139 research outputs found

    Conformal anomaly of super Wilson loop

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    Classically supersymmetric Wilson loop on a null polygonal contour possesses all symmetries required to match it onto non-MHV amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. However, to define it quantum mechanically, one is forced to regularize it since perturbative loop diagrams are not well-defined due to presence of ultraviolet divergences stemming from integration in the vicinity of the cusps. A regularization that is adopted by practitioners by allowing one to use spinor helicity formalism, on the one hand, and systematically go to higher orders of perturbation theory is based on a version of dimensional regularization, known as Four-Dimensional Helicity scheme. Recently it was demonstrated that its use for the super Wilson loop at one loop breaks both conformal symmetry and Poincare supersymmetry. Presently, we exhibit the origin for these effects and demonstrate how one can undo this breaking. The phenomenon is alike the one emerging in renormalization group mixing of conformal operators in conformal theories when one uses dimensional regularization. The rotation matrix to the diagonal basis is found by means of computing the anomaly in the Ward identity for the conformal boost. Presently, we apply this ideology to the super Wilson loop. We compute the one-loop conformal anomaly for the super Wilson loop and find that the anomaly depends on its Grassmann coordinates. By subtracting this anomalous contribution from the super Wilson loop we restore its interpretation as a dual description for reduced non-MHV amplitudes which are expressed in terms of superconformal invariants.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Network patterns and strength of orbital currents in layered cuprates

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    In a frame of the tJGt-J-G model we derive the microscopical expression for the circulating orbital currents in layered cuprates using the anomalous correlation functions. In agreement with μ\mu-on spin relaxation (μ\muSR), nuclear quadrupolar resonance (NQR) and inelastic neutron scattering(INS) experiments in YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} we successfully explain the order of magnitude and the monotonous increase of the {\it internal} magnetic fields resulting from these currents upon cooling. However, the jump in the intensity of the magnetic fields at Tc_c reported recently seems to indicate a non-mean-field feature in the coexistence of current and superconducting states and the deviation of the extended charge density wave vector instability from its commensurate value {\bf Q}(π,π\approx(\pi,\pi) in accordance with the reported topology of the Fermi surface

    Coulomb scattering lifetime of a two-dimensional electron gas

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    Motivated by a recent tunneling experiment in a double quantum-well system, which reports an anomalously enhanced electronic scattering rate in a clean two-dimensional electron gas, we calculate the inelastic quasiparticle lifetime due to electron-electron interaction in a single loop dynamically screened Coulomb interaction within the random-phase-approximation. We obtain excellent quantitative agreement with the inelastic scattering rates in the tunneling experiment without any adjustable parameter, finding that the reported large (\geq a factor of six) disagreement between theory and experiment arises from quantitative errors in the existing theoretical work and from the off-shell energy dependence of the electron self-energy.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex, figures included. Also available at http://www-cmg.physics.umd.edu/~lzheng

    Interaction corrections at intermediate temperatures: dephasing time

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    We calculate the temperature dependence of the weak localization correction in a two dimensional system at arbitrary relation between temperature, TT and the elastic mean free time. We describe the crossover in the dephasing time τϕ(T){\tau_\phi(T)} between the high temperature, 1/τϕT2lnT1/\tau_\phi \simeq T^2 \ln T, and the low temperature 1/τϕT1/\tau_\phi \simeq T behaviors. The prefactors in these dependences are not universal, but are determined by the Fermi liquid constant characterising the spin exchange interaction.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in PRB, minor errors corrected, added reference

    Are scattering amplitudes dual to super Wilson loops?

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    The MHV scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 SYM are dual to bosonic light-like Wilson loops. We explore various proposals for extending this duality to generic non-MHV amplitudes. The corresponding dual object should have the same symmetries as the scattering amplitudes and be invariant to all loops under the chiral half of the N=4 superconformal symmetry. We analyze the recently introduced supersymmetric extensions of the light-like Wilson loop (formulated in Minkowski space-time) and demonstrate that they have the required symmetry properties at the classical level only, up to terms proportional to field equations of motion. At the quantum level, due to the specific light-cone singularities of the Wilson loop, the equations of motion produce a nontrivial finite contribution which breaks some of the classical symmetries. As a result, the quantum corrections violate the chiral supersymmetry already at one loop, thus invalidating the conjectured duality between Wilson loops and non-MHV scattering amplitudes. We compute the corresponding anomaly to one loop and solve the supersymmetric Ward identity to find the complete expression for the rectangular Wilson loop at leading order in the coupling constant. We also demonstrate that this result is consistent with conformal Ward identities by independently evaluating corresponding one-loop conformal anomaly.Comment: 25 pages; v2: minor corrections, a new appendix with discussion of conformal anomaly is adde

    Inelastic lifetimes of confined two-component electron systems in semiconductor quantum wire and quantum well structures

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    We calculate Coulomb scattering lifetimes of electrons in two-subband quantum wires and in double-layer quantum wells by obtaining the quasiparticle self-energy within the framework of the random-phase approximation for the dynamical dielectric function. We show that, in contrast to a single-subband quantum wire, the scattering rate in a two-subband quantum wire contains contributions from both particle-hole excitations and plasmon excitations. For double-layer quantum well structures, we examine individual contributions to the scattering rate from quasiparticle as well as acoustic and optical plasmon excitations at different electron densities and layer separations. We find that the acoustic plasmon contribution in the two-component electron system does not introduce any qualitatively new correction to the low energy inelastic lifetime, and, in particular, does not produce the linear energy dependence of carrier scattering rate as observed in the normal state of high-TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 7 figures. Also available at http://www-cmg.physics.umd.edu/~lzheng

    On the violation of the Fermi-liquid picture in two-dimensional systems owing to the Van-Hove singularities

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    We consider the two-dimensional t-t' Hubbard model with the Fermi level being close to the van Hove singularities. The phase diagram of the model is discussed. In a broad energy region the self-energy at the singularity points has a nearly-linear energy dependence. The corresponding correction to the density of states is proportional to ln^3(e). Both real- and imaginary part of the self-energy increase near the quantum phase transition into magnetically ordered or superconducting phase which implies violation of the Fermi-liquid behavior. The application of the results to cuprates is discussed.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 5 figures; The errors of the published version (PRB 64, 205105, 2001) are correcte

    Thermal conductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas with Coulomb interaction

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    We demonstrate that forward electron-electron scattering due to Coulomb interation in a two-dimensional ballistic electron gas leads to the (T\ln {T})^{-1} temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity, which is logarithmically suppressed compared to the usual Fermi liquid behaviour.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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