7,916 research outputs found

    Mitigating the Impact of Natural Disasters on Public Finance

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    Naturkatastrophe; Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft; Versicherungstechnisches Risiko; Securitization; Rückversicherung

    Mitigating the Impact of Natural Disasters on Public Finance

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    Scalable Recommendation with Poisson Factorization

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    We develop a Bayesian Poisson matrix factorization model for forming recommendations from sparse user behavior data. These data are large user/item matrices where each user has provided feedback on only a small subset of items, either explicitly (e.g., through star ratings) or implicitly (e.g., through views or purchases). In contrast to traditional matrix factorization approaches, Poisson factorization implicitly models each user's limited attention to consume items. Moreover, because of the mathematical form of the Poisson likelihood, the model needs only to explicitly consider the observed entries in the matrix, leading to both scalable computation and good predictive performance. We develop a variational inference algorithm for approximate posterior inference that scales up to massive data sets. This is an efficient algorithm that iterates over the observed entries and adjusts an approximate posterior over the user/item representations. We apply our method to large real-world user data containing users rating movies, users listening to songs, and users reading scientific papers. In all these settings, Bayesian Poisson factorization outperforms state-of-the-art matrix factorization methods

    The importance of teacher-student relationships in classrooms with ‘difficult’ students: a multi-level moderation analysis of nine Berlin secondary schools

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    Meta-analyses suggest that instructional quality in the classroom and the quality of teacher-student relationships (TSR) predict positive social-emotional and achievement-related outcomes. Psychoanalytic theory asserts that positive teacher-student relationships are particularly important for outcomes in classrooms with more students with severe psychosocial difficulties. Hence, this study tests whether classrooms with more students with severe psychosocial difficulties have better social-emotional and achievement-related outcomes when teachers have been able to establish more positive relationships with their students. Hierarchical linear regression models use nested student survey data from 32 classrooms. Results only partially support the hypothesis and suggest that too many students with psychosocial difficulties might overwhelm even teachers with strong relationship-building skills, leading to detrimental outcomes.Peer Reviewe

    Agencia y Materialidad en la Documentación del Arte de los Medios

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    El arte de los medios goza de una larga y fértil historia que ha generado innumerables prácticas artísticas de gran calidad así como no pocos estudios teóricos e históricos sobre las diferentes tendencias, creadores, o sobre las diferentes zonas geográficas que han intervenido e intervienen en la construcción de su pasado y su presente (Wilson,2001; Paul, 2003; Daniels, 2004, 2005; Popper, 2007; Grau, 2007; Alsina, 2007; Shanken 2009). No obstante las própias características y el componente experimental inherente a este conjunto de prácticas también ha aportado importantes preguntas relativas a la transformación de la naturaleza de los procesos que el arte de los medios introduce en las formas tradicionales de habérselas con el arte y el mundo del arte. El propósito de este artículo es incidir específicamente en aquellos procesos vinculados a la construcción de archivos y documentación, así como tambien a la propia conservación del arte de los medios, a través de un análisis de la problemática de la materialidad y la agencia en las prácticas artísticas . La perspectiva que adoptaremos no se limitará a la discusión técnica de las diferentes soluciones a las problemáticas planteadas por las mismas prácticas sino más bien a la problematización del problema mismo desde la perspectiva de la arqueología de los medios (Kittler, 1997; Ernst 2005; Zielinski, 2006; Huhtamo, Parikka, 2011); y el conjunto de reflexiones vinculadas al denominado nuevo materialismo (Delanda, 2000; Barad, 2003; Law, 2007; Coole, 2010).Media Art practices have a long and fertile history of artworks, projects and theoretical reflection that raised fresh perspectives in the connection between art and other disciplines, as well as the relation between art with life, society or political commitment. At the same time, media art projects made use of different methodologies that challenge the "how to do" of the whole contemporary art world. In this broad fluctuating context for arts, the present article focuses on documentation, preservation and archival processes. In order to analyse and problematise the issue of (media) art duration and transmission, we use as a vehicle the notions of agency and materiality. These multifaceted concepts (i.e. agency and materiality) will be approached using the Media Archaeology perspective (Kittler, 1997; Ernst 2005; Zielinski, 2006; Huhtamo, Parikka, 2011) combined with references encountered in the so-called New Materialism turn (Delanda, 2000; Barad, 2003; Law, 2007; Coole, 2010)

    Futurs especulatius de l'art «Què passaria si...?»

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    Peer-reviewedApproaching art from a speculative point of view also involves thinking about other possible worlds beginning in the invention of futures that defy the logic of continuity and that can still surprise us. It means asking ourselves «what would happen if...», and completing the second part of the sentence as might the «idiot», that conceptual character able to generate the interstice from which other questions emerge, questions for which the conclusions can neither be taken for granted nor can it be assumed that the seeking for their meanings was exhausted. To speculate is to formulate these questions in the form of future fictions and to seek out possible responses without being ashamed of the uncertainty or faltering attempts. To speculate about the future is also to speculate about the present and the past, to create contemporary fables, far-reaching accounts that induce thought.Abordar el arte desde lo especulativo implica también pensar otros mundos posibles a partir de la invención de futuros que escapen a la lógica de la continuidad y que sigan teniendo la posibilidad de sorprendernos. Significa preguntarnos por el «qué pasaría si...» completando la segunda parte de la frase tal y como lo haría el «idiota», aquel personaje conceptual capaz de generar el intersticio para la emergencia de otras preguntas, aquellas que no dan por sentadas las conclusiones, ni presuponen agotados los significados de aquello que se busca conocer. Especular es formular esas preguntas en forma de ficciones de futuro y buscar respuestas posibles sin avergonzarnos de la duda ni el balbuceo. Especular sobre el futuro es también hacerlo sobre el presente y el pasado, crear fabulaciones contemporáneas, relatos densos que conducen al pensamiento.Abordar l'art des de l'aspecte especulatiu implica pensar també altres possibles mons, a partir de la invenció de futurs que escapen a la lògica de la continuïtat i que guarden la possibilitat de sorprendre'ns. Vol dir preguntar-nos pel «què passaria si...» i completar així la segona part de la frase tal com ho faria l'«idiota», aquell personatge conceptual capaç de generar l'interstici per a l'emergència d'altres preguntes, les que no donen per fet les conclusions ni pressuposen esgotats els significats d'allò que es busca conèixer. Especular és formular aquestes preguntes en forma de ficcions de futur, i buscar-hi respostes possibles sense avergonyir-nos del dubte ni del balboteig. Especular sobre el futur és fer-ho també sobre el present i el passat, crear fabulacions contemporànies, relats densos que condueixen al pensament

    Spiky Strings on NS5-branes

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    We study rigidly rotating strings in the near horizon geometry of a stack of Neveu-Schwarz (NS) 5-branes. We solve the Nambu-Goto action of the fundamental string in the presence of a NS-NS two form (Bμν)(B_{\mu\nu}) and find out limiting cases corresponding to magnon and spike like solutions.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in PL

    CFD evaluation of intake port flow properties of cylinder head with Creo

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    Následující bakalářská práce pojednává o měření a následném vyhodnocení průtokových a vírových vlastností sacích a výfukových kanálů hlavy motoru. Na to dále navazuje numerická simulace v programu Creo. Na úvod autor seznamuje čtenáře se základní problematikou a názvoslovím v rámci spalovacích motorů. V experimentální části je pak popsán postup měření na aerodynamické trati a jeho vyhodnocení za pomoci výpočtů dle norem a příslušných vztahů. Hlavní část práce je věnována seznámení s numerickými simulacemi v oblasti mechaniky tekutin a následně samotné simulaci v modulu Flow Analysis. Výsledky simulace pak autor porovnává s experimentálním měřením a vyhodnocuje možnosti zmíněného modulu, včetně použitelnosti pro takový druh simulací.This bachelor thesis deals with measurement and evaluation of intake and exhaust port flow in a cylinder head as well as with further CFD analysis in Creo software. At first the author introduces the very basics of internal combustion engines. That is followed by description of a measurement on a steady flow test rig and evaluation of obtained data. The main part focuses on the introduction of CFD and simulation of said problém in the Flow Analysis module. Simulation results are then compared with experimental results and the author further evaluates suitability of Flow Analysis module for such simulations

    Palivové články s keramickou matricí

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na palivové články s pevnými oxidy. Jejím cílem je představit tento druh palivového článku a potvrdit, že se jedná o potencionální budoucí pohonnou jednotku v dopravě, díky vysoké účinnosti přeměny energie paliva. V práci je vypočítána účinnost samotného palivového článku a účinnost v hybridním systému spolu s turbínou.The bachelor thesis is focused on the solid oxide fuel cell. The aim is to present this type of fuel cell and to confirm that it is a potential future power unit in transportation due to the high efficiency of fuel energy conversion. The efficiency of the fuel cell itself and the efficiency in the hybrid system together with the turbine is calculated in this work

    Public project in the selected village

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem projektu pro další ročník festivalu Majáles Dobruška. V této práci jsou popsány základní faktory, které ovlivňují pořádání festivalu. Na začátku této práce jsou popsány pojmy jako služba, marketing, nebo chování zákazníka. Další kapitola charakterizuje obec Dobruška a její ekonomickou situaci. V další části už se nachází samotný návrh festivalu, který je rozdělen do podkapitol. První podkapitola se zabývá spoluprácí mezi organizátory festivalu a obcí Dobruška. Jako druhá je zde uvedena myšlenková mapa, která slouží k základnímu rozdělení odvětví, nad nimiž je třeba se zamyslet, při plánování festivalu. Poté následuje navrhovaný rozpočet pro festival. Jako poslední je uvedena podkapitola týkající se propagace. V rámci této práce byl také vytvořen dotazník, který pomohl zodpovědět základní otázky organizátorů.The thesis deals with project proposal for the next vintage of festival Majáles Dobruška. The thesis describe the basic factors influencing the organisation of the festival. At the beginning of this work, are described concepts as service, marketing or behaviour of customer. Another chapter characterizes the village Dobruška and economic situation of this village. In the next part is the festival proposal, which is divided into subchapters. The first subchapter deals with cooperation between the organizers of the festival and village Dobruška. Secondly, there is a mind map that serves as a basic partition of the industries, which should be considered. Then follows the proposed budget for the festival and lastly, the chapter of promotion. In this thesis was also created questionnaire, that helped to answer the basic questions of organizers