46 research outputs found

    Detector Efficiency Limits on Quantum Improvement

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    Although the National Institute of Standards and Technology has measured the intrinsic quantum efficiency of Si and InGaAs APD materials to be above 98 % by building an efficient compound detector, commercially available devices have efficiencies ranging between 15 % and 75 %. This means bandwidth, dark current, cost, and other factors are more important than quantum efficiency for existing applications. This paper systematically examines the generic detection process, lays out the considerations needed for designing detectors for non-classical applications, and identifies the ultimate physical limits on quantum efficiency.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 3 figure

    PyPele Rewritten To Use MPI

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    A computer program known as PyPele, originally written as a Pythonlanguage extension module of a C++ language program, has been rewritten in pure Python language. The original version of PyPele dispatches and coordinates parallel-processing tasks on cluster computers and provides a conceptual framework for spacecraft-mission- design and -analysis software tools to run in an embarrassingly parallel mode. The original version of PyPele uses SSH (Secure Shell a set of standards and an associated network protocol for establishing a secure channel between a local and a remote computer) to coordinate parallel processing. Instead of SSH, the present Python version of PyPele uses Message Passing Interface (MPI) [an unofficial de-facto standard language-independent application programming interface for message- passing on a parallel computer] while keeping the same user interface. The use of MPI instead of SSH and the preservation of the original PyPele user interface make it possible for parallel application programs written previously for the original version of PyPele to run on MPI-based cluster computers. As a result, engineers using the previously written application programs can take advantage of embarrassing parallelism without need to rewrite those programs

    Optical Communication Noise Rejection Using Correlated Photons

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    This paper describes a completely new way to perform noise rejection using a two-photon sensitive detector and taking advantage of the properties of correlated photons to improve an optical communications link in the presence of uncorrelated noise. In particular, a detailed analysis is made of the case where a classical link would be saturated by an intense background, such as when a satellite is in front of the sun,and identifies a regime where the quantum correlating system has superior performance.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Inertial Measurements for Aero-assisted Navigation (IMAN)

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    IMAN is a Python tool that provides inertial sensor-based estimates of spacecraft trajectories within an atmospheric influence. It provides Kalman filter-derived spacecraft state estimates based upon data collected onboard, and is shown to perform at a level comparable to the conventional methods of spacecraft navigation in terms of accuracy and at a higher level with regard to the availability of results immediately after completion of an atmospheric drag pass

    Using Correlated Photons to Suppress Background Noise

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    A proposed method of suppressing the effect of background noise in an optical communication system would exploit the transmission and reception of correlated photons at the receiver. The method would not afford any advantage in a system in which performance is limited by shot noise. However, if the performance of the system is limited by background noise (e.g., sunlight in the case of a free-space optical communication system or incoherently scattered in-band photons in the case of a fiber-optic communication system), then the proposed method could offer an advantage: the proposed method would make it possible to achieve a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) significantly greater than that of an otherwise equivalent background- noise-limited optical communication system based on the classical transmission and reception of uncorrelated photons. The figure schematically depicts a classical optical-communication system and a system according to the proposed method. In the classical system, a modulated laser beam is transmitted along an optical path to a receiver, the optics of which include a narrow-band-pass filter that suppresses some of the background noise. A photodetector in the receiver detects the laser-beam and background photons, most or all of which are uncorrelated. In the proposed system, correlated photons would be generated at the transmitter by making a modulated laser beam pass through a nonlinear parametric down-conversion crystal. The sum of frequencies of the correlated photons in each pair would equal the frequency of the incident photon from which they were generated. As in the classical system, the correlated photons would travel along an optical path to a receiver, where they would be band-pass filtered and detected. Unlike in the classical system, the photodetector in the receiver in this system would be one that intrinsically favors the detection of pairs of correlated photons over the detection of uncorrelated photons. Even though there would be no way of knowing the precise location and time of creation of a given pair of correlated signal photons in the nonlinear down-conversion crystal, the fact that the photons are necessarily created at the same time and place makes it possible to utilize conventional geometrical imaging optics to reunite the photons in coincidence in the receiving photodetector. Because most or all of the signal photons would be correlated while most or all of the noise photons would be uncorrelated, the S/N would be correspondingly enhanced in the photodetector output. An additional advantage to be gained by use of a correlated-photon detector is that it could be capable of recovering the signal even in the presence of background light so bright that a classical uncorrelated-photon detector would be saturated. A blocked-impurity-band (BIB) photodetector that preferentially detects pairs of correlated photons over uncorrelated ones and that operates at a quantum efficiency of 88 percent is commercially available. This detector must be cooled to the temperature of liquid helium to obtain the desired low-noise performance. It is planned to use this detector in a proof-of-principle demonstration. In addition, it may be possible to develop GaN-based photodetectors that could offer the desired low-noise performance at room temperature

    Quad-Tree Visual-Calculus Analysis of Satellite Coverage

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    An improved method of analysis of coverage of areas of the Earth by a constellation of radio-communication or scientific-observation satellites has been developed. This method is intended to supplant an older method in which the global-coverage-analysis problem is solved from a ground-to-satellite perspective. The present method provides for rapid and efficient analysis. This method is derived from a satellite-to-ground perspective and involves a unique combination of two techniques for multiresolution representation of map features on the surface of a sphere

    Dipole Oscillations in Bose - Fermi Mixture in the Time-Dependent Grosspitaevskii and Vlasov equations

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    We study the dipole collective oscillations in the bose-fermi mixture using a dynamical time-dependent approach, which are formulated with the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the Vlasov equation. We find big difference in behaviors of fermion oscillation between the time-dependent approach and usual approaches such as the random-phase approximation and the sum-rule approach. While the bose gas oscillates monotonously, the fermion oscillation shows a beat and a damping. When the amplitude is not minimal, the dipole oscillation of the fermi gas cannot be described with a simple center-of-mass motion.Comment: 17 pages text, and 15 figure

    Towards photostatistics from photon-number discriminating detectors

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    We study the properties of a photodetector that has a number-resolving capability. In the absence of dark counts, due to its finite quantum efficiency, photodetection with such a detector can only eliminate the possibility that the incident field corresponds to a number of photons less than the detected photon number. We show that such a {\em non-photon} number-discriminating detector, however, provides a useful tool in the reconstruction of the photon number distribution of the incident field even in the presence of dark counts.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure