3,201 research outputs found

    Vers un modèle de vérification de la couche logique d'entreprise dans une architecture à 3 couches: modèle CPN-ECA

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a model for building a flexible system, which accepts and verifies the change on business logic, including both business processes and business rules, while the system has to cover the properties as reliability and reuse. In this model, the business process will be designed with Colour Petri Net and translated into a set of Event-Condition-Action rules, this set will be combined with business rules for checking the respect of a business process to the business rules in design and modifying the process. Hierarchical Colour Petri Net is also used to guarantee the reliability and to reuse properties of the system.Ce document propose un modèle pour la création d'un système flexible, qui accepte et vérifie les modifications apportées à la logique métier, y compris les processus et les règles métier, tandis que le système doit couvrir les propriétés en termes de fiabilité et de réutilisation. Dans ce modèle, le processus de gestion sera conçu avec un réseau Pétri coloré et traduit en un ensemble de règles Event-Condition-Action (ECA). Cet ensemble sera combiné à des règles de gestion permettant de vérifier le respect du processus de gestion par modifier le processus. Un réseau Pétri coloré hiérarchisé est également utilisé pour garantir la fiabilité et pour réutiliser les propriétés du systèm

    Two-Stage Vehicle Routing Problems with Profits and Buffers: Analysis and Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms

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    This thesis considers the Two-Stage Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with Profits and Buffers, which generalizes various optimization problems that are relevant for practical applications, such as the Two-Machine Flow Shop with Buffers and the Orienteering Problem. Two optimization problems are considered for the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers, namely the minimization of total time while respecting a profit constraint and the maximization of total profit under a budget constraint. The former generalizes the makespan minimization problem for the Two-Machine Flow Shop with Buffers, whereas the latter is comparable to the problem of maximizing score in the Orienteering Problem. For the three problems, a theoretical analysis is performed regarding computational complexity, existence of optimal permutation schedules (where all vehicles traverse the same nodes in the same order) and potential gaps in attainable solution quality between permutation schedules and non-permutation schedules. The obtained theoretical results are visualized in a table that gives an overview of various subproblems belonging to the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers, their theoretical properties and how they are connected. For the Two-Machine Flow Shop with Buffers and the Orienteering Problem, two metaheuristics 2BF-ILS and VNSOP are presented that obtain favorable results in computational experiments when compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms. For the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers, an algorithmic framework for Iterative Search Algorithms with Variable Neighborhoods (ISAVaN) is proposed that generalizes aspects from 2BF-ILS as well as VNSOP. Various algorithms derived from that framework are evaluated in an experimental study. The evaluation methodology used for all computational experiments in this thesis takes the performance during the run time into account and demonstrates that algorithms for structurally different problems, which are encompassed by the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers, can be evaluated with similar methods. The results show that the most suitable choice for the components in these algorithms is dependent on the properties of the problem and the considered evaluation criteria. However, a number of similarities to algorithms that perform well for the Two-Machine Flow Shop with Buffers and the Orienteering Problem can be identified. The framework unifies these characteristics, providing a spectrum of algorithms that can be adapted to the specifics of the considered Vehicle Routing Problem.:1 Introduction 2 Background 2.1 Problem Motivation 2.2 Formal Definition of the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers 2.3 Review of Literature on Related Vehicle Routing Problems 2.3.1 Two-Stage Vehicle Routing Problems 2.3.2 Vehicle Routing Problems with Profits 2.3.3 Vehicle Routing Problems with Capacity- or Resource-based Restrictions 2.4 Preliminary Remarks on Subsequent Chapters 3 The Two-Machine Flow Shop Problem with Buffers 3.1 Review of Literature on Flow Shop Problems with Buffers 3.1.1 Algorithms and Metaheuristics for Flow Shops with Buffers 3.1.2 Two-Machine Flow Shop Problems with Buffers 3.1.3 Blocking Flow Shops 3.1.4 Non-Permutation Schedules 3.1.5 Other Extensions and Variations of Flow Shop Problems 3.2 Theoretical Properties 3.2.1 Computational Complexity 3.2.2 The Existence of Optimal Permutation Schedules 3.2.3 The Gap Between Permutation Schedules an Non-Permutation 3.3 A Modification of the NEH Heuristic 3.4 An Iterated Local Search for the Two-Machine Flow Shop Problem with Buffers 3.5 Computational Evaluation 3.5.1 Algorithms for Comparison 3.5.2 Generation of Problem Instances 3.5.3 Parameter Values 3.5.4 Comparison of 2BF-ILS with other Metaheuristics 3.5.5 Comparison of 2BF-OPT with NEH 3.6 Summary 4 The Orienteering Problem 4.1 Review of Literature on Orienteering Problems 4.2 Theoretical Properties 4.3 A Variable Neighborhood Search for the Orienteering Problem 4.4 Computational Evaluation 4.4.1 Measurement of Algorithm Performance 4.4.2 Choice of Algorithms for Comparison 4.4.3 Problem Instances 4.4.4 Parameter Values 4.4.5 Experimental Setup 4.4.6 Comparison of VNSOP with other Metaheuristics 4.5 Summary 5 The Two-Stage Vehicle Routing Problem with Profits and Buffers 5.1 Theoretical Properties of the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers 5.1.1 Computational Complexity of the General Problem 5.1.2 Existence of Permutation Schedules in the Set of Optimal Solutions 5.1.3 The Gap Between Permutation Schedules an Non-Permutation Schedules 5.1.4 Remarks on Restricted Cases 5.1.5 Overview of Theoretical Results 5.2 A Metaheuristic Framework for the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers 5.3 Experimental Results 5.3.1 Problem Instances 5.3.2 Experimental Results for O_{max R, Cmax≤B} 5.3.3 Experimental Results for O_{min Cmax, R≥Q} 5.4 Summary Bibliography List of Figures List of Tables List of Algorithm
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