24 research outputs found

    A review of tin oxide-based catalytic systems: Preparation, characterization and catalytic behavior

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    This paper reviews the important aspects of the preparation, characterization and catalytic behavior of tin oxide-based catalytic systems including doped tin oxide, mixed oxides which contain tin oxide, Pt supported on tin oxide and Pt/Sn supported on alumina. These systems have a broad range of applications and are continually increasing in importance. However, due to their complex nature, much remains to be understood concerning how they function catalytically

    ISS and TPD study of the adsorption and interaction of CO and H2 on polycrystalline Pt

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    The adsorption and interaction of CO and H2 on polycrystalline Pt has been studied using ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). The ISS results indicate that the initial CO adsorption on Pt takes place very rapidly and saturates the Pt surface with coverage close to a monolayer. ISS also shows that the CO molecules adsorb at an angular orientation from the surface normal and perhaps parallel to the surface. A TPD spectrum obtained after coadsorbing C-12 O-16 and C-13 O-18 on Pt shows no isotopic mixing, which is indicative of molecular CO adsorption. TPD spectra obtained after coadsorbing H2 and CO on polycrystalline Pt provides evidence for the formation of a CO-H surface species

    Permeation of oxygen through high purity, large grain silver

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    The permeation of high purity, large grain Ag membranes by oxygen has been studied over the temperature range 400 to 800 C. The permeability was found to be quite linear and repeatable, but the magnitude was 3.2 times smaller than that determined by past research. Since previous investigators studied substantially less pure Ag and conducted experiments within much poorer vacuum environments (which indicates that their grain boundary density was much greater), the data presented here suggest oxygen transport through the membrane is primarily by grain boundary diffusion. The diffusivity measurements were found to exhibit two distinct linear regions, one above and one below a critical temperature of 630 C. The high-temperature data have an activation energy (11.1 kcal/mole) similar to that reported by others, but the low-temperature data have a higher activation energy (15.3 kcal/mole), which can be explained by impurity trapping in the grain boundaries. Vacuum desorption of the oxygen-saturated Ag was found to occur at a threshold of 630 C, which is consistent with the onset of increased mobility within the grain boundaries

    Low-Temperature CO-Oxidation Catalysts for Long-Life CO2 Lasers

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    Low-temperature CO-oxidation catalysts are necessary for closed-cycle pulsed CO2 lasers as well as for other applications, including air purification. The papers presented in this volume discuss several such catalysts, including information on catalyst preparation, techniques for enhancing catalyst performance, laboratory and laser test results, and mechanistic considerations

    Electron stimulated desorption of atomic oxygen from silver

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    The electron stimulated desorption (ESD) of neutral oxygen atoms from polycrystalline silver and of oxygen ions from Ag(110) has been studied. Polycrystalline Ag charged with (16)O2 and (18)O2 and bombarded by low-energy electrons (approx 100 eV) under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions emitted O atom flux levels of 1 x 10 to the 12th power/sq cm/s at a Ag temperature of 300 C. The flux was detected with a quadrupole mass spectrometer operating in the appearance potential mode. The neutral cross section at about 100 C was determined to be 7 x 10 to the -19 sq cm. Ancillary experiments conducted in a UHV chamber equipped with a cylindrical mirror analyzer and rigged for ion energy distribution and ion angular distribution were used to study O ions desorbed from Ag(110). Two primary O(+) energies of 2.4 and 5.4 eV were detected from the Ag(110) after having been dosed with 2500 L of (16)O2. It also appears that in both experiments there was strong evidence for directionality of the emitted flux. The results of this study serve as a proof of concept for the development of a laboratory atomic oxygen beam generator that simulates the gas flux environment experienced by orbiting vehicles

    Characterization study of polycrystalline tin oxide surfaces before and after reduction in CO

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    Polycrystalline tin oxide surfaces have been examined before and after reduction in 40 Torr of CO at 100 and 175 C using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS) and electron stimulated desorption (ESD). The changes in the surface composition and chemical states of the surface species generally are subtle for the reductive conditions used. However, significant changes do occur with regard to the amounts and the chemical forms of the hydrogen-containing species remaining after both the 100 and 175 C reductions

    Platinized tin oxide catalysts for CO2 lasers: Effects of pretreatment

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    Platinized tin oxide surfaces used for low-temperature CO oxidation in CO2 lasers have been characterized before and after reduction in CO at 125 and 250 C using ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS) and X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). XPS indicates that the Pt is present initially as PtO2. Reduction at 125 C converts the PtO2 to Pt(OH)2 while reduction at 250 C converts the PtO2 to metallic Pt. ISS shows that the Pt in the outermost atomic layer of the catalyst is mostly covered by substrate species during the 250 C reduction. Both the ISS and XPS results are consistent with Pt/Sn alloy formation. The surface dehydration and migration of substrate species over surface Pt and Sn appear to explain why a CO pretreatment at 250 C produces inferior CO oxidation activities compared to a 125 C pretreatment

    Effect of pretreatment on a platinized tin oxide catalyst used for low-temperature CO-oxidation

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    A commercial platinized tin oxide catalyst used for low-temperature CO oxidation has been characterized using ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) before and after reduction in 40 Torr of CO for 1 hour at various temperatures from 75 to 175 C. The reduction results in loss of surface oxygen, formation of metallic tin, conversion of platinum oxides to Pt-O-Sn and Pt(OH)2 and a small amount of metallic Pt which alloys with the tin. These results should be useful in understanding how the pretreatment temperature affects the catalytic activity of platinized tin oxide toward CO oxidation

    Alternative catalysts for low-temperature CO-oxidation

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    MnO sub x, Ag/MnO sub x, Cu/MnO sub x, Pt/MnO sub x, Ru/MnO sub x, Au/CeO sub x, and Au/Fe2O3 were synthesized and tested for CO oxidation activity in low concentrations of stoichiometric CO and O2 at 30 to 75 C. Catalytic activity was measured for periods as long as 18000 minutes. At 75 deg Au/MnO sub x is most active sustaining nearly 100 percent CO conversion for 10000 minutes. It also retains high activity at 50 and 30 C with negligible decay in activity. A direct comparison between an unpretreated 10 percent Au/MnO sub x catalyst and an optimized 19.5 percent Pt/SnO sub 2 (pretreated) catalyst shows that the Au/MnO sub x catalyst exhibits much higher catalytic activity and far superior decay characteristics. Other catalysts including Au/CeO sub x and Au/Fe2O3 also perform well. The Cu/MnO sub x exhibits a high initial activity which decays rapidly. After the decay period the activity remains very stable making Cu/MnO sub x a potential candidate for long-term applications such as CO2 lasers in space