36 research outputs found

    Fgf Signaling is Required for Photoreceptor Maintenance in the Adult Zebrafish Retina

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    Fibroblast growth factors (Fgf) are secreted signaling molecules that have mitogenic, patterning, neurotrophic and angiogenic properties. Their importance during embryonic development in patterning and morphogenesis of the vertebrate eye is well known, but less is known about the role of Fgfs in the adult vertebrate retina. To address Fgf function in adult retina, we determined the spatial distribution of components of the Fgf signaling pathway in the adult zebrafish retina. We detected differential expression of Fgf receptors, ligands and downstream Fgf targets within specific retinal layers. Furthermore, we blocked Fgf signaling in the retina, by expressing a dominant negative variant of Fgf receptor 1 conditionally in transgenic animals. After blocking Fgf signaling we observe a fast and progressive photoreceptor degeneration and disorganization of retinal tissue, coupled with cell death in the outer nuclear layer. Following the degeneration of photoreceptors, a profound regeneration response is triggered that starts with proliferation in the inner nuclear layer. Ultimately, rod and cone photoreceptors are regenerated completely. Our study reveals the requirement o

    Journal of Spatial Science / Evaluation of modified Interferon alpha mRNA constructs for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer

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    Application of in vitro transcribed (IVT) messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is an increasingly popular strategy to transiently produce proteins as therapeutics in a tissue or organ of choice. Here, we focused on the skin and aimed to test if whole human skin tissue explant technology can be used to evaluate the expression efficacy of different IVT Interferon alpha (IFN-) mRNA constructs in situ, after biolistic delivery. Skin explants were viable and intact for at least five days based on histologic analysis and TUNEL staining. Using GFP reporter mRNA formulations, we found mostly epidermal expression after biolistic delivery. Two out of five sequence-optimized IFN- mRNA variants resulted in significantly improved IFN- protein expression in human skin compared to native IFN- mRNA transfection. IFN- secretion analysis of the surrounding culture media confirmed these results. We provide a proof-of-concept that IFN- mRNA delivery into intact human full thickness skin explants can be utilized to test mRNA sequence modifications ex vivo. This approach could be used to develop novel mRNA-based treatments of common epidermal skin conditions including non-melanoma skin cancer, where IFN- protein therapy has previously shown a strong therapeutic effect.(VLID)286371

    Characterization of light lesion paradigms and optical coherence tomography as tools to study adult retina regeneration in zebrafish

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    Light-induced lesions are a powerful tool to study the amazing ability of photoreceptors to regenerate in the adult zebrafish retina. However, the specificity of the lesion towards photoreceptors or regional differences within the retina are still incompletely understood. We therefore characterized the process of degeneration and regeneration in an established paradigm, using intense white light from a fluorescence lamp on swimming fish (diffuse light lesion). We also designed a new light lesion paradigm where light is focused through a microscope onto the retina of an immobilized fish (focused light lesion). Focused light lesion has the advantage of creating a locally restricted area of damage, with the additional benefit of an untreated control eye in the same animal. In both paradigms, cell death is observed as an immediate early response, and proliferation is initiated around 2 days post lesion (dpl), peaking at 3 dpl. We furthermore find that two photoreceptor subtypes (UV and blue sensitive cones) are more susceptible towards intense white light than red/green double cones and rods. We also observed specific differences within light lesioned areas with respect to the process of photoreceptor degeneration: UV cone debris is removed later than any other type of photoreceptor in light lesions. Unspecific damage to retinal neurons occurs at the center of a focused light lesion territory, but not in the diffuse light lesion areas. We simulated the fish eye optical properties using software simulation, and show that the optical properties may explain the light lesion patterns that we observe. Furthermore, as a new tool to study retinal degeneration and regeneration in individual fish in vivo, we use spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Collectively, the light lesion and imaging assays described here represent powerful tools for studying degeneration and regeneration processes in the adult zebrafish retina

    Hydrogen Sulfide Metabolizing Enzymes in the Intestinal Mucosa in Pediatric and Adult Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a toxic gas that has important regulatory functions. In the colon, H2S can be produced and detoxified endogenously. Both too little and too much H2S exposure are associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a chronic intestinal disease mainly classified as Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). As the pathogenesis of IBD remains elusive, this study’s aim was to investigate potential differences in the expression of H2S-metabolizing enzymes in normal aging and IBD. Intestinal mucosal biopsies of 25 adults and 22 children with IBD along with those of 26 healthy controls were stained immunohistochemically for cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE), 3-mercapto-sulfurtransferase (3-MST), ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1 protein (ETHE1), sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQOR) and thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (TST). Expression levels were calculated by multiplication of the staining intensity and percentage of positively stained cells. Healthy adults showed an overall trend towards lower expression of H2S-metabolizing enzymes than healthy children. Adults with IBD also tended to have lower expression compared to controls. A similar trend was seen in the enzyme expression of children with IBD compared to controls. These results indicate an age-related decrease in the expression of H2S-metabolizing enzymes and a dysfunctional H2S metabolism in IBD, which was less pronounced in children

    Batch Effects during Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Propagation Prevail Donor Variation and Culture Duration: Impact on Genotype, Phenotype and Function

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    Donor variation is a prominent critical issue limiting the applicability of cell-based therapies. We hypothesized that batch effects during propagation of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) in human platelet lysate (hPL), replacing fetal bovine serum (FBS), can affect phenotypic and functional variability. We therefore investigated the impact of donor variation, hPL- vs. FBS-driven propagation and exhaustive proliferation, on BMSC epigenome, transcriptome, phenotype, coagulation risk and osteochondral regenerative function. Notably, propagation in hPL significantly increased BMSC proliferation, created significantly different gene expression trajectories and distinct surface marker signatures, already after just one passage. We confirmed significantly declining proliferative potential in FBS-expanded BMSC after proliferative challenge. Flow cytometry verified the canonical fibroblastic phenotype in culture-expanded BMSCs. We observed limited effects on DNA methylation, preferentially in FBS-driven cultures, irrespective of culture duration. The clotting risk increased over culture time. Moreover, expansion in xenogenic serum resulted in significant loss of function during 3D cartilage disk formation and significantly increased clotting risk. Superior chondrogenic function under hPL-conditions was maintained over culture. The platelet blood group and isoagglutinins had minor impact on BMSC function. These data demonstrate pronounced batch effects on BMSC transcriptome, phenotype and function due to serum factors, partly outcompeting donor variation after just one culture passage

    Chondrocyte Isolation from Loose Bodies—An Option for Reducing Donor Site Morbidity for Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation

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    Loose bodies (LBs) from patients with osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) are usually removed and discarded during surgical treatment of the defect. In this study, we address the question of whether these LBs contain sufficient viable and functional chondrocytes that could serve as a source for autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) and how the required prolonged in vitro expansion affects their phenotype. Chondrocytes were isolated from LBs of 18 patients and compared with control chondrocyte from non-weight-bearing joint regions (n = 7) and bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs, n = 6) obtained during primary arthroplasty. No significant differences in the initial cell yield per isolation and the expression of the chondrocyte progenitor cell markers CD44 + /CD146+ were found between chondrocyte populations from LBs (LB-CH) and control patients (Ctrl-CH). During long-term expansion, LB-CH exhibited comparable viability and proliferation rates to control cells and no ultimate cell cycle arrest was observed within 12 passages respectively 15.3 ± 1.1 mean cumulative populations doublings (CPD). The chondrogenic differentiation potential was comparable between LB-CH and Ctrl-CH, but both groups showed a significantly higher ability to form a hyaline cartilage matrix in vitro than BMSC. Our data suggest that LBs are a promising cell source for obtaining qualitatively and quantitatively suitable chondrocytes for therapeutic applications, thereby circumventing donor site morbidity as a consequence of the biopsies required for the current ACI procedure

    Double labeling of Caspase-3 positive cells.

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    <p><b>A</b>) Casp3 (red) and HuC/D (green), marker for mature neurons such as amacrine and ganglion cells, do not colocalize in the INL (white arrow) and GCL (white arrowhead). <b>B</b>) Glutamine synthetase (GS, green), a marker for MGC, colocalizes with Casp3+ (red) cells in the INL (white arrows). Scale bar = 20 µm.</p

    Recovery of retinal tissue architecture and marker gene expression after photoreceptor ablation.

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    <p><b>A, B</b>) Hematoxylin-eosin staining of control retina after one month. dn-fgfr1 transgenic, regenerated retina has recovered a similar layered structure as the retina of wild-type control siblings. <b>C, D</b>) Expression of the double cone marker Zpr1 is recovered in the photoreceptor cells of dn-fgfr1 fish (arrowheads) after seven days of regeneration and displays a pattern comparable to control retinas. <b>E, F</b>) <i>rho</i> expression recovers in transgenic fish and is highly comparable to control fish (arrowheads). <b>G, H</b>) UV opsin <i>(opn1sw1)</i> expression shows the same pattern in control and in transgenic retinas (arrowheads). <b>I, J</b>) Expression of the downstream target gene <i>etv5b</i>, indicative of Fgf signaling activity, has recovered in dn-fgfr1 fish after seven days of regeneration and expression is indistinguishable from control fish (arrowheads). Scale bar = 20 µm.</p