137 research outputs found

    A fate-map for cranial sensory ganglia in the sea lamprey.

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    Cranial neurogenic placodes and the neural crest make essential contributions to key adult characteristics of all vertebrates, including the paired peripheral sense organs and craniofacial skeleton. Neurogenic placode development has been extensively characterized in representative jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) but not in jawless fishes (agnathans). Here, we use in vivo lineage tracing with DiI, together with neuronal differentiation markers, to establish the first detailed fate-map for placode-derived sensory neurons in a jawless fish, the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus, and to confirm that neural crest cells in the lamprey contribute to the cranial sensory ganglia. We also show that a pan-Pax3/7 antibody labels ophthalmic trigeminal (opV, profundal) placode-derived but not maxillomandibular trigeminal (mmV) placode-derived neurons, mirroring the expression of gnathostome Pax3 and suggesting that Pax3 (and its single Pax3/7 lamprey ortholog) is a pan-vertebrate marker for opV placode-derived neurons. Unexpectedly, however, our data reveal that mmV neuron precursors are located in two separate domains at neurula stages, with opV neuron precursors sandwiched between them. The different branches of the mmV nerve are not comparable between lampreys and gnatho-stomes, and spatial segregation of mmV neuron precursor territories may be a derived feature of lampreys. Nevertheless, maxillary and mandibular neurons are spatially segregated within gnathostome mmV ganglia, suggesting that a more detailed investigation of gnathostome mmV placode development would be worthwhile. Overall, however, our results highlight the conservation of cranial peripheral sensory nervous system development across vertebrates, yielding insight into ancestral vertebrate traits.This work was funded by the Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (Grant BB/F00818X/1 to C.V.H.B), the Wellcome Trust (Ph.D. Studentship 086804/Z/08/Z to C.V.H.B. and D.H.) and the National Institutes of Health (Grants DE017911 and DE16459 to M.E.B).This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ydbio.2013.10.02

    Retinoic acid-independent expression of Meis2 during autopod patterning in the developing bat and mouse limb

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    BackgroundThe bat has strikingly divergent forelimbs (long digits supporting wing membranes) and hindlimbs (short, typically free digits) due to the distinct requirements of both aerial and terrestrial locomotion. During embryonic development, the morphology of the bat forelimb deviates dramatically from the mouse and chick, offering an alternative paradigm for identifying genes that play an important role in limb patterning.ResultsUsing transcriptome analysis of developing Natal long-fingered bat (Miniopterus natalensis) fore- and hindlimbs, we demonstrate that the transcription factor Meis2 has a significantly higher expression in bat forelimb autopods compared to hindlimbs. Validation by reverse transcriptase and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and whole mount in situ hybridisation shows that Meis2, conventionally known as a marker of the early proximal limb bud, is upregulated in the bat forelimb autopod from CS16. Meis2 expression is localised to the expanding interdigital webbing and the membranes linking the wing to the hindlimb and tail. In mice, Meis2 is also expressed in the interdigital region prior to tissue regression. This interdigital Meis2 expression is not activated by retinoic acid (RA) signalling as it is present in the retained interdigital tissue of Rdh10trex/trex mice, which lack RA. Additionally, genes encoding RA-synthesising enzymes, Rdh10 and Aldh1a2, and the RA nuclear receptor Rarβ are robustly expressed in bat fore- and hindlimb interdigital tissues indicating that the mechanism that retains interdigital tissue in bats also occurs independently of RA signalling.ConclusionsMammalian interdigital Meis2 expression, and upregulation in the interdigital webbing of bat wings, suggests an important role for Meis2 in autopod development. Interdigital Meis2 expression is RA-independent, and retention of interdigital webbing in bat wings is not due to the suppression of RA-induced cell death. Rather, RA signalling may play a role in the thinning (rather than complete loss) of the interdigital tissue in the bat forelimb, while Meis2 may interact with other factors during both bat and mouse autopod development to maintain a pool of interdigital cells that contribute to digit patterning and growth.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13227-015-0001-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    PDE3 Inhibition Reduces Epithelial Mast Cell Numbers in Allergic Airway Inflammation and Attenuates Degranulation of Basophils and Mast Cells

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    Epithelial mast cells are generally present in the airways of patients with allergic asthma that are inadequately controlled. Airway mast cells (MCs) are critically involved in allergic airway inflammation and contribute directly to the main symptoms of allergic patients. Phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE3) tailors signaling of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which are critical intracellular second messenger molecules in various signaling pathways. This paper investigates the pathophysiological role and disease-modifying effects of PDE3 in mouse bone marrow-derived MCs (bmMCs), human LAD2- and HMC1 mast cell lines, human blood basophils, and peripheral blood-derived primary human MCs (HuMCs). In a chronic house dust mite (HDM)-driven allergic airway inflammation mouse model, we observed that PDE3 deficiency or PDE3 inhibition (PDE3i) therapy reduced the numbers of epithelial MCs, when compared to control mice. Mouse bone marrow-derived MCs (bmMCs) and the human HMC1 and LAD2 cell lines predominantly expressed PDE3B and PDE4A. BmMCs from Pde3−/− mice showed reduced loss of the degranulation marker CD107b compared with wild-type BmMCs, when stimulated in an immunoglobulin E (IgE)-dependent manner. Following both IgE-mediated and substance P-mediated activation, PDE3i-pretreated basophils, LAD2 cells, and HuMCs, showed less degranulation than diluent controls, as measured by surface CD63 expression. MCs lacking PDE3 or treated with the PDE3i enoximone exhibited a lower calcium flux upon stimulation with ionomycine. In conclusion PDE3 plays a critical role in basophil and mast cell degranulation and therefore its inhibition may be a treatment option in allergic disease

    Evolution of the hypoxia-sensitive cells involved in amniote respiratory reflexes

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    The evolutionary origins of the hypoxia-sensitive cells that trigger amniote respiratory reflexes – carotid body glomus cells, and ‘pulmonary neuroendocrine cells’ (PNECs) - are obscure. Homology has been proposed between glomus cells, which are neural crest-derived, and the hypoxia-sensitive ‘neuroepithelial cells’ (NECs) of fish gills, whose embryonic origin is unknown. NECs have also been likened to PNECs, which differentiate in situ within lung airway epithelia. Using genetic lineage-tracing and neural crest-deficient mutants in zebrafish, and physical fate-mapping in frog and lamprey, we find that NECs are not neural crest-derived, but endoderm-derived, like PNECs, whose endodermal origin we confirm. We discover neural crest-derived catecholaminergic cells associated with zebrafish pharyngeal arch blood vessels, and propose a new model for amniote hypoxia-sensitive cell evolution: endoderm-derived NECs were retained as PNECs, while the carotid body evolved via the aggregation of neural crest-derived catecholaminergic (chromaffin) cells already associated with blood vessels in anamniote pharyngeal arches

    A hepatitis C virus (HCV) vaccine comprising envelope glycoproteins gpE1/gpE2 derived from a single isolate elicits broad cross-genotype neutralizing antibodies in humans

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    Although a cure for HCV is on the near horizon, emerging drug cocktails will be expensive, associated with side-effects and resistance making a global vaccine an urgent priority given the estimated high incidence of infection around the world. Due to the highly heterogeneous nature of HCV, an effective HCV vaccine which could elicit broadly cross-neutralizing antibodies has represented a major challenge. In this study, we tested for the presence of cross-neutralizing antibodies in human volunteers who were immunized with recombinant glycoproteins gpE1/gpE2 derived from a single HCV strain (HCV1 of genotype 1a). Cross neutralization was tested in Huh-7.5 human hepatoma cell cultures using infectious recombinant HCV (HCVcc) expressing structural proteins of heterologous HCV strains from all known major genotypes, 1-7. Vaccination induced significant neutralizing antibodies against heterologous HCV genotype 1a virus which represents the most common genotype in North America. Of the 16 vaccinees tested, 3 were selected on the basis of strong 1a virus neutralization for testing of broad cross-neutralizing responses. At least 1 vaccinee was shown to elicit broad cross-neutralization against all HCV genotypes. Although observed in only a minority of vaccinees, our results prove the key concept that a vaccine derived from a single strain of HCV can elicit broad cross-neutralizing antibodies against all known major genotypes of HCV and provide considerable encouragement for the further development of a human vaccine against this common, global pathogen

    Developmental variations in plasma leptin, leptin soluble receptor and their molar ratio in healthy infants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leptin and its soluble receptor (sOB-R) are important to regulation of body composition but there are no data on the developmental variations in these plasma variables and their relationship with body composition measurements,</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Weight, length, and body composition (bone, fat and lean mass) by dual energy absorptiometry, and plasma variables were measured in healthy infants at 2, 4, 8 and 12 months.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>15 whites and 29 African Americans (21 males and 23 females) with mean birth weight 3357 +/- 45 (SEM) g and gestation of 39.3 +/- 0.17 weeks were studied. The overall Z score for weight, length and weight for length during the study were 0.00 +/- 0.15, -0.08 +/- 0.11 and 0.12 +/- 0.14 respectively. With increasing age, plasma leptin (1.0 to 18.2, median 5.5 ng/mL) and sOB-R:leptin molar ratio (10.1 to 247.4, median 59.9) were lowered (r = -0.47, p < 0.01; and r = -0.37, p < 0.05 respectively), best predicted by weight Z score and percentage of fat mass, and higher in African American and female. Presence of body composition measurements eliminated the race and gender effect on the plasma variables. Plasma sOB-R (49.5 to 173.9, median 81.3 ng/mL) did not change significantly with age and was correlated and predicted only by body composition measurements.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In healthy growing infants, plasma leptin but not sOB-R decreases with age. Gender, race and anthropometric measurements are additional physiological determinants predictive of plasma leptin and the receptor:ligand ratio. However, body composition is the only variable that can predict plasma leptin and its soluble receptor and the receptor: ligand ratio; and body composition measurements eliminated the race and gender effect on these plasma variables.</p

    Evolution of the hypoxia-sensitive cells involved in amniote respiratory reflexes

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    The evolutionary origins of the hypoxia-sensitive cells that trigger amniote respiratory reflexes - carotid body glomus cells, and 'pulmonary neuroendocrine cells' (PNECs) - are obscure. Homology has been proposed between glomus cells, which are neural crest-derived, and the hypoxia-sensitive 'neuroepithelial cells' (NECs) of fish gills, whose embryonic origin is unknown. NECs have also been likened to PNECs, which differentiate in situ within lung airway epithelia. Using genetic lineage-tracing and neural crest-deficient mutants in zebrafish, and physical fate-mapping in frog and lamprey, we find that NECs are not neural crest-derived, but endoderm-derived, like PNECs, whose endodermal origin we confirm. We discover neural crest-derived catecholaminergic cells associated with zebrafish pharyngeal arch blood vessels, and propose a new model for amniote hypoxia-sensitive cell evolution: endoderm-derived NECs were retained as PNECs, while the carotid body evolved via the aggregation of neural crest-derived catecholaminergic (chromaffin) cells already associated with blood vessels in anamniote pharyngeal arches.This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust (Ph.D. Studentship 086804/Z/08/Z to DH; Senior Investigator Award 102889/Z/13/Z to AST), the NIDCR/NIH (R21-DE021509 to SF; R01-DE018477 to EWK), the NIDDK/NIH (1DP2DK098092 to PDSD), the NIH (R01-HL092217 to EWK), the Zebrafish Initiative of the Vanderbilt University Academic Venture Capital Fund (to EWK), the Vanderbilt International Scholar Program (to GU), the HFSP (Long-Term Fellowship to CM) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship and Professorship to CM). For further information, please visit the publisher's website
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