5,083 research outputs found

    High temperature thermocouple operates in reduction atmosphere

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    Thermocouple continuously measures a flowing gas up to 4500 degrees F in a hazardous environment. The thermocouple combines rhenium and tungsten in the probe, housing, and swaged extension lead. The wires extend continuously from the cold junction to the probe tip to eliminate errors from secondary thermocouple effects

    Inexpensive high-temperature furnace for thermocouple calibration

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    New furnace calibrates unknown thermocouple by comparing its electrical output to a reference thermocouple /previously calibrated by optical pyrometry/, as both are heated simultaneously. Thermocouples may be radioactive, thus heat source must be accessible by remote manipulation and inspection measurements. Advantages of furnace operation are cited

    High-temperature rapid-response thermocouple for reducing atmospheres

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    Thermocouple measures continuously in flowing gaseous hydrogen at temperatures up to 4000 deg F, in environments made hazardous by radiation, and where rapid response and calibration reproducibility are critically important. Thermocouple wires extend continuously, without splice or foreign material, from cold junction to probe's tip

    Acroneuria lycorias (Boreal Stonefly, Plecoptera: Perlidae) Emergence Behaviors Discovered in Pinus strobus Canopy

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    Species of Plecoptera, or stoneflies, are known to use vertical emergence supports, and researchers believe many species of Plecoptera exploit arboreal habitats during emergence. However, the exact nature of these arboreal behaviors has largely remained a mystery. While exploring the habitat potential of Pinus strobus (L.) (Eastern White Pine) canopies in northern Wisconsin we observed Acroneuria lycorias (Newman) (Boreal Stonefly, Plecoptera: Perlidae) exuviae at heights as high as 12m (observations at 6.6, 9, 9.5, and 12m). Most A. lycorias exuviae appeared to have a strong preference for emergence sites at the underside or base of branches similar to some Odonate species. We also observed A. lycorias, adults climbing upwards along the main stem, post-emergence, to heights up to 22m. To our knowledge, these heights represent the greatest heights ever documented for A. lycorias adults and exuviae, or any Plecopteran species. While other researchers have speculated that A. lycorias uses arboreal habitats during emergence, these behaviors were considered almost impossible to describe. Our observations provide us with new insights into Plecopteran emergence behaviors, especially for this species. We propose three alternative hypotheses that may explain these unique emergence behaviors

    The temperature tolerances of three species of marine fishes

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    The temperature tolerances of three species of marine fishes----Menidia menidia (common silverside), Pseudopleuronectes americanus (winter flounder), and Spheroides maculatus (northern swellfish)-have been determined. Following calculation of the median tolerance limit for various exposure times over a range of acclimation temperatures, the thermal tolerance was determined on a square graph by plotting lethal temperature against acclimation temperature. The tolerances determined are: 715°C squared for M. menidia; 635°C or 685°C squared for P. americanus, with cold tolerance limits of 1°C or 0°C, respectively; and 550°C squared for S. maculatus

    Black string corrections in variable tension braneworld scenarios

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    Braneworld models with variable tension are investigated, and the corrections on the black string horizon along the extra dimension are provided. Such corrections are encrypted in additional terms involving the covariant derivatives of the variable tension on the brane, providing profound consequences concerning the black string horizon variation along the extra dimension, near the brane. The black string horizon behavior is shown to be drastically modified by the terms corrected by the brane variable tension. In particular, a model motivated by the phenomenological interesting case regarding Eotvos branes is investigated. It forthwith provides further physical features regarding variable tension braneworld scenarios, heretofore concealed in all previous analysis in the literature. All precedent analysis considered uniquely the expansion of the metric up to the second order along the extra dimension, what is able to evince solely the brane variable tension absolute value. Notwithstanding, the expansion terms aftermath, further accomplished in this paper from the third order on, elicits the successive covariant derivatives of the brane variable tension, and their respective coupling with the extrinsic curvature, the Weyl tensor, and the Riemann and Ricci tensors, as well as the scalar curvature. Such additional terms are shown to provide sudden modifications in the black string horizon in a variable tension braneworld scenarioComment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted in PR

    Aplicação de processamento digital de imagens orbitais e SIG para apoio à agricultura de precisão nas culturas da videira e macieira no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    O estudo por sensoriamento remoto e SIG para as culturas de videira e macieira no Brasil requereu a busca por imagens de satélite adequadas à aplicação de índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI). Dados ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) foram testados em duas áreas experimentais no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os resultados apontam que a diferenciação de índices no âmbito inter e intra parcelas podem auxiliar no manejo da cultura

    Utilização de sensoriamento remoto hiperespectral na discriminação das rochas ácidas e básicas da formação Serra Geral na região vitivinícola Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do sul, Brasil.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de distinguir as rochas ácidas e básicas da Formação Serra Geral, na região vitivinícola Serra Gaúcha no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, por meio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto hiperespectral orbital, buscando contribuir para caracterização de áreas de indicação geográfica vitivinícola