216 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary Approaches to Emotions in Politics and International Relations

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    The ‘emotional turn’ within the social sciences and humanities attracts increasing scholarly attention. Political Science, traditionally emphasising the ‘rational’ public sphere rather than the ‘emotional’ private sphere, has increasingly questioned this dichotomisation, identifying broader political concepts and practices. The international political process—frequently characterised by widespread distrust, populist campaigns and extreme rhetoric—necessitates addressing and examini

    Interdisciplinary Approaches to Emotions in Politics and International Relations

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    The ‘emotional turn’ within the social sciences and humanities attracts increasing scholarly attention. Political Science, traditionally emphasising the ‘rational’ public sphere rather than the ‘emotional’ private sphere, has increasingly questioned this dichotomisation, identifying broader political concepts and practices. The international political process—frequently characterised by widespread distrust, populist campaigns and extreme rhetoric—necessitates addressing and examini

    Numerical investigation of the vertical plunging force of a spherical intruder into a granular bed

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    The plunging of a large sphere into a prefluidized granular bed with various constant velocities is investigated using a state-of-theart hybrid Discrete Particle and Immersed Boundary Method (DPIBM), with which both the gas-induced drag force and the contact force exerted on the intruder can be investigated separately. Our simulation method has been validated by comparison with the existing experimental results. Current simulation results show a concave-to-convex plunging force as a function of depth and in the concave region the force fits to a power-law with exponent around 1.3, which is in good agreement with existing experimental observations

    Bayesian Networks for Max-linear Models

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    We study Bayesian networks based on max-linear structural equations as introduced in Gissibl and Kl\"uppelberg [16] and provide a summary of their independence properties. In particular we emphasize that distributions for such networks are generally not faithful to the independence model determined by their associated directed acyclic graph. In addition, we consider some of the basic issues of estimation and discuss generalized maximum likelihood estimation of the coefficients, using the concept of a generalized likelihood ratio for non-dominated families as introduced by Kiefer and Wolfowitz [21]. Finally we argue that the structure of a minimal network asymptotically can be identified completely from observational data.Comment: 18 page

    Intracellular Calcium Deficits in Drosophila Cholinergic Neurons Expressing Wild Type or FAD-Mutant Presenilin

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    Much of our current understanding about neurodegenerative diseases can be attributed to the study of inherited forms of these disorders. For example, mutations in the presenilin 1 and 2 genes have been linked to early onset familial forms of Alzheimer's disease (FAD). Using the Drosophila central nervous system as a model we have investigated the role of presenilin in one of the earliest cellular defects associated with Alzheimer's disease, intracellular calcium deregulation. We show that expression of either wild type or FAD-mutant presenilin in Drosophila CNS neurons has no impact on resting calcium levels but does give rise to deficits in intracellular calcium stores. Furthermore, we show that a loss-of-function mutation in calmodulin, a key regulator of intracellular calcium, can suppress presenilin-induced deficits in calcium stores. Our data support a model whereby presenilin plays a role in regulating intracellular calcium stores and demonstrate that Drosophila can be used to study the link between presenilin and calcium deregulation

    Fishery Discards: Factors Affecting Their Variability within a Demersal Trawl Fishery

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    Discards represent one of the most important issues within current commercial fishing. It occurs for a range of reasons and is influenced by an even more complex array of factors. We address this issue by examining the data collected within the Danish discard observer program and describe the factors that influence discarding within the Danish Kattegat demersal fleet over the period 1997 to 2008. Generalised additive models were used to assess how discards of the 3 main target species, Norway lobster, cod and plaice, and their subcomponents (under and over minimum landings size) are influenced by important factors and their potential relevance to management. Our results show that discards are influenced by a range of different factors that are different for each species and portion of discards. We argue that knowledge about the factors influential to discarding and their use in relation to potential mitigation measures are essential for future fisheries management strategies

    An exceptional horizontal gene transfer in plastids: gene replacement by a distant bacterial paralog and evidence that haptophyte and cryptophyte plastids are sisters

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    BACKGROUND: Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) to the plant mitochondrial genome has recently been shown to occur at a surprisingly high rate; however, little evidence has been found for HGT to the plastid genome, despite extensive sequencing. In this study, we analyzed all genes from sequenced plastid genomes to unearth any neglected cases of HGT and to obtain a measure of the overall extent of HGT to the plastid. RESULTS: Although several genes gave strongly supported conflicting trees under certain conditions, we are confident of HGT in only a single case beyond the rubisco HGT already reported. Most of the conflicts involved near neighbors connected by long branches (e.g. red algae and their secondary hosts), where phylogenetic methods are prone to mislead. However, three genes – clpP, ycf2, and rpl36 – provided strong support for taxa moving far from their organismal position. Further taxon sampling of clpP and ycf2 resulted in rejection of HGT due to long-branch attraction and a serious error in the published plastid genome sequence of Oenothera elata, respectively. A single new case, a bacterial rpl36 gene transferred into the ancestor of the cryptophyte and haptophyte plastids, appears to be a true HGT event. Interestingly, this rpl36 gene is a distantly related paralog of the rpl36 type found in other plastids and most eubacteria. Moreover, the transferred gene has physically replaced the native rpl36 gene, yet flanking genes and intergenic regions show no sign of HGT. This suggests that gene replacement somehow occurred by recombination at the very ends of rpl36, without the level and length of similarity normally expected to support recombination. CONCLUSION: The rpl36 HGT discovered in this study is of considerable interest in terms of both molecular mechanism and phylogeny. The plastid acquisition of a bacterial rpl36 gene via HGT provides the first strong evidence for a sister-group relationship between haptophyte and cryptophyte plastids to the exclusion of heterokont and alveolate plastids. Moreover, the bacterial gene has replaced the native plastid rpl36 gene by an uncertain mechanism that appears inconsistent with existing models for the recombinational basis of gene conversion

    Uric Acid Is a Mediator of the Plasmodium falciparum-Induced Inflammatory Response

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    Malaria triggers a high inflammatory response in the host that mediates most of the associated pathologies and contributes to death. The identification of pro-inflammatory molecules derived from Plasmodium is essential to understand the mechanisms of pathogenesis and to develop targeted interventions. Uric acid derived from hypoxanthine accumulated in infected erythrocytes has been recently proposed as a mediator of inflammation in rodent malaria.We found that human erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum gradually accumulate hypoxanthine in their late stages of development. To analyze the role of hypoxanthine-derived uric acid induced by P. falciparum on the inflammatory cytokine response from human blood mononuclear cells, cultures were treated with allopurinol, to inhibit uric acid formation from hypoxanthine, or with uricase, to degrade uric acid. Both treatments significantly reduce the secretion of TNF, IL-6, IL-1beta and IL-10 from human cells.Uric acid is a major contributor of the inflammatory response triggered by P. falciparum in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Since the inflammatory reaction induced by P. falciparum is considered a major cause of malaria pathogenesis, identifying the mechanisms used by the parasite to induce the host inflammatory response is essential to develop urgently needed therapies against this disease