59 research outputs found

    The effects of anthocyaninrich wheat diet on the oxidative status and behavior of rats

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    Aim To evaluate the effect of food containing anthocyanin- rich wheat on oxidative status and behavior of healthy rats. Methods Twenty male rats were divided into the control and anthocyanin group. Oral glucose tolerance test was performed, and proteinuria and creatinine clearance were measured. Behavioral analysis was performed in Phenotyper cages. Serum and tissues were collected to measure the markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant status. Results Anthocyanins significantly increased total antioxidant capacity in serum (P = 0.039), decreased advanced oxidation protein products in the kidney (P = 0.002), but increased thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in the kidney compared to the control group. No significant difference between the groups was found in the markers of oxidative stress in the liver and colon, as well as in renal functions and glucose metabolism. The anthocyanin group spent significantly less time in the spotlight zone of the Phenotyper cages (P = 0.040), indicating higher anxiety- like behavior. Conclusion Food containing anthocyanin-rich wheat had positive effects on serum antioxidant status and kidney protein oxidation, but increased lipid peroxidation in the kidney and modified animal behavior related to anxiety. The molecular mechanisms leading to observed effects should be further elucidated

    Збройні сили Гетьманщини та Запорожжя в боротьбі з Османською імперією в 1695-96 рр. за даними неопублікованих листів Івана Мазепи

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    Російський історик М.Богословський ще в 20-х рр. XX ст. слушно зауважив, що в історичній літературі зверталося порівняно мало уваги на завоювання дніпровських містечок в кінці XVII ст., оскільки вся увага була прикута до Азова, де діяв сам Петро І. Але зроблене тут мало не менше значення ніж взяття Азова, бо в результаті Росія наближалася до Чорного моря як зі східного, так і з західного боку. Під контролем з обох боків опинявся й Крим [1]. В 1695-1696 рр. збройні сили Російської держави та Війська Запорозького здійснили два походи на Азов та один на пониззя Дніпра, маючи на меті завоювання виходів до Азовського та Чорного морів. Похід на Азов у 1695 р., як відомо, був невдалим. Натомість похід російських військ на чолі з боярином Борисом Шереметєвим та українських сил, очолюваних гетьманом Іваном Мазепою, а також запорожців на пониззя Дніпра наприкінці липня – на початку серпня увінчався взяттям важливого плацдарму, де знаходилося чотири турецькі фортеці – Казикермен, Мустріткермен, Мубеуреккермен і Ісламкермен. В Мустріткермені (Таванську), котрий знаходився на острові Тавань, укріплення постраждали найменше. Тому тут було здійснено ремонтні роботи й залишено залогу. Досліджуючи неопубліковану епістолярну спадщину Мазепи в зібраннях Російського державного архіву давніх актів, ми виявили ряд листів, які стосуються участі Лівобережної України та Запорозької Січі у воєнних діях проти Османської імперії у згадані роки. Так, віднайдено чотири листи, котрі були написані напередодні походу 1695 р. Три з них адресувалися царям – від 26 березня, 1 квітня та 14 квітня, а один – боярину Леву Наришкіну від 26 березня. Отже, розглянемо їх зміст, з точки зору задекларованої теми. З першого з пропонованих документів дізнаємося, що перед походом гетьманський уряд вживав заходів для збору інформації щодо противника. Так, у листі до царів від 26 березня 1695 р. Мазепа повідомляв, що товариство Полтавського полку – понад сотня козаків на чолі з царичанським сотником і кількома польовими ватажками ходили на воєнні промисли з його відома. Поблизу Перекопа на шляху до Казикермена козаки захопили в полон 22 татарина і привели до Батурина. Мазепа відправляв “язиків” до Москви разом з козаками. Він висловлював сподівання, що полонених буде більше, бо під помешкання противника було послано й інші ватаги. Одну очолював колишній кошовий отаман Федько, другу – колишній кошовий Іван Гусак, третю – полковий осавул Іван Рубан, четверту – кінний сотник Гнат. У перших трьох ватагах нараховувалося по кілька сотень осіб та й четверта була “в немалому зібранні”. Крім того до Мазепи писав Семен Палій, повідомляючи, що його люди пішли на Очаківський шлях, який спрямовувався на Білгород, 6 тижнів тому. У зв’язку з цим гетьман хотів отримати царський указ про те, чи посилат

    Daytime of Sampling, Tooth-Brushing and Ascorbic Acid Influence Salivary Thiobarbituric Acid Reacting Substances – A Potential Clinical Marker of Gingival Status

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    Background. Salivary thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) have been previously shown to correlate with the impairment of gingival tissue. Although the details on the origin and the composition of this heterogeneous group of compounds in saliva are unknown, the potential clinical usefulness makes necessary the studies of factors influencing the salivary TBARS levels. Aim. To observe the effects of daily dynamics, tooth-brushing and ascorbic acid administration on salivary TBARS levels. Subjects and methods. Self-collected samples were obtained from 10 young healthy men collecting samples in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening during 2 consecutive days. Ascorbic acid (250 mg) was administered orally after the last sampling on day 1 and before every sampling on day 2. Additional sampling was performed before and after tooth-brushing. TBARS levels in saliva specimens were detected spectrofluorometrically. Sialic acid content was measured using a modified method of Warren. Results. Salivary TBARS levels vary significantly during a day (p < 0.001) with highest concentrations in the morning. Both, tooth-brushing (p < 0.05) and short-term antioxidative treatment with ascorbic acid (p < 0.005) decrease salivary TBARS levels. Sialic acid content of saliva is not influenced significantly by any of the investigated factors. Conclusion. TBARS levels in saliva are affected by daytime of sampling, tooth-brushing and ascorbic acid pre-treatment. These results must be considered in clinical research using salivary TBARS levels. Sialic acid seems not to be a major component of TBARS in saliva. Further studies should clarify the molecular compounds of salivary TBARS and uncover the role of oral microbial factors

    Aggressive drivers data

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    Data about participants from psychological tests and non-biochemical measurements were acquired from the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Philosophy of Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic. The participants were recruited for the study by advertisements on the relevant social networks groups and by leaflets hanged out in the University or public premises (libraries, refectory etc.). Inventory of traffic-relevant personality characteristics (shortened version, TVP), Sensation Seeking Scale form, and Buss a Durkee aggression inventory were performed for psychological testing. Salivary testosterone and cortisol were measured from saliva obtained at 8:00am for each participant. Obtained data were transformed into data matrix, where only relevant data were kept. One participant was excluded from the study, due to corticosteroid medication. Overall, analysis was performed using 149 participants. Binomial models were employed with five dependent variables, which we assumed to reflect driver’s tendency to aggressive behaviour: 1. Caused an accident, 2. Driving license taken away, 3. Court trial, 4. Intoxicated driving, 5. Sporty self-report

    Daytime of sampling, tooth-brushing and ascorbic acid influence salivary thiobarbituric acid reacting substances – A potential clinical marker of gingival status, Dis Markers 21

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    Abstract. Background. Salivary thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) have been previously shown to correlate with the impairment of gingival tissue. Although the details on the origin and the composition of this heterogeneous group of compounds in saliva are unknown, the potential clinical usefulness makes necessary the studies of factors influencing the salivary TBARS levels. Aim. To observe the effects of daily dynamics, tooth-brushing and ascorbic acid administration on salivary TBARS levels. Subjects and methods. Self-collected samples were obtained from 10 young healthy men collecting samples in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening during 2 consecutive days. Ascorbic acid (250 mg) was administered orally after the last sampling on day 1 and before every sampling on day 2. Additional sampling was performed before and after tooth-brushing. TBARS levels in saliva specimens were detected spectrofluorometrically. Sialic acid content was measured using a modified method of Warren. Results. Salivary TBARS levels vary significantly during a day (p &lt; 0.001) with highest concentrations in the morning. Both, tooth-brushing (p &lt; 0.05) and short-term antioxidative treatment with ascorbic acid (p &lt; 0.005) decrease salivary TBARS levels. Sialic acid content of saliva is not influenced significantly by any of the investigated factors. Conclusion. TBARS levels in saliva are affected by daytime of sampling, tooth-brushing and ascorbic acid pre-treatment. These results must be considered in clinical research using salivary TBARS levels. Sialic acid seems not to be a major component of TBARS in saliva. Further studies should clarify the molecular compounds of salivary TBARS and uncover the role of oral microbial factors

    Aggressive drivers data

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    Data about participants from psychological tests and non-biochemical measurements were acquired from the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Philosophy of Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic. The participants were recruited for the study by advertisements on the relevant social networks groups and by leaflets hanged out in the University or public premises (libraries, refectory etc.). Inventory of traffic-relevant personality characteristics (shortened version, TVP), Sensation Seeking Scale form, and Buss a Durkee aggression inventory were performed for psychological testing. Salivary testosterone and cortisol were measured from saliva obtained at 8:00am for each participant. Obtained data were transformed into data matrix, where only relevant data were kept. One participant was excluded from the study, due to corticosteroid medication. Overall, analysis was performed using 149 participants. Binomial models were employed with five dependent variables, which we assumed to reflect driver’s tendency to aggressive behaviour: 1. Caused an accident, 2. Driving license taken away, 3. Court trial, 4. Intoxicated driving, 5. Sporty self-report

    Variability of Thiobarbituric Acid Reacting Substances in Saliva

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    Introduction: Salivary TBARS are a potential marker of oxidative stress in the oral cavity. Previous studies have found increased levels of salivary TBARS in various diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the variability of salivary TBARS in both genders

    Factors determining the kinetics of a single dose of testosterone in rats

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    The results from different authors regarding testosterone and cognitive research show controversial results. One of the reasons may be the form of testosterone used in the experiment. The aim of our study was to evaluate the testosterone levels in plasma and its kinetics after the single application of either a long-acting or a short-acting form of this hormone. Twenty female and twenty male adult Wistar rats were divided into two groups that were either gonadectomized or not. The two groups were divided into 4 subgroups depending on whether the animals received testosterone propionate or testosterone isobutyrate intramuscularly. Samples for analysis were collected before and at 2, 4, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 168 h after injection. The results showed significant differences in the dynamics between rapid and depot forms of testosterone, together with the rebound effect and hormonal negative feedback. These aspects of testosterone kinetics need to be considered when planning experiments on the physiology of testosterone