27,482 research outputs found

    Electron yields from spacecraft materials

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    Photoyields and secondary electron emission (SEE) characteristics were determined under UHV conditions for a group of insulating materials used in spacecraft applications. The SEE studies were carried out with a pulsed primary beam while photoyields were obtained with a chopped photon beam from a Kr resonance source with major emission at 123.6 nm. This provides a photon flux close to that of the Lyman alpha in the space environment. Yields per incident photon are obtained relative to those from a freshly evaporated and air oxidized Al surface. Results are presented for Kapton, FEP Teflon, the borosilicate glass covering of a shuttle tile, and spacesuit outer fabric

    Behavior of Combined Dielectric-Metallic Systems in a Charged Particle Environment

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    The charging and discharging characteristics of an electrically isolated solar array segment were studied in order to simulate discharges seen during geomagnetic substorms. A solar array segment was floated while bombarded with monoenergetic electrons at various angles of incidence. The potentials of the array surface and of the interconnects were monitored using Trek voltage probes to maintain electrical isolation. A back plate was capacitively coupled to the array to provide information on the characteristics of the transients accompanying the discharges. Several modes of discharging of the array were observed at relatively low differential and absolute potentials (a few kilovolts). A relatively slow discharge response in the array was observed, discharging over one second with currents of nanoamps. Two types of faster discharges were also seen which lasted a few hundredths of a millisecond and with currents on the order of microamps. Some results indicate an electron emission process associated with the arcs

    Light detection instrument Patent

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    Detection instrument for light emitted from ATP biochemical reactio

    Metal-metal reinforced laminar composites

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    Two prototype laminar composites have shown potential for high strength and high temperature applications. These composites might be made with less in-place anisotropy and be less expensive than comparable fiber composites

    A spiral guidance approach concept for commercial VTOL operations

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    The results of an investigation of the guidance and navigation requirements for VTOL spiral descents in the presence of winds are reported. Models were developed to describe the spiral maneuver and candidate guidance laws were formulated and analyzed. An important element of the guidance scheme is a unique wind estimator which uses the perturbations in bank angle and heading to improve the knowledge of the winds. Finally, recommendations for additional research, including a flight program, were outlined to evaluate the spiral guidance concept

    Method for alleviating thermal stress damage in laminates

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    A method is provided for alleviating the stress damage in metallic matrix composites, such as laminated sheet or foil composites. Discontinuities are positively introduced into the interface between the layers so as to reduce the thermal stress produced by unequal expansion of the materials making up the composite. Although a number of discrete elements could be used to form one of the layers and thus carry out this purpose, the discontinuities are preferably produced by simply drilling holes in the metallic matrix layer or by forming grooves in a grid pattern in this layer

    A preliminary collation of the thermodynamic and transport properties of potassium

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    Thermodynamic, transport, and nuclear properties of saturated liquid and vapor potassiu

    On l-adic representations for a space of noncongruence cuspforms

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    This paper is concerned with a compatible family of 4-dimensional \ell-adic representations \rho_{\ell} of G_\Q:=\Gal(\bar \Q/\Q) attached to the space of weight 3 cuspforms S_3 (\Gamma) on a noncongruence subgroup \Gamma \subset \SL. For this representation we prove that: 1.)It is automorphic: the L-function L(s, \rho_{\ell}^{\vee}) agrees with the L-function for an automorphic form for \text{GL}_4(\mathbb A_{\Q}), where \rho_{\ell}^{\vee} is the dual of \rho_{\ell}. 2.) For each prime p \ge 5 there is a basis h_p = \{h_p ^+, h_p ^- \} of S_3 (\Gamma) whose expansion coefficients satisfy 3-term Atkin and Swinnerton-Dyer (ASD) relations, relative to the q-expansion coefficients of a newform f of level 432. The structure of this basis depends on the class of p modulo 12. The key point is that the representation ρ\rho_{\ell} admits a quaternion multiplication structure in the sense of a recent work of Atkin, Li, Liu and Long.Comment: Second revised version. To appear: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Societ