25 research outputs found

    Swedish female physiotherapy students have more stress than Dutch female physiotherapy students

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    Health care students’ report high levels of stress with academic pressure as the greatest source. Physiotherapy (PT) curriculum in Sweden is 3 years (180 EC’s) and in the Netherlands 4 years (240 Ec’s) Aim : to determine differences in overall level of stress, stressors and reactions to stressors between PT students at University of Gothenburg(GU) and Hanze University of Applied Sciences (HUAS)

    Een observationeel onderzoek naar de toegevoegde waarde van de LumoBack op pijn en functioneren bij aspecieke lage rug- en/of nekklachten

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    ACHTERGROND EN DOEL Aspecifieke lage rug- en/of nekpijn is een veel voorkomende klacht en kan tot veel beperkingen in ADL leiden. De vraag is “wat is de toegevoegde waarde van een self-tracking systeem de LumoBack” voor de fysiotherapie. METHODE In dit onderzoek is geobserveerd of patiënten met aspeci eke lage rug en/of nekklachten (ALRNK) na twee weken gebruik van de LumoBack en reguliere fysiotherapie (groep A) minder moeite in activiteiten hebben en minder pijn ervaren, dan patiënten die alleen twee weken reguliere fysiotherapie (groep B) kregen. Het onderzoek bestond uit een voor- en nameting waarbij de VAS, de PSK en de QBPDS werden afgenomen. RESULTATEN Uit de resultaten blijkt dat er na twee weken geen signi cant verschil is gevonden tussen beide groepen. Wel is de verbetering in VAS1 en PSK3 signi cant verschillend tussen beide groepen. Groep A laat grotere verbeteringen zien met een klinisch relevante vermindering in vas 1 en vas 2

    Evaluation of a Wearable Non-Invasive Thermometer for Monitoring Ear Canal Temperature during Physically Demanding (Outdoor) Work

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    Aimed at preventing heat strain, health problems, and absenteeism among workers with physically demanding occupations, a continuous, accurate, non-invasive measuring system may help such workers monitor their body (core) temperature. The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy and explore the usability of the wearable non-invasive Cosinuss° °Temp thermometer. Ear canal temperature was monitored in 49 workers in real-life working conditions. After individual correction, the results of the laboratory and field study revealed high correlations compared to ear canal infrared thermometry for hospital use. After performance of the real-life working tasks, this correlation was found to be moderate. It was also observed that the ambient environmental outdoor conditions and personal protective clothing influenced the accuracy and resulted in unrealistic ear canal temperature outliers. It was found that the Cosinuss° °Temp thermometer did not result in significant interference during work. Therefore, it was concluded that, without a correction factor, the Cosinuss° °Temp thermometer is inaccurate. Nevertheless, with a correction factor, the reliability of this wearable ear canal thermometer was confirmed at rest, but not in outdoor working conditions or while wearing a helmet or hearing protection equipment