5 research outputs found

    NIR camera for early detection of diabetic ulcers

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    The purpose of this Creative Inquiry is to test whether near-infrared (NIR) imaging devices can detect areas of skin at risk for ulceration in diabetic patients. Venous blood accumulation, or high levels of deoxygenated blood within a tissue, can indicate poor blood circulation and increased risk of ulceration. Here we propose to detect venous blood in tissues using differences in optical spectra of oxygenated vs. deoxygenated blood in NIR region. We previously designed and built a prototype scanner with three integrated NIR light sources that is being tested at MUSC. Our current work is focused on testing of improved NIR illumination systems and improved NIR imaging device, and our second prototype that uses a more sensitive Raspberry Pi-controlled camera and advanced NIR light sources will provide significantly improved image quality. Upon success, the ultimate goal of this project is to manufacture a cheap, portable NIR camera for skin self-monitoring by diabetic patients

    Macro-AFM model

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    An Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is an important tool in modern nanoscience, capable of producing surface maps at resolutions below 1 nanometer, which is impossible for other methods. Despite AFM\u27s often use, it is often difficult for students to understand their work because all measurement processes take place at micro- and nano-scale. The goal of this project is to create a macro scale model, which will serve as an educational tool to introduce the principles behind AFM to undergraduate and high school students. Currently, a fully automatic microprocessor-controlled surface scanning block has been built and successfully tested with a scan area of ca. one square foot. Continued work includes designing and building of a topography measurement block that will work on the same principle as a real AFM does at nano-level. We expect that macro AFM building an image using AFM techniques will empower instructors to show the concepts, and to spark interest of potential students in Bioengineering

    H2-powered aviation at airports – Design and economics of LH2 refueling systems

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    In this paper, the broader perspective of green hydrogen (H2) supply and refueling systems for aircraft is provided as an enabling technology brick for more climate friendly, H2-powered aviation. For this, two H2 demand scenarios at exemplary airports are determined for 2050. Then, general requirements for liquid hydrogen (LH2) refueling setups in an airport environment are derived and techno-economic models for LH2 storage, liquefaction and transportation to the aircraft are designed. Finally, a cost trade-off study is undertaken for the design of the LH2 setup including LH2 refueling trucks and a LH2 pipeline and hydrant system. It is found that for airports with less than 125 ktLH2 annual demand a LH2 refueling truck setup is the more economic choice. At airports with higher annual LH2 demands a LH2 pipeline & hydrant system can lead to slight cost reductions and enable safer and faster refueling. However, in all demand scenarios the refueling system costs only mark 3 to 4% of the total supply costs of LH2. The latter are dominated by the costs for green H2 produced offsite followed by the costs for liquefaction of H2 at an airport. While cost reducing scaling effects are likely to be achieved for H2 liquefaction plants, other component capacities would already be designed at maximum capacities for medium-sized airports. Furthermore, with annual LH2 demands of 100 ktLH2 and more, medium and larger airports could take a special H2 hub role by 2050 dominating regional H2 consumption. Finally, technology demonstrators are required to reduce uncertainty around major techno-economic parameters such as the investment costs for LH2 pipeline & hydrant systems. © 2022 The Author

    Design of a distributed hybrid electric propulsion system for a light aircraft based on genetic algorithm

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    Hybrid aircraft is a new attempt for next-generation aircraft, they are environmentally friendly and highly efficient. This paper proposes a new type of hybrid electric propulsion system for light aircraft, which integrated distributed propulsion concept and more electric aircraft concept together to improve aircraft performance. Based on the mission requirements and unique system configuration, all components, including engine, generator and motors are intelligently selected. The sizing problem can be divided into two parts. The power source part applied a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm to choose components and simultaneously minimized total weight and fuel consumption. The rest of the system used a conventional genetic algorithm, which minimized weight and guaranteed that all selected motors can output enough power. In the end, by applying a simple deterministic energy management strategy, the new system achieved a 12% fuel consumption reduction

    Technological, economic and environmental prospects of all-electric aircraft

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    Ever since the Wright brothers’ first powered flight in 1903, commercial aircraft have relied on liquid hydrocarbon fuels. However, the need for greenhouse gas emission reductions along with recent progress in battery technology for automobiles has generated strong interest in electric propulsion in aviation. This Analysis provides a first-order assessment of the energy, economic and environmental implications of all-electric aircraft. We show that batteries with significantly higher specific energy and lower cost, coupled with further reductions of costs and CO2 intensity of electricity, are necessary for exploiting the full range of economic and environmental benefits provided by all-electric aircraft. A global fleet of all-electric aircraft serving all flights up to a distance of 400–600 nautical miles (741–1,111 km) would demand an equivalent of 0.6–1.7% of worldwide electricity consumption in 2015. Although lifecycle CO2 emissions of all-electric aircraft depend on the power generation mix, all direct combustion emissions and thus direct air pollutants and direct non-CO2 warming impacts would be eliminated