1,375 research outputs found

    The Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory: Cloud-Based Mock Galaxy Catalogues

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    We introduce the Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory (TAO), an online virtual laboratory that houses mock observations of galaxy survey data. Such mocks have become an integral part of the modern analysis pipeline. However, building them requires an expert knowledge of galaxy modelling and simulation techniques, significant investment in software development, and access to high performance computing. These requirements make it difficult for a small research team or individual to quickly build a mock catalogue suited to their needs. To address this TAO offers access to multiple cosmological simulations and semi-analytic galaxy formation models from an intuitive and clean web interface. Results can be funnelled through science modules and sent to a dedicated supercomputer for further processing and manipulation. These modules include the ability to (1) construct custom observer light-cones from the simulation data cubes; (2) generate the stellar emission from star formation histories, apply dust extinction, and compute absolute and/or apparent magnitudes; and (3) produce mock images of the sky. All of TAO's features can be accessed without any programming requirements. The modular nature of TAO opens it up for further expansion in the future.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in ApJS. The Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory (TAO) is now open to the public at https://tao.asvo.org.au/. New simulations, models and tools will be added as they become available. Contact [email protected] if you have data you would like to make public through TAO. Feedback and suggestions are very welcom

    Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution (SAGE): Model Calibration and Basic Results

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    This paper describes a new publicly available codebase for modelling galaxy formation in a cosmological context, the "Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution" model, or SAGE for short. SAGE is a significant update to that used in Croton et al. (2006) and has been rebuilt to be modular and customisable. The model will run on any N-body simulation whose trees are organised in a supported format and contain a minimum set of basic halo properties. In this work we present the baryonic prescriptions implemented in SAGE to describe the formation and evolution of galaxies, and their calibration for three N-body simulations: Millennium, Bolshoi, and GiggleZ. Updated physics include: gas accretion, ejection due to feedback, and reincorporation via the galactic fountain; a new gas cooling--radio mode active galactic nucleus (AGN) heating cycle; AGN feedback in the quasar mode; a new treatment of gas in satellite galaxies; and galaxy mergers, disruption, and the build-up of intra-cluster stars. Throughout, we show the results of a common default parameterization on each simulation, with a focus on the local galaxy population.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS. SAGE is a publicly available codebase for modelling galaxy formation in a cosmological context, available at https://github.com/darrencroton/sage Questions and comments can be sent to Darren Croton: [email protected]

    Intervenciones feministas en el cine documental: conocimientos situados y (auto)representaciones de género en películas de Alina Marazzi y Maricarmen de Lara

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    En esta tesis reviso películas de Alina Marazzi (1964, Italia) y Maricarmen de Lara (1957, México) dentro del debate sobre el realismo cinematográfico y la experimentación formal en el cine documental feminista. Mi hipótesis es que las intervenciones feministas en No les pedimos un viaje a la luna (1986) y ¿Más vale maña que fuerza? (2007) de Maricarmen de Lara, así como en Un’ora sola ti vorrei (2002) y Vogliamo anche le rose (2007) de Alina Marazzi, se manifiestan en cuatro paradigmas (forma, contenido, producción y recepción) a partir de la comprensión de la objetividad como conocimiento situado que permite a las cineastas rendir cuentas sobre su tratamiento creativo de la realidad y del planteamiento de un cine narrativo subversivo en el que las mujeres filmadas son representadas y/o se autorepresentan dentro y fuera del género. Con la elección de dos cineastas cuyos estilos son diferentes (documental realista observacional-participativo de inclinación política por un lado, documental reflexivoperformativo de inclinación experimental por el otro) busco poner en diálogo dos modos de representación que parte de la teoría feminista del cine de los setenta consideró opuestos. Adoptando la perspectiva de los conocimientos situados (Haraway) propongo una salida al juicio dicotómico que tiende a contraponer y jerarquizar las diferencias. Sustituyendo el desdoblamiento entre sujeto y objeto por el principio de que lo personal/privado es político/público, analizo el trabajo de Maricarmen de Lara y Alina Marazzi como inseparable de quiénes son/han sido ellas como sujetos generizados que, al acercarse al feminismo, trabajan en espacios dentro y fuera del género donde se revisan las contradicciones entre “la Mujer” y las mujeres (Lauretis). En su cine emplean estrategias del documental clásico y/o narrativo pero con una subversión feminista: desenmascarar las inequidades del androcentrismo y ser vehículo de voces disidentes, cuerpos rebeldes y sujetos femeninos autoconscientes. Abstract This thesis analyzes films by Alina Marazzi (1964, Italy) and Maricarmen de Lara (1957, Mexico) within the context of the debate on cinematic realism and formal experimentation in feminist documentary films. The hypothesis is that feminist aspects in No les pedimos un viaje a la luna (1986) and ¿Más vale maña que fuerza? (2007) by Maricarmen de Lara, as well as in Un'ora sola ti vorrei (2002) and Vogliamo anche le rose (2007) by Alina Marazzi, emerge at four paradigms (form, content, production and reception), which are characterised by an understanding of objectivity as situated knowledge that allows the filmmakers to be accountable for their creative treatments of reality and the development of a subversive narrative cinema, in which the filmed women are (auto)represented in-and-out of gender. The selection of two filmmakers whose styles are different (observationalparticipatory realistic documentary with a political inclination on the one hand, reflexiveperformative documentary with an experimental inclination on the other hand), aims to bring into dialogue two streams that most feminist film theorists in the Seventies considered incompatible with each other. By adopting the perspective of situated knowledges (Haraway), I propose an alternative to the dichotomous view that tends to contrast and rank different approaches. Replacing the split between subject and object with the principle that the personal/private is political/public, I analyze Maricarmen’s and Alina’s films as inseparable from who they are/have been as gendered subjects that, on approaching feminism, work in a space in-and-out of gender where the contradictions between “the Woman” and women become evident. Their feminist cinema exploits the strategies of classic and/or narrative documentary “with a vengeance” (Lauretis): it exposes the inequities caused by androcentrism and becomes a vehicle for the expressionThis thesis analyzes films by Alina Marazzi (1964, Italy) and Maricarmen de Lara (1957, Mexico) within the context of the debate on cinematic realism and formal experimentation in feminist documentary films. The hypothesis is that feminist aspects in No les pedimos un viaje a la luna (1986) and ¿Más vale maña que fuerza? (2007) by Maricarmen de Lara, as well as in Un'ora sola ti vorrei (2002) and Vogliamo anche le rose (2007) by Alina Marazzi, emerge at four paradigms (form, content, production and reception), which are characterised by an understanding of objectivity as situated knowledge that allows the filmmakers to be accountable for their creative treatments of reality and the development of a subversive narrative cinema, in which the filmed women are (auto)represented in-and-out of gender. The selection of two filmmakers whose styles are different (observationalparticipatory realistic documentary with a political inclination on the one hand, reflexiveperformative documentary with an experimental inclination on the other hand), aims to bring into dialogue two streams that most feminist film theorists in the Seventies considered incompatible with each other. By adopting the perspective of situated knowledges (Haraway), I propose an alternative to the dichotomous view that tends to contrast and rank different approaches. Replacing the split between subject and object with the principle that the personal/private is political/public, I analyze Maricarmen’s and Alina’s films as inseparable from who they are/have been as gendered subjects that, on approaching feminism, work in a space in-and-out of gender where the contradictions between “the Woman” and women become evident. Their feminist cinema exploits the strategies of classic and/or narrative documentary “with a vengeance” (Lauretis): it exposes the inequities caused by androcentrism and becomes a vehicle for the expression of dissenting voices, rebellious bodies and self-conscious female subjects.Questa tesi esamina i film di Alina Marazzi (1964, Italia) e Maricarmen de Lara (1957, Messico) all’interno del dibattito sul realismo cinematografico e la sperimentazione formale nel documentario femminista. L'ipotesi è che gli aspetti femministi sia in No les pedimos un viaje a la luna (1986) e ¿Más vale maña que fuerza? (2007) di Maricarmen de Lara, sia in Un’ora sola ti vorrei (2002) e Vogliamo anche le rose (2007) di Alina Marazzi, emergano a quattro paradigmi (forma, contenuto, produzione e ricezione). Tali paradigmi sono caratterizzati da una concezione dell’obiettività come “conoscenza situata” che gli permette di essere responsabile per il proprio trattamento creativo della realtà e dall’approccio di un film narrativo sovversivo, in cui le donne girate sono (auto)rappresentate dentro e fuori dal genere. La scelta di due registe con stili differenti (documentario realista osservazionalepartecipativo d’inclinazione politica da un lato, documentario riflessivo-performativo d’inclinazione sperimentale dall’altro), cerca di mettere in dialogo due correnti che parte della teoria femminista del cinema negli anni Settanta ha considerato opposti. Adottando la prospettiva della conoscenza situata (Haraway), propongo una soluzione alla dicotomia che tende a contrapporre e gerarchizzare i diversi approcci. Inoltre, sostituendo la scissione tra soggetto e oggetto con il principio che il personale/privato è politico/pubblico, analizzo come il lavoro di Maricarmen de Lara e Alina Marazzi sia inseparabile da chi sono/sono stati come soggetti di genere che, con il loro approccio al femminismo, lavorano in uno spazio dentro e fuori dal genere, in cui le contraddizioni tra “la Donna” e le donne emergono (Lauretis). Il loro cinema è capace di impiegare le strategie stilistiche del documentario classico e/o narrativo, ma con una sovversione femminista: esporre le disuguaglianze dell’androcentrismo ed essere un veicolo per voci di dissenso, corpi ribelli e soggetti femminili consapevoli.Máster Erasmus Mundus en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género, GEMM

    Student vocational teachers: the significance of individual positions in workplace learning

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    In most Initial Teacher Preparation (ITP) programmes, learning in teaching placements is considered to be an important component for providing workplace learning experiences to develop the skills of being a teacher. This paper is based on a bigger qualitative study which explored the learning experiences of a group of in-service student vocational teachers prior to and during their one-year ITP programme in Brunei. The study examined these student teachers’ dispositions to learning as revealed through their experiences on different placements during their training. The findings of this paper highlight the importance of the student vocational teachers’ roles and positions relative to their teaching placements. Theoretically, the findings also extend Bourdieu’s thinking, where existing cultural capital in the form of subject knowledge which is valued in one context does not necessarily help the learning of individuals in becoming a vocational teacher in another context. In addition, the paper argues for a need to reconceptualise in-service teacher education, more specifically, the workplace learning aspect. Lastly, it concludes with recommendations to support these student teachers in their placements through creating more expansive learning environments

    Comparison of Diagnostic Profiles of Deaf and Hearing Children with a Diagnosis of Autism.

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    There is limited research comparing the presentation of autism in deaf and hearing children and young people. These comparisons are important to facilitate accurate diagnosis, as rates of misdiagnosis and delay in diagnosis amongst deaf children and young people are high. The aim of this study was to compare diagnostic assessment profiles of a UK cohort of autistic deaf and hearing children and young people. The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised-Deaf adaptation was completed with the parents of 106 children and young people (deaf children = 65; hearing children = 41). The majority of items explored showed no significant differences between deaf and hearing children and young people. Differences were found in peer relationships, where autistic deaf participants were less likely to respond to the approaches of other children or play imaginatively with peers. These findings need to be taken into consideration by clinicians in the assessment process

    The role of glacier mice in the invertebrate colonisation of glacial surfaces: the moss balls of the Falljökull, Iceland

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    Glacier surfaces have a surprisingly complex ecology. Cryoconite holes contain diverse invertebrate communities while other invertebrates, such as Collembola often graze on algae and windblown dead organic on the glacier surface. Glacier mice (ovoid unattached moss balls) occur on some glaciers worldwide. Studies of these glacier mice have concentrated on their occurrence and mode of formation. There are no reports of the invertebrate communities. But, such glacier mice may provide a suitable favourable habitat and refuge for a variety of invertebrate groups to colonise the glacier surface. Here we describe the invertebrate fauna of the glacier mice (moss balls) of the Falljökull, Iceland. The glacier mice were composed of Racomitrium sp. and varied in size from 8.0 to 10.0 cm in length. All glacier mice studied contained invertebrates. Two species of Collembola were present. Pseudisotoma sensibilis (Tullberg, 1876) was numerically dominant with between 12 and 73 individuals per glacier mouse while Desoria olivacea (Tullberg, 1871) occurred but in far lower numbers. Tardigrada and Nematoda had mean densities of approximately 200 and 1,000 respectively. No Acari, Arachnida or Enchytraeidae were observed which may be related to the difficulty these groups have in colonizing the glacier mice. We suggest that glacier mice provide an unusual environmentally ameliorated microhabitat for an invertebrate community dwelling on a glacial surface. The glacier mice thereby enable an invertebrate fauna to colonise an otherwise largely inhospitable location with implications for carbon flow in the system

    On the making and taking of professionalism in the further education workplace

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    This paper examines the changing nature of professional practice in English further education. At a time when neo-liberal reform has significantly impacted on this under-researched and over-market-tested sector, little is known about who its practitioners are and how they construct meaning in their work. Sociological interest in the field has tended to focus on further education practitioners as either the subjects of market and managerial reform or as creative agents operating within the contradictions of audit and inspection cultures. In challenging such dualism, which is reflective of wider sociological thinking, the paper examines the ways in which agency and structure combine to produce a more transformative conception of the further education professional. The approach contrasts with a prevailing policy discourse that seeks to re-professionalise and modernise further education practice without interrogating either the terms of its professionalism or the neo-liberal practices in which it resides