108 research outputs found

    Aspherical Explosion Models for SN 1998bw/GRB 980425

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    The recent discovery of the unusual supernova SN1998bw and its apparent correlation with the gamma-ray burst GRB 980425 has raised new issues concerning both the GRB and supernovae. Although the spectra resemble those of TypeIc supernovae, there are distinct differences at early times and SN1998bw appeared to be unusually bright and red at maximum light. The apparent expansion velocities inferred by the Doppler shift of (unidentified) absorption features appeared to be high, making SN1998bw a possible candidate for a "hypernova" with explosion energies between 20 and 50E51 erg and ejecta masses in excess of 6 - 15 M_o. Based on light curve calculations for aspherical explosions and guided by the polarization observations of "normal" SNIc and related events, we present an alternative picture that allows SN1998bw to have an explosion energy and ejecta mass consistent with core collapse supernovae (although at the 'bright' end). We show that the LC of SN1998bw can be understood as result of an aspherical explosion along the rotational axis of a basically spherical, non-degenerate C/O core of massive star with an explosion energy of 2foe and a total ejecta mass of 2 M_o if it is seen from high inclinations with respect to the plane of symmetry. In this model, the high expansion velocities are a direct consequence of an aspherical explosion which, in turn, produces oblate iso-density contours. It suggests that the fundamental core-collapse explosion process itself is strongly asymmetric.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, latex, aas2pp4.sty, submitted to Ap

    Increase in Forage Maize Production by Bacterial Fertilisers

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    Farmers in many countries value green material generated from maize as a high quality forage. Its inclusion in dairy cow diets can improve forage intake, increase animal performance and has the potential to reduce production costs (Phipps, 1994). Restrictions on the use of chemical fertilisers and a renewed interest in organic sustainable farming systems in general, has restored attention to crop rotations The increase of maize production using bacterial fertilisers also gives alternative ways to reduce chemical fertilisers in forage production. Increased uptake of nutrients such as N, P, and K and crop yield was reported with rhizobacteria (Lazarovits & Nowak, 1997). This paper presents studies carried out to evaluate the effects of bacterial fertilisers on maize production

    Hard X- and Gamma-Rays from Type Ia Supernovae

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    The gamma-ray light curves and spectra are presented for a set of theoretical Type Ia supernova models including deflagration, detonation, delayed detonation, and pulsating delayed detonations of Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs as well as merger scenarios that may involve more than the Chandrasekhar mass and helium detonations of sub-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs. The results have been obtained with a Monte Carlo radiation transport scheme which takes into account all relevant gamma-transitions and interaction processes. The result is a set of accurate line profiles which are characteristic of the initial Ni-mass distribution of the supernova models. The gamma-rays probe the isotopic rather than just the elemental distribution of the radioactive elements in the ejecta. Details of the line profiles including the line width, shift with respect to the rest frame, and line ratios are discussed. With sufficient energy and temporal resolution, different model scenarios can clearly be distinguished. Observational strategies are discussed for current and immediately upcoming generations of satellites (CGRO and INTEGRAL) as well as projected future missions including concepts such as Laue telescopes. With CGRO, it is currently possible with sufficiently early observations (near optical maximum) to distinguish helium detonations from explosions of Chandrasekhar mass progenitors and of those involving mergers up to a distance of about 15 Mpc. This translates into one target of opportunity every eight years. SNe Ia up to about 10 Mpc would allow detailed CGRO studies of line ratios of Co lines.Comment: 32 pages, Tex, ApJ, in pres

    Three Dimensional Simulation of Gamma Ray Emission from Asymmetric Supernovae and Hypernovae

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    Hard X- and Îł\gamma-ray spectra and light curves resulting from radioactive decays are computed for aspherical (jet-like) and energetic supernova models (representing a prototypical hypernova SN 1998bw), using a 3D energy- and time-dependent Monte Carlo scheme. The emission is characterized by (1) early emergence of high energy emission, (2) large line-to-continuum ratio, and (3) large cut-off energy by photoelectric absorptions in hard X-ray energies. These three properties are not sensitively dependent on the observer's direction. On the other hand, fluxes and line profiles depend sensitively on the observer's direction, showing larger luminosity and larger degree of blueshift for an observer closer to the polar (zz) direction. Strategies to derive the degree of asphericity and the observer's direction from (future) observations are suggested on the basis of these features, and an estimate on detectability of the high energy emission by the {\it INTEGRAL} and future observatories is presented. Also presented is examination on applicability of a gray effective Îł\gamma-ray opacity for computing the energy deposition rate in the aspherical SN ejecta. The 3D detailed computations show that the effective Îł\gamma-ray opacity ÎșÎłâˆŒ0.025−0.027\kappa_{\gamma} \sim 0.025 - 0.027 cm2^{2} g−1^{-1} reproduces the detailed energy-dependent transport for both spherical and aspherical (jet-like) geometry.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures. Figure 7 added in the accepted version. ApJ, 644 (01 June 2006 issue), in press. Resolution of figures lower than the published versio

    Low Carbon Abundance in Type Ia Supernovae

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    We investigate the quantity and composition of unburned material in the outer layers of three normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia): 2000dn, 2002cr and 20 04bw. Pristine matter from a white dwarf progenitor is expected to be a mixture of oxygen and carbon in approximately equal abundance. Using near-infrared (NIR, 0.7-2.5 microns) spectra, we find that oxygen is abundant while carbon is severely depleted with low upper limits in the outer third of the ejected mass. Strong features from the OI line at rest wavelength = 0.7773 microns are observed through a wide range of expansion velocities approx. 9,000 - 18,000 km/s. This large velocity domain corresponds to a physical region of the supernova with a large radial depth. We show that the ionization of C and O will be substantially the same in this region. CI lines in the NIR are expected to be 7-50 times stronger than those from OI but there is only marginal evidence of CI in the spectra and none of CII. We deduce that for these three normal SNe Ia, oxygen is more abundant than carbon by factors of 100 - 1,000. MgII is also detected in a velocity range similar to that of OI. The presence of O and Mg combined with the absence of C indicates that for these SNe Ia, nuclear burning has reached all but the extreme outer layers; any unburned material must have expansion velocities greater than 18,000 km/s. This result favors deflagration to detonation transition (DD) models over pure deflagration models for SNe Ia.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Asymmetric Supernovae, Pulsars, Magnetars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We outline the possible physical processes, associated timescales, and energetics that could lead to the production of pulsars, jets, asymmetric supernovae, and weak gamma-ray bursts in routine circumstances and to a magnetar and perhaps stronger gamma-ray burst in more extreme circumstances in the collapse of the bare core of a massive star. The production of a LeBlanc-Wilson MHD jet could provide an asymmetric supernova and result in a weak gamma-ray burst when the jet accelerates down the stellar density gradient of a hydrogen-poor photosphere. The matter-dominated jet would be formed promptly, but requires 5 to 10 s to reach the surface of the progenitor of a Type Ib/c supernova. During this time, the newly-born neutron star could contract, spin up, and wind up field lines or turn on an alpha-Omega dynamo. In addition, the light cylinder will contract from a radius large compared to the Alfven radius to a size comparable to that of the neutron star. This will disrupt the structure of any organized dipole field and promote the generation of ultrarelativistic MHD waves (UMHDW) at high density and Large Amplitude Electromagnetic Waves (LAEMW) at low density. The generation of the these waves would be delayed by the cooling time of the neutron star about 5 to 10 seconds, but the propagation time is short so the UMHDW could arrive at the surface at about the same time as the matter jet. In the density gradient of the star and the matter jet, the intense flux of UMHDW and LAEMW could drive shocks, generate pions by proton-proton collision, or create electron/positron pairs depending on the circumstances. The UMHDW and LAEMW could influence the dynamics of the explosion and might also tend to flow out the rotation axis to produce a collimated gamma-ray burst.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, revised for referee comments, accepted for ApJ, July 10 issu

    The Becklin-Neugebauer Object as a Runaway B Star, Ejected 4000 years ago from the theta^1C system

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    We attempt to explain the properties of the Becklin-Neugebauer (BN) object as a runaway B star, as originally proposed by Plambeck et al. (1995). This is one of the best-studied bright infrared sources, located in the Orion Nebula Cluster -- an important testing ground for massive star formation theories. From radio observations of BN's proper motion, we trace its trajectory back to Trapezium star theta^1C, the most massive (45 Msun) in the cluster and a relatively tight (17 AU) visual binary with a B star secondary. This origin would be the most recent known runaway B star ejection event, occurring only \~4000 yr ago and providing a unique test of models of ejection from multiple systems of massive stars. Although highly obscured, we can constrain BN's mass (~7 Msun) from both its bolometric luminosity and the recoil of theta^1C. Interaction of a runaway B star with dense ambient gas should produce a compact wind bow shock. We suggest that X-ray emission from this shocked gas may have been seen by Chandra: the offset from the radio position is ~300 AU in the direction of BN's motion. Given this model, we constrain the ambient density, wind mass-loss rate and wind velocity. BN made closest approach to the massive protostar, source ``I'', 500 yr ago. This may have triggered enhanced accretion and thus outflow, consistent with previous interpretations of the outflow being a recent (~10^3 yr) "explosive" event.Comment: 6 pages, accepted to ApJ Letter

    On the Light Curve and Spectrum of SN 2003dh Separated from the Optical Afterglow of GRB 030329

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    The net optical light curves and spectra of the supernova (SN) 2003dh are obtained from the published spectra of GRB 030329, covering about 6 days before SN maximum to about 60 days after. The bulk of the U-band flux is subtracted from the observed spectra using early-time afterglow templates, because strong line blanketing greatly depresses the UV and U-band SN flux in a metal-rich, fast-moving SN atmosphere. The blue-end spectra of the gamma-ray burst (GRB)connected hypernova SN 1998bw is used to determine the amount of subtraction. The subtraction of a host galaxy template affects the late-time results. The derived SN 2003dh light curves are narrower than those of SN 1998bw, rising as fast before maximum, reaching a possibly fainter maximum, and then declining ~ 1.2-1.4 times faster. We then build UVOIR bolometric SN light curve. Allowing for uncertainties, it can be reproduced with a spherical ejecta model of Mej ~ 7+/-3 Msun, KE ~ (3.5+/-1.5)E52 ergs, with KE/Mej ~ 5 following previous spectrum modelling, and M(Ni56) ~ (0.4 +0.15/-0.1) Msun. This suggests a progenitor main-sequence mass of about 25-40 Msun, lower than SN 1998bw but significantly higher than normal Type Ic SNe and the GRB-unrelated hypernova SN 2002ap.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, published by Ap

    SN 2003du: Signatures of the Circumstellar Environment in a Normal Type Ia Supernova?

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    We present observations of the Type Ia supernova 2003du obtained with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope and report the detection of a high-velocity component in the Ca II infrared triplet near 8000 Å, similar to features previously observed in SN 2000cx and SN 2001el. This feature exhibits a large expansion velocity (≈18,000 km s-1), which is nearly constant between -7 and +2 days relative to maximum light and disappears shortly thereafter. Other than this feature, the spectral evolution and light curve of SN 2003du resemble those of a normal SN Ia. We consider a possible origin for this high-velocity Ca II line in the context of a self-consistent spherical delayed-detonation model for the supernova. We find that the Ca II feature can be caused by a dense shell formed when circumstellar material of solar abundance is overrun by the rapidly expanding outermost layers of the SN ejecta. Model calculations show that the optical and infrared spectra are remarkably unaffected by the circumstellar interaction and the resulting shell. In particular, no hydrogen lines are detectable in either absorption or emission after the phase of dynamic interaction. The only qualitatively different features in the model spectra are the strong, high-velocity feature in the Ca II IR triplet around 8000 Å and a somewhat weaker O I feature near 7,300 Å. The Doppler shift and time evolution of these features provides an estimate for the amount of accumulated matter (decreasing Doppler shift with increasing shell mass) and also an indication of the mixing within the dense shell. For high shell masses (≈5 × 10-2 M☉), the high-velocity component of the Ca II line merges with the photospheric line forming a broad feature. A cutoff of the blue wings of strong, unblended lines (particularly the Si II feature at about 6,000 Å) may also be observable for larger shell masses. The model SN Ia light curves are little effected except at very early times when the shell is partially optically thick because of Thomson scattering, resulting in larger (B-V) colors by up to 0.3 mag. We apply these diagnostic tools to SN 2003du and infer that about 2 × 10-2 M☉ of solar abundance material may have accumulated in a shell prior to the observations. Furthermore, in this interpretation, the early light-curve data imply that the circumstellar material was originally very close to the progenitor system, perhaps from an accretion disk, Roche lobe, or common envelope. Because of the observed confinement of Ca II in velocity space and the lack of ongoing interaction inferred from the light curve, the matter cannot be placed in the outer layers of the exploding white dwarf star or related to a recent period of high mass loss in the progenitor system prior to the explosion. We note that the signatures of circumstellar interaction could be rather common in Type Ia supernovae and may have eluded discovery because optical spectra often do not extend significantly beyond 7500 Å

    The Axially Symmetric Ejecta of Supernova 1987A

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    Extensive early observations proved that the ejecta of supernova 1987A (SN 1987A) are aspherical. Fifteen years after the supernova explosion, the Hubble Space Telescope has resolved the rapidly expanding ejecta. The late-time images and spectroscopy provide a geometrical picture that is consistent with early observations and suggests a highly structured, axially symmetric geometry. We present here a new synthesis of the old and new data. We show that the Bochum event, presumably a clump of 56^{56}Ni, and the late-time image, the locus of excitation by 44^{44}Ti, are most naturally accounted for by sharing a common position angle of about 14\degree, the same as the mystery spot and early speckle data on the ejecta, and that they are both oriented along the axis of the inner circumstellar ring at 45\degree to the plane of the sky. We also demonstrate that the polarization represents a prolate geometry with the same position angle and axis as the early speckle data and the late-time image and hence that the geometry has been fixed in time and throughout the ejecta. The Bochum event and the Doppler kinematics of the [Ca II]/[O II] emission in spatially resolved HST spectra of the ejecta can be consistently integrated into this geometry. The radioactive clump is deduced to fall approximately along the axis of the inner circumstellar ring and therefore to be redshifted in the North whereas the [Ca II]/[O II] 7300 \AA emission is redshifted in the South. We present a jet-induced model for the explosion and argue that such a model can account for many of the observed asymmetries. In the jet models, the oxygen and calcium are not expected to be distributed along the jet, but primarily in an expanding torus that shares the plane and northern blue shift of the inner circumstellar ring.Comment: To Appear in Ap
