143 research outputs found

    Circular chosen-ciphertext security with compact ciphertexts

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    A key-dependent message (KDM) secure encryption scheme is secure even if an adversary obtains encryptions of messages that depend on the secret key. Such key-dependent encryptions naturally occur in scenarios such as harddisk encryption, formal cryptography, or in specific protocols. However, there are not many provably secure constructions of KDM-secure encryption schemes. Moreover, only one construction, due to Camenisch, Chandran, and Shoup (Eurocrypt 2009) is known to be secure against active (i.e., CCA) attacks. In this work, we construct the first public-key encryption scheme that is KDM-secure against active adversaries and has compact ciphertexts. As usual, we allow only circular key dependencies, meaning that encryptions of arbitrary *entire* secret keys under arbitrary public keys are considered in a multi-user setting. Technically, we follow the approach of Boneh, Halevi, Hamburg, and Ostrovsky (Crypto 2008) to KDM security, which however only achieves security against passive adversaries. We explain an inherent problem in adapting their techniques to active security, and resolve this problem using a new technical tool called ``lossy algebraic filters\u27\u27 (LAFs). We stress that we significantly deviate from the approach of Camenisch, Chandran, and Shoup to obtain KDM security against active adversaries. This allows us to develop a scheme with compact ciphertexts that consist only of a constant number of group elements

    Adaptive partitioning

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    We present a new strategy for partitioning proofs, and use it to obtain new tightly secure encryption schemes. Specifically, we provide the following two conceptual contributions: - A new strategy for tight security reductions that leads to compact public keys and ciphertexts. - A relaxed definition of non-interactive proof systems for non-linear (``OR-type\u27\u27) languages. Our definition is strong enough to act as a central tool in our new strategy to obtain tight security, and is achievable both in pairing-friendly and DCR groups. We apply these concepts in a generic construction of a tightly secure public-key encryption scheme. When instantiated in different concrete settings, we obtain the following: - A public-key encryption scheme whose chosen-ciphertext security can be tightly reduced to the DLIN assumption in a pairing-friendly group. Ciphertexts, public keys, and system parameters contain 6, 24, and 2 group elements, respectively. This improves heavily upon a recent scheme of Gay et al. (Eurocrypt 2016) in terms of public key size, at the cost of using a symmetric pairing. - The first public-key encryption scheme that is tightly chosen-ciphertext secure under the DCR assumption. While the scheme is not very practical (ciphertexts carry 29 group elements), it enjoys constant-size parameters, public keys, and ciphertexts

    Fully secure constrained pseudorandom functions using random oracles

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    A constrained pseudorandom function (CPRF) PRF allows to derive constrained evaluation keys that only allow to evaluate PRF on a subset of inputs. CPRFs have only recently been introduced independently by three groups of researchers. However, somewhat curiously, all of them could only achieve a comparatively weak, selective-challenge form of security (except for small input spaces, very limited forms of constrained keys, or with superpolynomial security reductions). In this paper, we construct the first fully secure CPRF without any of the above restrictions. Concretely, we support ``bit-fixing\u27\u27 constrained keys that hardwire an arbitrary subset of the input bits to fixed values, we support exponentially large input spaces, and our security reduction is polynomial. We require very heavyweight tools: we assume multilinear maps, indistinguishability obfuscation, and our proof is in the random oracle model. Still, our analysis is far from tautological, and even with these strong building blocks, we need to develop additional techniques and tools. As a simple application, we obtain the first adaptively secure non-interactive key exchange protocols for large user groups

    Programmable hash functions and their applications

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    We introduce a new combinatorial primitive called *programmable hash functions* (PHFs). PHFs can be used to *program* the output of a hash function such that it contains solved or unsolved discrete logarithm instances with a certain probability. This is a technique originally used for security proofs in the random oracle model. We give a variety of *standard model* realizations of PHFs (with different parameters). The programmability makes PHFs a suitable tool to obtain black-box proofs of cryptographic protocols when considering adaptive attacks. We propose generic digital signature schemes from the strong RSA problem and from some hardness assumption on bilinear maps that can be instantiated with any PHF. Our schemes offer various improvements over known constructions. In particular, for a reasonable choice of parameters, we obtain short standard model digital signatures over bilinear maps

    Zur Analyse und Struktur von Sicherheitsbegriffen

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    All-But-Many Lossy Trapdoor Functions

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    We put forward a generalization of lossy trapdoor functions (LTFs). Namely, all-but-many lossy trapdoor functions (ABM-LTFs) are LTFs that are parametrized with tags. Each tag can either be injective or lossy, which leads to an invertible or a lossy function. The interesting property of ABM-LTFs is that it is possible to generate an arbitrary number of lossy tags by means of a special trapdoor, while it is not feasible to produce lossy tags without this trapdoor. Our definition and construction can be seen as generalizations of all-but-one LTFs (due to Peikert and Waters) and all-but-N LTFs (due to Hemenway et al.). However, to achieve ABM-LTFs (and thus a number of lossy tags which is not bounded by any polynomial), we have to employ some new tricks. Concretely, we give two constructions that employ ``disguised\u27\u27 variants of the Waters, resp. Boneh-Boyen signature schemes to make the generation of lossy tags hard without trapdoor. In a nutshell, lossy tags simply correspond to valid signatures. At the same time, tags are disguised (i.e., suitably blinded) to keep lossy tags indistinguishable from injective tags. ABM-LTFs are useful in settings in which there are a polynomial number of adversarial challenges (e.g., challenge ciphertexts). Specifically, building on work by Hemenway et al., we show that ABM-LTFs can be used to achieve selective opening security against chosen-ciphertext attacks. One of our ABM-LTF constructions thus yields the first SO-CCA secure encryption scheme with compact ciphertexts (O(1) group elements) whose efficiency does not depend on the number of challenges. Our second ABM-LTF construction yields an IND-CCA (and in fact SO-CCA) secure encryption scheme whose security reduction is independent of the number of challenges and decryption queries

    Algebraic partitioning: Fully compact and (almost) tightly secure cryptography

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    We describe a new technique for conducting ``partitioning arguments\u27\u27. Partitioning arguments are a popular way to prove the security of a cryptographic scheme. For instance, to prove the security of a signature scheme, a partitioning argument could divide the set of messages into ``signable\u27\u27 messages for which a signature can be simulated during the proof, and ``unsignable\u27\u27 ones for which any signature would allow to solve a computational problem. During the security proof, we would then hope that an adversary only requests signatures for signable messages, and later forges a signature for an unsignable one. In this work, we develop a new class of partitioning arguments from simple assumptions. Unlike previous partitioning strategies, ours is based upon an algebraic property of the partitioned elements (e.g., the signed messages), and not on their bit structure. This allows to perform the partitioning efficiently in a ``hidden\u27\u27 way, such that already a single ``slot\u27\u27 for a partitioning operation in the scheme can be used to implement many different partitionings sequentially, one after the other. As a consequence, we can construct complex partitionings out of simple basic (but algebraic) partitionings in a very space-efficient way. As a demonstration of our technique, we provide the first signature and public-key encryption schemes that achieve the following properties simultaneously: they are (almost) tightly secure under a simple assumption, and they are fully compact (in the sense that parameters, keys, and signatures, resp.~ciphertexts only comprise a constant number of group elements)

    On the (Im-)Possibility of Extending Coin Toss

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    We consider the task of extending a given coin toss. By this, we mean the two-party task of using a single instance of a given coin toss protocol in order to interactively generate more random coins. A bit more formally, our goal is to generate n common random coins from a single use of an ideal functionality that gives m < n common random coins to both parties. In the framework of universal composability, we show the impossibility of securely extending a coin toss for statistical and perfect security. On the other hand, for computational security, the existence of a protocol for coin toss extension depends on the number m of random coins that can be obtained “for free.” For the case of stand-alone security, i.e., a simulation-based security definition without an environment, we present a protocol for statistically secure coin toss extension. Our protocol works for superlogarithmic m, which is optimal as we show the impossibility of statistically secure coin toss extension for smaller m. Combining our results with already known results, we obtain a (nearly) complete characterization under which circumstances coin toss extension is possible

    Reading mixtures of uniform sequence-defined macromolecules to increase data storage capacity

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    In recent years, the field of molecular data storage has emerged from a niche to a vibrant research topic. Herein, we describe a simultaneous and automated read-out of data stored in mixtures of sequence-defined oligomers. Therefore, twelve different sequence-defined tetramers and three hexamers with different mass markers and side chains are successfully synthesised via iterative Passerini three-component reactions and subsequent deprotection steps. By programming a straightforward python script for ESI-MS/MS analysis, it is possible to automatically sequence and thus read-out the information stored in these oligomers within one second. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the use of mass-markers as starting compounds eases MS/MS data interpretation and furthermore allows the unambiguous reading of sequences of mixtures of sequence-defined oligomers. Thus, high data storage capacity considering the field of synthetic macromolecules (up to 64.5 bit in our examples) can be obtained without the need of synthesizing long sequences, but by mixing and simultaneously analysing shorter sequence-defined oligomers

    Obfuscation for Cryptographic Purposes

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    An obfuscation of a function F should satisfy two requirements: firstly, using it should be possible to evaluate F; secondly, should not reveal anything about F that cannot be learnt from oracle access to F. Several definitions for obfuscation exist. However, most of them are either too weak for or incompatible with cryptographic applications, or have been shown impossible to achieve, or both. We give a new definition of obfuscation and argue for its reasonability and usefulness. In particular, we show that it is strong enough for cryptographic applications, yet we show that it has the potential for interesting positive results. We illustrat
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