52 research outputs found

    Die Effizienz der schweizerischen staatlichen Leistungen

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    Die Schweizer Staatsquote steigt seit den 90er Jahren stark an. Der Wirtschaftstheorie folgend sollte sich der Staat jedoch auf seine Kernaktivitäten beschränken, um ein optimales Wirtschaftswachstum zu ermöglichen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Höhe und die Entwicklung der grössten Ausgabenbereiche in einem internationalen Vergleich und beschreibt das Ausmass der schweizerischen 'Verschwendung'. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Schweiz besonders in den Bereichen Soziale Wohlfahrt und Landwirtschaft im internationalen Vergleich sehr grosszügig ist

    Science & Technology Studies Elsewhere

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    In April 2017, scientists took to the streets in a historically unprecedented Global March for Science. The event was seen as symbolic of a crisis in the relationship of science and society. This book considers the Global March for Science from a postcolonial perspective to inquire into the toolkit that the academic field of Science & Technology Studies (STS) has to offer. It argues that new concepts and analytical approaches are necessary to investigate current global dynamics in science, technology and society, so as to deliver insights that the recent expansion of STS scholars beyond Western Europe and North America alone is unlikely to provide. The book presents a Programme in Science Studies Elsewhere (SSE) to demonstrate the urgent need to carry postcolonial issues right into the centre of STS’s intellectual programme

    Science in the Swiss Policy Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020

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    New International Science & Technology Policies: Key Issues and Questions in Switzerland

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    Early detection, prevention and management of bacterial infections in the intensive care unit

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    Bacterial infections occur frequently in intensive care units (ICU) across the world. Their prevalence has relevant impacts on diagnostic approaches, patient treatment concepts and subsequent patient outcomes. In this habilitation, the role and manifestation of bacterial surface and device contamination potentially affecting critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as well as appropriate diagnostic and management strategies with hospital epidemiological consequences during a novel pandemic are discussed. The work demonstrates that bacterial superinfections in critically ill COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome are frequent and commonly associated with longer duration of invasive mechanical ventilation. It highlights the substantial potential of structured microbiological sampling procedures and thorough antibiotic stewardship, in order to prevent the spread of multidrug resistant bacteria. Furthermore, potential benefits of the application of intravenous immunoglobulins as an early management strategy to treat necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTI) are analyzed in a structured ICU patient cohort with a rare bacterial disease. To analyze a further specific management and prevention approach, this work characterizes the visual behaviour of critical care nurses while identifying drug labels of relevant ICU medications in a setting where performing under time pressure and the avoidance of medication errors - such as in patients with bacterial infections - are key. Together, the results of the presented work demonstrate the importance of accurate diagnostic, prevention and treatment strategies in the vulnerable collective of ICU patients with bacterial infections

    Eine Untersuchung der Effizienz öffentlicher Leistungen der Schweizer Kantone und Gemeinden

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    Eine Untersuchung der Effizienz öffentlicher Leistungen der Schweizer Kantone und Gemeinden

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    Harvesting of autogenous grafts for gingival recession coverage

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    The ultimate aim of periodontal plastic surgery is to create optimal pink esthetics through the reconstruction of gingival recessions. Application of autogenous soft tissue grafts is considered as a gold standard treatment modality with predictable esthetic outcomes for gingival recession coverage. Harvesting a free soft tissue graft from an esthetically irrelevant region of the oral mucosa using various techniques can prevent donor site complications around the adjacent teeth
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