29 research outputs found

    La conception et l’évaluation d’applications Ă©ducatives sur tablettes : vers la crĂ©ation d’un outil entre recherche et pratique

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    International audienceLe numĂ©rique Ă  l'Ă©cole et, plus spĂ©cifiquement, l'usage des tablettes dans le contexte des classes pose des questions : UtilitĂ©, UtilisabilitĂ© et Impacts ? Des auteurs font l'Ă©tat des impacts positifs sur les apprentissages premiers des enfants (e.g. Papadakis et al., 2018), alors que d'autres sont plus rĂ©servĂ©s quant aux impacts effectifs de ces outils sur les apprentissages et la motivation scolaire (Amadieu & Tricot, 2013). Les acteurs Ă©ducatifs (enseignants, parents, concepteurs d'applications, chercheurs, etc.) sont amenĂ©s Ă  se questionner sur la portĂ©e Ă©ducative des outils numĂ©riques utilisĂ©s auprĂšs de jeunes enfants. Contact : HOAREAU Lara-Doctorante en Psychologie / Laboratoire Lorrain de Psychologie et Neurosciences (2LPN) / [email protected] / Directeurs : DINET JĂ©rĂŽme & TAZOUTI Youssef La conception et l'Ă©valuation d'applications Ă©ducatives sur tablettes : vers la crĂ©ation d'un outil entre recherche et pratique

    Co-design, and preschool teachers’ acceptance of an educational app for tablet

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    Ce travail de thĂšse s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet LINUMEN (LIttĂ©ratie et NUMĂ©ratie Emergentes par le NumĂ©rique), laurĂ©at de l’appel Ă  projets e-FRAN (PIA2). Ce projet avait pour objectif de dĂ©velopper et tester une application Ă©ducative sur tablette numĂ©rique Ă  l’usage d’enfants dans le contexte de la maternelle. Pour ce faire, le travail s’est divisĂ© en deux phases : une premiĂšre phase de co-conception et une seconde phase d’expĂ©rimentation. Durant les premiĂšres annĂ©es du projet (mars 2017 - octobre 2018) une Ă©quipe pluri-catĂ©gorielle constituĂ©e de chercheurs, d’acteurs Ă©ducatifs et d’ingĂ©nieurs en informatique ont participĂ© Ă  la co-conception de l’application Ă©ducative AppLINOU (Apprendre avec Linou en maternelle). La phase d’expĂ©rimentation de ce projet (octobre 2018 - juin 2020) consistait Ă  tester AppLINOU selon une mĂ©thodologie quasi-expĂ©rimentale et longitudinale. Les enseignants du groupe expĂ©rimental utilisaient l’application AppLINOU avec leurs Ă©lĂšves alors que, dans le groupe contrĂŽle, les enseignants suivaient les programmes de l’école maternelle sans modification dans leur pratique. L’étude a portĂ© sur 725 Ă©lĂšves de maternelle, scolarisĂ©s en moyenne section (356 filles et 369 garçons). Des mesures des compĂ©tences en littĂ©ratie et en numĂ©ratie Ă©mergentes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es en dĂ©but et en fin d’annĂ©e.Les objectifs de la thĂšse sont liĂ©s Ă  ces deux phases. Concernant la phase de co-conception, les objectifs du travail de thĂšse Ă©taient de dĂ©finir dans un premier temps le cadre thĂ©orique de co-conception. Dans un second temps, il s’agissait de participer, de dĂ©crire et d’analyser les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de la co-conception. Concernant la phase d’expĂ©rimentation, les objectifs Ă©taient d’étudier l’acceptance de l’application Ă©ducative AppLinou par les enseignants du groupe expĂ©rimental. Ces enseignants du groupe expĂ©rimental ont Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ©es sur la base du volontariat et ont suivi des formations afin de pouvoir utiliser l’application. Nos rĂ©sultats montent que l’application AppLinou est bien acceptĂ©e par les enseignants. Cependant, des variables modĂšrent cette acceptance, comme le lieu d’exercice. En effet, les enseignants exerçant en rĂ©seau d’éducation prioritaire (REP) prĂ©sentent des scores d’acceptance significativement plus bas que les enseignants exerçant en dehors des REP. Par ailleurs, des analyses de rĂ©gression multiniveaux ont permis de montrer que l’acceptance de l’application par les enseignants avait un impact positif sur les performances des Ă©lĂšves.This PhD work is part of the LINUMEN project (LIttĂ©ratie et NUMĂ©ratie Emergentes par le NumĂ©rique), laureate of the e-FRAN call for projects (PIA2). The objective of this project was to develop and test an educational app for children in the context of kindergarten. To do this, the work was divided into two phases: a first phase of co-design and a second phase of experimentation. During the first years of the project (March 2017 - October 2018) a multidisciplinary team consisting of researchers, educational actors and IT engineers participated in the co-design of the educational app called AppLINOU (Apprendre avec Linou en maternelle). The experimentation phase of this project (October 2018 - June 2020) consisted in testing AppLINOU according to a quasi-experimental and longitudinal methodology. The teachers in the experimental group used AppLINOU with their students, while in the control group, the teachers followed the usual kindergarten curriculum without any changes in their practice. The study involved 725 kindergarten students scholarized in ‘moyenne section’ (356 girls and 369 boys). Measures of emergent literacy and numeracy skills were taken at the beginning and end of the year.The objectives of this thesis are linked to these two phases. Concerning the co-design phase, the thesis goals were to first define the theoretical framework of co-design. In a second time, it was to participate, describe and analyze the different stages of co-design. Concerning the experimentation phase, the goals were to study the acceptance of the educational app AppLinou by the teachers of the experimental group. These teachers from the experimental group were recruited on a voluntary basis and received training to be able to use the application. Our results show that the AppLinou application is well accepted by teachers. However, there are variables that moderate this acceptance, such as the location of practice. Indeed, teachers working in a ‘RĂ©seau d’éducation prioritaire’ (REP) have significantly lower acceptance scores than teachers working outside REPs. Furthermore, multilevel regression analyses showed that teachers' acceptance of the application had a positive impact on students' performance

    Co-conception et acceptance des enseignants de maternelle d’une application Ă©ducative sur tablette

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    This PhD work is part of the LINUMEN project (LIttĂ©ratie et NUMĂ©ratie Emergentes par le NumĂ©rique), laureate of the e-FRAN call for projects (PIA2). The objective of this project was to develop and test an educational app for children in the context of kindergarten. To do this, the work was divided into two phases: a first phase of co-design and a second phase of experimentation. During the first years of the project (March 2017 - October 2018) a multidisciplinary team consisting of researchers, educational actors and IT engineers participated in the co-design of the educational app called AppLINOU (Apprendre avec Linou en maternelle). The experimentation phase of this project (October 2018 - June 2020) consisted in testing AppLINOU according to a quasi-experimental and longitudinal methodology. The teachers in the experimental group used AppLINOU with their students, while in the control group, the teachers followed the usual kindergarten curriculum without any changes in their practice. The study involved 725 kindergarten students scholarized in ‘moyenne section’ (356 girls and 369 boys). Measures of emergent literacy and numeracy skills were taken at the beginning and end of the year.The objectives of this thesis are linked to these two phases. Concerning the co-design phase, the thesis goals were to first define the theoretical framework of co-design. In a second time, it was to participate, describe and analyze the different stages of co-design. Concerning the experimentation phase, the goals were to study the acceptance of the educational app AppLinou by the teachers of the experimental group. These teachers from the experimental group were recruited on a voluntary basis and received training to be able to use the application. Our results show that the AppLinou application is well accepted by teachers. However, there are variables that moderate this acceptance, such as the location of practice. Indeed, teachers working in a ‘RĂ©seau d’éducation prioritaire’ (REP) have significantly lower acceptance scores than teachers working outside REPs. Furthermore, multilevel regression analyses showed that teachers' acceptance of the application had a positive impact on students' performance.Ce travail de thĂšse s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet LINUMEN (LIttĂ©ratie et NUMĂ©ratie Emergentes par le NumĂ©rique), laurĂ©at de l’appel Ă  projets e-FRAN (PIA2). Ce projet avait pour objectif de dĂ©velopper et tester une application Ă©ducative sur tablette numĂ©rique Ă  l’usage d’enfants dans le contexte de la maternelle. Pour ce faire, le travail s’est divisĂ© en deux phases : une premiĂšre phase de co-conception et une seconde phase d’expĂ©rimentation. Durant les premiĂšres annĂ©es du projet (mars 2017 - octobre 2018) une Ă©quipe pluri-catĂ©gorielle constituĂ©e de chercheurs, d’acteurs Ă©ducatifs et d’ingĂ©nieurs en informatique ont participĂ© Ă  la co-conception de l’application Ă©ducative AppLINOU (Apprendre avec Linou en maternelle). La phase d’expĂ©rimentation de ce projet (octobre 2018 - juin 2020) consistait Ă  tester AppLINOU selon une mĂ©thodologie quasi-expĂ©rimentale et longitudinale. Les enseignants du groupe expĂ©rimental utilisaient l’application AppLINOU avec leurs Ă©lĂšves alors que, dans le groupe contrĂŽle, les enseignants suivaient les programmes de l’école maternelle sans modification dans leur pratique. L’étude a portĂ© sur 725 Ă©lĂšves de maternelle, scolarisĂ©s en moyenne section (356 filles et 369 garçons). Des mesures des compĂ©tences en littĂ©ratie et en numĂ©ratie Ă©mergentes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es en dĂ©but et en fin d’annĂ©e.Les objectifs de la thĂšse sont liĂ©s Ă  ces deux phases. Concernant la phase de co-conception, les objectifs du travail de thĂšse Ă©taient de dĂ©finir dans un premier temps le cadre thĂ©orique de co-conception. Dans un second temps, il s’agissait de participer, de dĂ©crire et d’analyser les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de la co-conception. Concernant la phase d’expĂ©rimentation, les objectifs Ă©taient d’étudier l’acceptance de l’application Ă©ducative AppLinou par les enseignants du groupe expĂ©rimental. Ces enseignants du groupe expĂ©rimental ont Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ©es sur la base du volontariat et ont suivi des formations afin de pouvoir utiliser l’application. Nos rĂ©sultats montent que l’application AppLinou est bien acceptĂ©e par les enseignants. Cependant, des variables modĂšrent cette acceptance, comme le lieu d’exercice. En effet, les enseignants exerçant en rĂ©seau d’éducation prioritaire (REP) prĂ©sentent des scores d’acceptance significativement plus bas que les enseignants exerçant en dehors des REP. Par ailleurs, des analyses de rĂ©gression multiniveaux ont permis de montrer que l’acceptance de l’application par les enseignants avait un impact positif sur les performances des Ă©lĂšves

    Collaborative Game Design with Children with Hemophilia as a Tool for Influencing Opinions about Physical Activity at School

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    International audienceBackground. More than 295,000 people have been identified with bleeding disorders worldwide, the majority being hemophiliacs (184,560; data from the World Federation of Hemophilia, 2017). Hemophilia poses a paradox: Physical activity is recommended for children with hemophilia for the sake of their health and to promote inclusion, but teachers are reluctant to involve them in sports at school. School psychologists play a key role in helping patients and their families adapt and learn to cope with their reality, and they provide psychosocial support by helping patients and their families develop strategies to cope with physical, mental, emotional, and social challenges related to hemophilia.Objective. The objective of this study is to include children with hemophilia, and their parents and teachers, in a participatory process to design an innovative digital tool for modifying mental representations of parents and teachers about the importance of physical activity and sports at school for hemophiliacs.Design. The present study is based on a pre-/post-test design where the mental representation about hemophilia of all individuals concerned (16 children with hemophilia: mean age = 7.8 years, SD = 1.9; their parents; and their teachers) is collected twice: at the beginning (pre-test) and at the end (post-test) of the process of collaborative game design.Results. Even though fathers, mothers, and teachers perceive some sports as more risky than others (e.g., rugby, soccer, cycling), they modified their opinions positively about the necessity of physical activity and sports at school for children with hemophilia. The results showed that the collaborative design of this prototype of an innovative educational tool positively influenced the opinions of fathers, mothers, and teachers about the role of physical activity and sports at school, for their children with hemophilia.Conclusion. Although the choice of physical activity or sport must be individual and must be discussed with the psychologist, parents, teachers, and children, this hemophilia “team” must discuss the risks and benefits of different sports, taking account of the physical and psychological conditions, because for all these children, physical activity and exercise have many positive benefits for health and can help self-esteem, learning, and inclusion in schools

    Collaborative Game Design with Children with Hemophilia as a Tool for Influencing Opinions about Physical Activity at School

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    International audienceBackground. More than 295,000 people have been identified with bleeding disorders worldwide, the majority being hemophiliacs (184,560; data from the World Federation of Hemophilia, 2017). Hemophilia poses a paradox: Physical activity is recommended for children with hemophilia for the sake of their health and to promote inclusion, but teachers are reluctant to involve them in sports at school. School psychologists play a key role in helping patients and their families adapt and learn to cope with their reality, and they provide psychosocial support by helping patients and their families develop strategies to cope with physical, mental, emotional, and social challenges related to hemophilia.Objective. The objective of this study is to include children with hemophilia, and their parents and teachers, in a participatory process to design an innovative digital tool for modifying mental representations of parents and teachers about the importance of physical activity and sports at school for hemophiliacs.Design. The present study is based on a pre-/post-test design where the mental representation about hemophilia of all individuals concerned (16 children with hemophilia: mean age = 7.8 years, SD = 1.9; their parents; and their teachers) is collected twice: at the beginning (pre-test) and at the end (post-test) of the process of collaborative game design.Results. Even though fathers, mothers, and teachers perceive some sports as more risky than others (e.g., rugby, soccer, cycling), they modified their opinions positively about the necessity of physical activity and sports at school for children with hemophilia. The results showed that the collaborative design of this prototype of an innovative educational tool positively influenced the opinions of fathers, mothers, and teachers about the role of physical activity and sports at school, for their children with hemophilia.Conclusion. Although the choice of physical activity or sport must be individual and must be discussed with the psychologist, parents, teachers, and children, this hemophilia “team” must discuss the risks and benefits of different sports, taking account of the physical and psychological conditions, because for all these children, physical activity and exercise have many positive benefits for health and can help self-esteem, learning, and inclusion in schools