and clinically healthy cats (median 235 µg/mL (range: 78–616 µg/mL); pKW < 0.0001). The AGP concentrations were significantly higher in the effusions from cats with FIP than in those from diseased cats without FIP (pMWU < 0.0001). The AGP concentrations in the serum of cats with FIP undergoing GS-441524 treatment showed a significant drop within the first seven days of treatment and reached normal levels after ~14 days. In conclusion, the VetBio-1 SPARCLTM assay offers a precise, fast and cost-effective method to measure the AGP concentrations in serum and effusion samples of feline patients. The monitoring of the AGP concentration throughout FIP treatment provides a valuable marker to evaluate the treatment’s effectiveness and identify potential relapses at an early stage

    Engineering high charge transfer n-doping of graphene electrodes and its application to organic electronics.

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    Using thermally evaporated cesium carbonate (Cs2CO3) in an organic matrix, we present a novel strategy for efficient n-doping of monolayer graphene and a ∼90% reduction in its sheet resistance to ∼250 Ohm sq(-1). Photoemission spectroscopy confirms the presence of a large interface dipole of ∼0.9 eV between graphene and the Cs2CO3/organic matrix. This leads to a strong charge transfer based doping of graphene with a Fermi level shift of ∼1.0 eV. Using this approach we demonstrate efficient, standard industrial manufacturing process compatible graphene-based inverted organic light emitting diodes on glass and flexible substrates with efficiencies comparable to those of state-of-the-art ITO based devices.Funding via EU FP7 programme Grafol (Grant No. 285275) and EPSRC programme GRAPHTED (Grant No. EP/K016636/1) is acknowledged. P.R.K. acknowledges the Lindemann Trust Fellowship. J.A.A.-W. acknowledges a Research Fellowship from Churchill College, Cambridge. A.C.V. acknowledges the Conacyt Cambridge Scholarship and Roberto Rocca Fellowship.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Royal Society of Chemistry via http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C5NR03246

    Hypoxia increases membrane metallo-endopeptidase expression in a novel lung cancer ex vivo model - role of tumor stroma cells

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    Background: Hypoxia-induced genes are potential targets in cancer therapy. Responses to hypoxia have been extensively studied in vitro, however, they may differ in vivo due to the specific tumor microenvironment. In this study gene expression profiles were obtained from fresh human lung cancer tissue fragments cultured ex vivo under different oxygen concentrations in order to study responses to hypoxia in a model that mimics human lung cancer in vivo.Methods: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) fragments from altogether 70 patients were maintained ex vivo in normoxia or hypoxia in short-term culture. Viability, apoptosis rates and tissue hypoxia were assessed. Gene expression profiles were studied using Affymetrix GeneChip 1.0 ST microarrays.Results: Apoptosis rates were comparable in normoxia and hypoxia despite different oxygenation levels, suggesting adaptation of tumor cells to hypoxia. Gene expression profiles in hypoxic compared to normoxic fragments largely overlapped with published hypoxia-signatures. While most of these genes were up-regulated by hypoxia also in NSCLC cell lines, membrane metallo-endopeptidase (MME, neprilysin, CD10) expression was not increased in hypoxia in NSCLC cell lines, but in carcinoma-associated fibroblasts isolated from non-small cell lung cancers. High MME expression was significantly associated with poor overall survival in 342 NSCLC patients in a meta-analysis of published microarray datasets.Conclusions: The novel ex vivo model allowed for the first time to analyze hypoxia-regulated gene expression in preserved human lung cancer tissue. Gene expression profiles in human hypoxic lung cancer tissue overlapped with hypoxia-signatures from cancer cell lines, however, the elastase MME was identified as a novel hypoxia-induced gene in lung cancer. Due to the lack of hypoxia effects on MME expression in NSCLC cell lines in contrast to carcinoma-associated fibroblasts, a direct up-regulation of stroma fibroblast MME expression under hypoxia might contribute to enhanced aggressiveness of hypoxic cancers

    Meta-analysis Reveals Genome-Wide Significance at 15q13 for Nonsyndromic Clefting of Both the Lip and the Palate, and Functional Analyses Implicate GREM1 As a Plausible Causative Gene

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    Nonsyndromic orofacial clefts are common birth defects with multifactorial etiology. The most common type is cleft lip, which occurs with or without cleft palate (nsCLP and nsCLO, respectively). Although genetic components play an important role in nsCLP, the genetic factors that predispose to palate involvement are largely unknown. In this study, we carried out a meta-analysis on genetic and clinical data from three large cohorts and identified strong association between a region on chromosome 15q13 and nsCLP (P = 8.13×10−14 for rs1258763; relative risk (RR): 1.46, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.32–1.61)) but not nsCLO (P = 0.27; RR: 1.09 (0.94–1.27)). The 5 kb region of strongest association maps downstream of Gremlin-1 (GREM1), which encodes a secreted antagonist of the BMP4 pathway. We show during mouse embryogenesis, Grem1 is expressed in the developing lip and soft palate but not in the hard palate. This is consistent with genotype-phenotype correlations between rs1258763 and a specific nsCLP subphenotype, since a more than two-fold increase in risk was observed in patients displaying clefts of both the lip and soft palate but who had an intact hard palate (RR: 3.76, CI: 1.47–9.61, Pdiff<0.05). While we did not find lip or palate defects in Grem1-deficient mice, wild type embryonic palatal shelves developed divergent shapes when cultured in the presence of ectopic Grem1 protein (P = 0.0014). The present study identified a non-coding region at 15q13 as the second, genome-wide significant locus specific for nsCLP, after 13q31. Moreover, our data suggest that the closely located GREM1 gene contributes to a rare clinical nsCLP entity. This entity specifically involves abnormalities of the lip and soft palate, which develop at different time-points and in separate anatomical regions.Clefts of the lip and palate are common birth defects, and require long-term multidisciplinary management. Their etiology involves genetic factors and environmental influences and/or a combination of both, however, these interactions are poorly defined. Moreover, although clefts of the lip may or may not involve the palate, the determinants predisposing to specific subphenotypes are largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that variations in the non-coding region near the GREM1 gene show a highly significant association with a particular phenotype in which cleft lip and cleft palate co-occ