1,592 research outputs found

    Deciding to Adapt Organizational Architecture: Facilitators and Inhibitors to Change

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    Proceedings for the 1998 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium Command and Control for the Next Millenium June 29-July1, 1998 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California Track 1 ArchitecturesThe purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that contribute to the decision to initiate change in organizational structure. The Adaptive Architectures for Command and Control (A2C2) research in 1997 examined, in part, the willingness of planning groups to choose to operate in an organizational structure different from the one in which they had prior experience. The experiment involved nine six-person teams each simulating a "Joint Task Force" conducting a complex military operation involving land, sea and air assets. (See Benson et al. (1998) for details on the conduct of this experiment.) The data reported in this paper are derived from planning sessions conducted by each team in which they were to analyze and choose among three alternative organizational architectures. The focus of the analysis conducted is on the decision making processes and the criteria the planning groups used in comparing the alternative organizational structures. Theoretical models that define processes for diagnosing need for change as well as specific "driving" and "restraining" forces for change provide parameters for analyzing the decision process data

    A Survey of the Stony Coral Community Composition of Pompano Ledge, Broward County, Florida, with a Preliminary Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Mooring Buoys in Reducing Coral Damage

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    Stony corals of Pompano Ledge, First Reef, Broward County, Florida were sampled in situ using a new reef assessment method. The circular-radial method was used to assess the effectiveness of mooring buoys in reducing damage to reefs. Data will be part of a long-term monitoring study of·buoy impacts. The parameter of recent injury was used to provide preliminary information on buoy effectiveness. Results were as follows: approximately 6% of the study area was covered by stony corals, with an average of 3 colonies per square meter. Diversity based on abundance (H\u27n) was 1 .7, and diversity based on relative coverage (H\u27c) was 1.1. Evenness based on abundance (J\u27n) was nearly .8, and evenness based on relative coverage (J\u27 c) was .5. Approximately 6% of all colonies surveyed were observed under the shelter of ledges or overhangs. An average of 2% of colonies were observed to be recently injured in the Winter, compared with 6% in the Summer. Twenty-nine species of scleractinian corals were observed, 26 of which were present in sample areas. Montastrea cavernosa dominated stony coral coverage, and Siderastrea spp. and M. cavernosa were the most abundant. Mooring buoys appear to be an effective management tool for minimizing damage to corals on Pompano Ledge. The percentage of corals that had been recently injured was lower in the buoyed site (p = .082) even though the buoyed site was more heavily visited by both boats and divers . Future studies will be able to further assess buoy impacts by noting any changes in coral population parameters. The buoys have only been in place two years, so it will be interesting to see if the coral communities of the two sites begin to diverge in the future

    How Marketing Communications Correlates With Business Performance

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    Companies use different marketing activities to communicate with the environment. These decisions are often a result of past experiences, habits or a certain influences. Measuring the efficiency of a communication mix as well as analyzing the effect of using a specific marketing communication activity on different business performance determinants are usually neglected. This paper might contribute to this problem as it focuses on the correlation between marketing communication activities and the business performance of a company through two aspects: a) the frequency of using a specific marketing communication activity and its correlation to business performance determinants; b) the correlation between the number of marketing communication activities that a company uses and its business performance determinants. We found statistically significant relationships (positive and negative) among some variables. The results helped us interpret which activity a company should use in order to increase customer loyalty, which activity helps raise net profit, and how many marketing communication activities should a company employ to optimise business performance. With this, managers have obtained basic guidelines when building their marketing communication mix

    Hybrid III–V/Silicon Nanowires

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    International audienceSemiconducting nanowires are emerging as a route to combine heavily mismatched materials. The nanowire dimensions facilitate the defect-free integration of the two most powerful semiconductor classes, group IVs and group III-Vs. These combinations may enhance the performance of existing device concepts, and also create new applications. In this chapter we review the recent progress in heteroepitaxial growth of III-V andIVmaterials. We highlight the advantage of using the small nanowire dimensions to facilitate accommodation of the lattice strain at the surface of the structures. Another advantage of the nanowire system is that anti phase boundaries are not formed, as there is only one nucleation site per wire. In this chapter, we will discuss three different heteroepitaxial III-V/Si morphologies, III-V nanowires on group IV substrates, and axial and radial heterojunctions. Advanced analysis techniques are used tocharacterise the quality of the heterointerfaces. Finally, we address potential applications of III-V/Si nanowires


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    With the ongoing “Health Check” and the decisions needed for after 2013, the Common Agricultural Policy is likely to see another major reform and an increase in compulsory modulation. By employing a regional model, this paper compares the long-term impact of spending along the Pillar 2 Axes in NUTS3 areas on selected indicators of sustainability in several peripheral areas across Europe. The four case study areas are: Pinzgau-Pongau (a tourism-dominated alpine area in Austria), the Wetterau (an urbanised industrial area in Germany), Gorenjska (a tourism and manufacturing dominated area in Slovenia) and Caithness-Sutherland (a remote area in Scotland). The results suggest although devolution in European rural development policy has taken over the last 10 years, there is further need to restore place-based stewardship of public goods and services as well as private investments across rural areas in the European Union. Increasing the importance of Axis 2 and Axis 3 measures (part of CAP Pillar 2) therefore seems an obvious choice for the future. Furthermore, it is clear that the effects of wider societal trends such as the decreasing importance of agriculture, commuting and migration, can be weakened or amplified by EU funding but can not be reversed or significantly changed.CAP, Pillar 2, rural development, Agricultural and Food Policy, R15, Q18, Q01,

    A diagnostic approach to building collaborative capacity in an interagency context

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    Federal Acquisition Reform has consistently called for more and better collaboration among participating organizations. Experience shows, however, that inter-organizational collaboration can be difficult at best. Our research focuses on imperatives of successful collaboration and aims to assist organizations in diagnosing their collaborative capacity. Based on prior research with homeland security organizations, we offer a model of inter-organizational collaborative capacity grounded in a systems perspective. We then identify enablers and barriers that contribute to collaborative capacity. A diagnostic process based on the established practices of organization development is offered to guide the design of tailored assessments of collaborative capacity. We present a comprehensive set of both interview and survey questions, based on our model, which can be used in creating a collaborative capacity audit. The ability to diagnose collaborative capacity encourages literacy around collaboration and assists leaders in determining mechanisms for developing their organization's collaborative capacity. Finally, we describe the future plans for validating these assessment tools.-- p. iv.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    The UCEA Project on Education Leadership: Voices from the Field, Phase 3

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    This special issue of Educational Considerations is devoted to the national research study Voices from the Field: Phase 3 (hereafter referred to as Voices 3), conducted by the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) to study the perceptions of superintendents and principals regarding school improvement, social justice, and democratic community

    FairFuzz: Targeting Rare Branches to Rapidly Increase Greybox Fuzz Testing Coverage

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    In recent years, fuzz testing has proven itself to be one of the most effective techniques for finding correctness bugs and security vulnerabilities in practice. One particular fuzz testing tool, American Fuzzy Lop or AFL, has become popular thanks to its ease-of-use and bug-finding power. However, AFL remains limited in the depth of program coverage it achieves, in particular because it does not consider which parts of program inputs should not be mutated in order to maintain deep program coverage. We propose an approach, FairFuzz, that helps alleviate this limitation in two key steps. First, FairFuzz automatically prioritizes inputs exercising rare parts of the program under test. Second, it automatically adjusts the mutation of inputs so that the mutated inputs are more likely to exercise these same rare parts of the program. We conduct evaluation on real-world programs against state-of-the-art versions of AFL, thoroughly repeating experiments to get good measures of variability. We find that on certain benchmarks FairFuzz shows significant coverage increases after 24 hours compared to state-of-the-art versions of AFL, while on others it achieves high program coverage at a significantly faster rate
