7 research outputs found

    A graphic tool for ontology viewing based on graph theory

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    The Knowledge Engineering Suite is an ontology production method, based on relationship networks, for knowledge representation inside specific contexts. The production of these ontologies has three basic steps, since catching the client data, knowledge base creation, and information retrieval and consult interfaces for the final users. During the knowledge base creation process, data verification is required, for nonconformity identification on the produced ontological network. Because it has a tabular interface, the verification step has some limitations about data vision, and consequently the tool usability, making the work for tracking errors or missing data uncomfortable, and susceptible to more errors. To make easier the vision of the created ontologies, in the real shape they are planned, it was implemented a software to viewing these new created ontologies, so the work for data error tracking became more efficient. Such software offers filtering and data selection resources too, to give a way to isolate common groups, when the Knowledge Engineer is looking for nonconformities. This software and its functions are described here.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The RR Project – a framework for relationship network viewing and management

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    The Relationship Networks Project (RR - Redes de Relacionamento) is an innovative project, which intends to create a framework, which allows - through a fast data modeling - implementing interface elements that describe in a clearly visual way, in two-dimensional presentation, a relationship network among heterogeneous items. This environment also allows the machine to do operations over these relations, such as to find paths or sets, to help the implementation of AI algorithms, or data extraction by the final user. Through graph theory, with visual items, it is possible to find elements with specific characteristics and relationships between them, by the application of filters, refining searches inside an extreme large datasets, or showing differentiated connection maps. Two prototypes were created with this framework: A system which allows seeing telephonic calls sets and financial transactions, and a system for ontology viewing for a digital dictionary inside a semantic network. Another software, in prototypical phase, also for semantic network vision, is being constructed. This document will present the basic RR structure, showing and justifying the creation of the two referred software above.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A graphic tool for ontology viewing based on graph theory

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    The Knowledge Engineering Suite is an ontology production method, based on relationship networks, for knowledge representation inside specific contexts. The production of these ontologies has three basic steps, since catching the client data, knowledge base creation, and information retrieval and consult interfaces for the final users. During the knowledge base creation process, data verification is required, for nonconformity identification on the produced ontological network. Because it has a tabular interface, the verification step has some limitations about data vision, and consequently the tool usability, making the work for tracking errors or missing data uncomfortable, and susceptible to more errors. To make easier the vision of the created ontologies, in the real shape they are planned, it was implemented a software to viewing these new created ontologies, so the work for data error tracking became more efficient. Such software offers filtering and data selection resources too, to give a way to isolate common groups, when the Knowledge Engineer is looking for nonconformities. This software and its functions are described here.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The RR Project – a framework for relationship network viewing and management

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    The Relationship Networks Project (RR - Redes de Relacionamento) is an innovative project, which intends to create a framework, which allows - through a fast data modeling - implementing interface elements that describe in a clearly visual way, in two-dimensional presentation, a relationship network among heterogeneous items. This environment also allows the machine to do operations over these relations, such as to find paths or sets, to help the implementation of AI algorithms, or data extraction by the final user. Through graph theory, with visual items, it is possible to find elements with specific characteristics and relationships between them, by the application of filters, refining searches inside an extreme large datasets, or showing differentiated connection maps. Two prototypes were created with this framework: A system which allows seeing telephonic calls sets and financial transactions, and a system for ontology viewing for a digital dictionary inside a semantic network. Another software, in prototypical phase, also for semantic network vision, is being constructed. This document will present the basic RR structure, showing and justifying the creation of the two referred software above.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Ontologies and Intelligent WebRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Projeto Ontolegis: o desenvolvimento de conteúdos de legislação baseado em ontologias para o exercício da cidadania de minorias étnicas em Santa Catarina

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    O Projeto Ontolegis demonstra a necessidade de facilitar o acesso a informações para a sociedade, independente da sua formação, classe social ou etnia. O objetivo será garantir o acesso das populações concentradas em minorias étnicas, tais como os indígenas de Santa Catarina, mais especificamente a tribo xokleng, além do fortalecimento da rede de pesquisa conjunta estabelecida em projetos anteriores. O aplicativo a ser utilizado está baseado no sistema de análise de informações na Internet denominado Ontosyn, que possibilita pesquisas contextualizadas. A ferramenta é desenvolvida com a última geração das tecnologias digitais de tratamento textual baseadas em Inteligência Artificial, com destaque para a Engenharia de Ontologias além da utilização do modelo tecnológico da UNL (Universal Networking Language). Esta tecnologia, além de permitir a realização de consultas com grandes volumes de texto agrega grande diferencial na nova era da internet, onde semântica e ontologias trabalham juntas para incrementar o processo de busca de informações relevantes em documentos digitais multilíngues que é a opção da representação e recuperação dos conteúdos através da linguagem UNL (Universal Networking Language). A utilização destes componentes permite ao Ontolegis ativar uma sistemática completamente inovadora na localização de documentos, por considerar o contexto do assunto que está sendo pesquisado.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Projeto MGOV2 : Envolvimendo do cidadão no desenvolvimento de políticas públicas com o apoio de redes sociais e dispositivos móveis: caso do Brasil

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    The paper presents the design proposal for mgov2 as a technological model based on social networks and mobile devices as a tool to support public policy development at the municipal, state and federal levels, aiming to strengthen citizenship in Latin America and Caribbean - LAC . Raises some questions as necessary modeling solutions that use social networks as a mechanism of interaction between the politician and the citizen, with the purpose of enhancing the level of debate and exchange of information between them with the possibility of direct consultation to citizens through mobile phones. The methodology to be used involves research instruments and qualitative and quantitative assessments of the results of the use of social networking tools and mobile devices and the principles of Engineering of Mind. The expected results concern the citizen participation, local democracy and visibility of the current situation of eGovernment in Latin America.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Case-based System for Innovation Management in Electric Power Enterprises

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    The CELESC R&D Management Systems is a CBR system for information management whose retrieval process is based on knowledge representation by ontologies. The system was built to support R&D project management, to reduce losses on intellectual property over ideas generated inside the company. The company knowledge base has projects developed since 2001. Developed for web environments, the system allows a wide knowledge diffusion of its content and results.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ