11,507 research outputs found

    Fission Hindrance in hot 216Th: Evaporation Residue Measurements

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    The fusion evaporation-residue cross section for 32S+184W has been measured at beam energies of E_beam = 165, 174, 185, 196, 205, 215, 225, 236, 246,and 257 MeV using the ATLAS Fragment Mass Analyzer. The data are compared with Statistical Model calculations and it is found that a nuclear dissipation strength, which increases with excitation energy, is required to reproduce the excitation function. A comparison with previously published data show that the dissipation strength depends strongly on the shell structure of the nuclear system.Comment: 15 pages 9 figure

    How Well Does AdS/QCD Describe QCD?

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    AdS/QCD is an extra-dimensional approach to modeling hadronic physics, motivated by the AdS/CFT correspondence in string theory. AdS/QCD models are often more accurate than would have been expected at energies below a few GeV. We address the question of why these models are so successful, and respond to some of the criticisms that have been waged against these models.Comment: To appear in proceedings of Crossing the Boundaries: Gauge Dynamics at Strong Coupling (Shifmania), Minnesota, May 14-17, 2009. 12 pages, 2 eps figure

    The Spectrum of Strings on Warped AdS_3 x S^3

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    String theory on NS-NS AdS_3 x S^3 admits an exactly marginal deformation which breaks the SL(2,R)_R x SL(2,R)_L isometry of AdS_3 down to SL(2,R)_R x U(1)_L. The holographic dual is an exotic and only partially understood type of two-dimensional CFT with a reduced unbroken global conformal symmetry group. In this paper we study the deformed theory on the string worldsheet. It is found to be related by a spectral flow which is nonlocal in spacetime to the undeformed worldsheet theory. An exact formula for the spectrum of massive strings is presented.Comment: 26 pages, no figure

    Small world yields the most effective information spreading

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    Spreading dynamics of information and diseases are usually analyzed by using a unified framework and analogous models. In this paper, we propose a model to emphasize the essential difference between information spreading and epidemic spreading, where the memory effects, the social reinforcement and the non-redundancy of contacts are taken into account. Under certain conditions, the information spreads faster and broader in regular networks than in random networks, which to some extent supports the recent experimental observation of spreading in online society [D. Centola, Science {\bf 329}, 1194 (2010)]. At the same time, simulation result indicates that the random networks tend to be favorable for effective spreading when the network size increases. This challenges the validity of the above-mentioned experiment for large-scale systems. More significantly, we show that the spreading effectiveness can be sharply enhanced by introducing a little randomness into the regular structure, namely the small-world networks yield the most effective information spreading. Our work provides insights to the understanding of the role of local clustering in information spreading.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted by New J. Phy

    Circadian pattern and burstiness in mobile phone communication

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    The temporal communication patterns of human individuals are known to be inhomogeneous or bursty, which is reflected as the heavy tail behavior in the inter-event time distribution. As the cause of such bursty behavior two main mechanisms have been suggested: a) Inhomogeneities due to the circadian and weekly activity patterns and b) inhomogeneities rooted in human task execution behavior. Here we investigate the roles of these mechanisms by developing and then applying systematic de-seasoning methods to remove the circadian and weekly patterns from the time-series of mobile phone communication events of individuals. We find that the heavy tails in the inter-event time distributions remain robustly with respect to this procedure, which clearly indicates that the human task execution based mechanism is a possible cause for the remaining burstiness in temporal mobile phone communication patterns.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Latest results from the PHOBOS experiment

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    Over the past years PHOBOS has continued to analyze the large datasets obtained from the first five runs of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The two main analysis streams have been pursued. The first one aims to obtain a broad and systematic survey of global properties of particle production in heavy ion collisions. The second class includes the study of fluctuations and correlations in particle production. Both type of studies have been performed for a variety of the collision systems, covering a wide range in collision energy and centrality. The uniquely large angular coverage of the PHOBOS detector and its ability to measure charged particles down to very low transverse momentum is exploited. The latest physics results from PHOBOS, as presented at Quark Matter 2008 Conference, are contained in this report.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, presented at the 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, "Quark Matter 2008", Jaipur, India, Feb.4-10, 200

    Black Hole Production from High Energy Scattering in AdS/CFT

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    In this article we show how to set up initial states in N=4{\cal N} =4 SYM theory that correspond to high energy graviton collisions, leading to black hole formation in AdS5Ă—S5AdS_5\times S^5. For this purpose, we study states in the gauge theory that are dual to graviton wavepackets localized at the center of AdS5AdS_5, and carrying large angular momentum along the S5S^5. These states are created by exciting only the s-wave mode of one of the complex adjoint scalars of SYM. For a single graviton, the state is 1/2 BPS and one can show that it is dual to a linearized 1/2 BPS geometry in the bulk. Exploiting this dictionary, we show how to localize the particle's wavefunciton so that the dual linearized metric has the form of a Aichelburg-Sexl shock wave. One can then put two such shock waves into a head-on collision, which is known to produce a trapped surface. Finally, we discuss the prospect of studying graviton scattering directly at strong coupling in the gauge theory using a reduced model of matrix quantum mechanics.Comment: 11 pages, revtex format, no figure

    Continuum Superpartners

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    In an exact conformal theory there is no particle. The excitations have continuum spectra and are called "unparticles" by Georgi. We consider supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model with approximate conformal sectors. The conformal symmetry is softly broken in the infrared which generates a gap. However, the spectrum can still have a continuum above the gap if there is no confinement. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence this can be achieved with a soft wall in the warped extra dimension. When supersymmetry is broken the superpartners of the Standard Model particles may simply be a continuum above gap. The collider signals can be quite different from the standard supersymmetric scenarios and the experimental searches for the continuum superpartners can be very challenging.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, talk at SCGT09 Workshop, Nagoya, Japan, 8-11 Dec, 200

    Integration of Plant Defense Traits with Biological Control of Arthropod Pests: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Crop plants exhibit a wide diversity of defensive traits and strategies to protect themselves from damage by herbivorous pests and disease. These defensive traits may be naturally occurring or artificially selected through crop breeding, including introduction via genetic engineering. While these traits can have obvious and direct impacts on herbivorous pests, many have profound effects on higher trophic levels, including the natural enemies of herbivores. Multi-trophic effects of host plant resistance have the potential to influence, both positively and negatively, biological control. Plant defense traits can influence both the numerical and functional responses of natural enemies; these interactions can be semiochemically, plant toxin-, plant nutrient-, and/or physically mediated. Case studies involving predators, parasitoids, and pathogens of crop pests will be presented and discussed. These diverse groups of natural enemies may respond differently to crop plant traits based on their own unique biology and the ecological niches they fill. Genetically modified crop plants that have been engineered to express transgenic products affecting herbivorous pests are an additional consideration. For the most part, transgenic plant incorporated protectant (PIP) traits are compatible with biological control due to their selective toxicity to targeted pests and relatively low non-target impacts, although transgenic crops may have indirect effects on higher trophic levels and arthropod communities mediated by lower host or prey number and/or quality. Host plant resistance and biological control are two of the key pillars of integrated pest management; their potential interactions, whether they are synergistic, complementary, or disruptive, are key in understanding and achieving sustainable and effective pest management
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