1,353 research outputs found

    How the Internet, the Sharing Economy, and Reputational Feedback Mechanisms Solve the “Lemons Problem”

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    This paper argues that the sharing economy—through the use of the Internet and real time reputational feedback mechanisms—is providing a solution to the lemons problem that many regulators have spent decades attempting to overcome. Section I provides an overview of the sharing economy and traces its rapid growth. Section II revisits the lemons theory as well as the various regulatory solutions proposed to deal with the problem of asymmetric information. Section III discusses the relationship between reputation and trust and analyzes how reputational incentives affect commercial interactions. Section IV discusses how information asymmetries were addressed in the pre-Internet era. It also discusses how the evolution of both the Internet and information systems (especially the reputational feedback mechanisms of the sharing economy) addresses the lemons problem. Section V explains how these new realities affect public policy and concludes that asymmetric information is not a legitimate rationale for policy intervention in light of technological changes. We also argue that continued use of this rationale to regulate in the name of consumer protection might, in fact, make consumers worse off. This has ramifications for the current debate over regulation of the sharing economy

    Math Anxiety: Engineering Technology Students Problem Solving Through Rational or Experiential Context

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    Math anxiety is a pernicious problem. The issue manifests in a variety of ways, some avoid math completely, while others enact coping skills to avoid the use of math. This study surveys students who are pursuing Engineering Technology degrees and delves into the tendencies of the students and how they utilize certain types of problem-solving techniques. The survey utilized the instrument Cognitive-Experiential Self Theory (CEST) [1]. The survey will help to learn the extent to which the students rely on the rational and experiential context of their lives to answer technical questions. The study is intended to enlighten educators and others to the degree intuition is used by students as a means of problem solving. The conclusions drawn will help to develop techniques to encourage students to have a more positive view of mathematics and to use mathematics for solving technical problems. The overall results will help to support future work on math anxiety and to develop methods to curb students’ negative reactions to scenarios contributing to math anxieties

    Math Anxiety in Female and Underrepresented Minority Students a Literature Review

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    Educators have noticed that some students respond to exercises requiring mathematical calculations with numerical answers that are not correct and far from realistic. These student solutions are often given without further comment or calculation by the students and seem to such avoidance by the students to engage with the numerical calculations. Anecdotal evidence, by these educators, suggest that such responses are more prevalent from female and underrepresented minority groups — raising the question of whether demographics play a role in a students’ approach to numerical problems. Researchers have searched for existing work in this area and find that there are gaps in reports on factors that may contribute to students’ decision to avoid math in their problem solving and a lack of research on how to support students who respond in these ways. Further focus on previous studies on female and underrepresented minority students is undertaken and shared through this document with the intent of sharing these findings and determine the gaps for work that may be done in this crucial area

    Delineating origins of cheetah cubs in the illegal wildlife trade: Improvements based on the use of hair δ18O measurements

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    All African felids are listed as vulnerable or endangered according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species. Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in particular have declined rapidly as a result of human impacts so that development of effective strategies and tools for conservation of this highly vulnerable species, as well as African felids in general, are essential for their survival in the wild. Here we use the oxygen stable isotopic compositions of cheetah hair to determine origins of cheetah cubs destined for the illegal exotic pet trade by associating individual cubs with predicted δ18O isoscape locations. We found that cheetah cubs most likely originated in East Africa, close to the corridors responsible for this aspect of the illegal wildlife trade to the Middle East. Further refinement of these assignments using a two isotope analysis (δ18O and δ13C values) indicate that these cubs were likely sourced in Southern Ethiopia or possibly as far as Tanzania. We also demonstrate that δ18O values in tissues can provide provenance information in cases where results of δ2H analyses may be obscured by the effects of metabolic routing of nutrients during nursing, starvation, or dehydration. This study demonstrates the utility of stable isotopic tools for conservation and forensic uses for endangered mammalian species

    The Relationship Development Assessment - Research Version: Preliminary validation of a clinical tool and coding schemes to measure parent-child interaction in autism.

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    The aim of this project was to replicate and extend findings from two recent studies on parent-child relatedness in autism (Beurkens, Hobson, & Hobson, 2013; Hobson, Tarver, Beurkens, & Hobson, 2013, under review) by adapting an observational assessment and coding schemes of parent-child relatedness for the clinical context and examining their validity and reliability. The coding schemes focussed on three aspects of relatedness: joint attentional focus (Adamson, Bakeman, & Deckner, 2004), the capacity to co-regulate an interaction and the capacity to share emotional experiences. The participants were 40 children (20 with autism, 20 without autism) aged 6-14, and their parents. Parent-child dyads took part in the observational assessment and were coded on these schemes. Comparisons were made with standardised measures of autism severity (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, ADOS: Lord, Rutter, DiLavore, & Risi, 2001; Social Responsiveness Scale, SRS: Constantino & Gruber, 2005), relationship quality (Parent Child Relationship Inventory, PCRI: Gerard, 1994) and quality of parent-child interaction (Dyadic Coding Scales, DCS: Humber & Moss, 2005). Inter-rater reliability was very good and, as predicted, codes both diverged from the measure of parent-child relationship and converged with a separate measure of parent-child interaction quality. A detailed profile review revealed nuanced areas of group and individual differences which may be specific to verbally-able school-age children. The results support the utility of the Relationship Development Assessment - Research Version for clinical practice

    Assessment of health and welfare in a small sample of dogs owned by people who are homeless

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    BackgroundPet ownership is common among homeless people, with dogs the most frequently reported pets. However, homeless people receive considerable criticism for keeping pets due to public perception of poor care provision.Materials and methodsA convenience, cross-sectional sample of 19 homeless people, owning a total of 21 dogs were recruited, and their dogs’ health and wellbeing assessed using the PDSA Petwise MOT (P-MOT).ResultsThe dogs compared favourably with conventionally owned pets in most areas, including exercise and companionship. Problems included being overweight/obese (although at lower prevalence than the general population). Some owners had difficulty in accessing veterinary care. Behavioural concerns were reported for 61.9% of the dogs, most commonly separation-related distress.DiscussionBeing unable to safely leave their pets may impair owners’ access to services. Provision of accessible veterinary care, behavioural support and pet-friendly services could improve the health of homeless owners and their pets

    Homeless people and their dogs: Exploring the nature and impact of the human-companion animal bond

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    Homelessness is a pervasive social issue worldwide. In the UK, it is currently estimated that one in two hundred people are homeless, approximating 0.5% of the population. Pet ownership among this group is thought to be commonplace and has been linked with a range of human health and social benefits. These include amelioration of loneliness, isolation and depression and reduction in suicidal thoughts, substance misuse and criminal activity. However, pet ownership has also been suggested to perpetuate homelessness by restricting access to support services, especially housing. This study aimed to explore the nature of the Human Companion-Animal Bond (H-CAB) between UK homeless owners and their dogs, and to document the implications of this bond for the health and welfare of both parties. Twenty homeless or vulnerably housed dog owners were recruited to participate in semi-structured interviews consisting of open and closed questions. These were recorded, transcribed and subjected to thematic analysis. Major emergent themes included participants’ descriptions of their pets as kin; the responsibility they felt towards their pet; and anticipatory grief when contemplating a future without their companion animal. Importantly, the analysis also suggests the importance of a mutual rescue narrative, whereby pet owners felt that they had rescued their dogs from a negative situation, and vice-versa. However, participants also described being refused access to services, frequently on account of their desire not to relinquish their pet. Indeed, given their description of their pets as family members, participants expressed frustration that this relationship was not considered as being of worthy of preservation by homelessness services. This study has highlighted some important features of the H-CAB between homeless owners and their dogs, not previously characterized in the UK. It also highlights the importance of empowering support services to accept pets where feasible, and thus preserve and enhance the benefits of pet ownership in this vulnerable population
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