166 research outputs found

    A Benchmarking Study of Matching Algorithms for Knowledge Graph Entity Alignment

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    How to identify those equivalent entities between knowledge graphs (KGs), which is called Entity Alignment (EA), is a long-standing challenge. So far, many methods have been proposed, with recent focus on leveraging Deep Learning to solve this problem. However, we observe that most of the efforts has been paid to having better representation of entities, rather than improving entity matching from the learned representations. In fact, how to efficiently infer the entity pairs from this similarity matrix, which is essentially a matching problem, has been largely ignored by the community. Motivated by this observation, we conduct an in-depth analysis on existing algorithms that are particularly designed for solving this matching problem, and propose a novel matching method, named Bidirectional Matching (BMat). Our extensive experimental results on public datasets indicate that there is currently no single silver bullet solution for EA. In other words, different classes of entity similarity estimation may require different matching algorithms to reach the best EA results for each class. We finally conclude that using PARIS, the state-of-the-art EA approach, with BMat gives the best combination in terms of EA performance and the algorithm's time and space complexity.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 7 table

    Impact of Local Wellness Policies on District Level Physical Activities

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    Local wellness policies (LWPs) are state required documents that outline school districts’ goals for improving the physical activity of their students. In Texas, most districts use a template for developing their LWP, which has seven prespecified goals that districts may include or further expand upon to include additional goals. PURPOSE: Determine if physical activity components of districts’ LWPs were related to practices within the district. METHODS: LWPs published by public school districts in Texas were collected from district websites, analyzed for content related to physical activity, and assessed to determine if the district text matched the template. Then, responses were compared to the respective districts’ responses to the Texas\u27 Student Health Policies and Practices Surveys (SHPPS) for the years 2018-2021. The SHPPS data was requested through the Texas Education Agency, and district IDs were used to match the responses to their LWP. On the SHPPS, districts self-report: whether the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) presented policy recommendations (yes/no), whether the district implemented changes recommended by the SHAC (yes/no), the content of changes (e.g., having off-campus physical activity programs), whether the wellness policy addressed specific factors influencing physical activity (e.g., increased opportunities for students to be physically active), and if the district notified parents about their child\u27s physical fitness assessment results (yes/no). Bivariate analysis using logistic [Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (95% CI)] and linear regression [Unstandardized Beta (B) and 95% CI] models were used to determine relationships between goals included in LWPs and self-reported practices. RESULTS: Overall, 431 districts had LWPs that could be matched with their SHPPS. LWPs which had additional guidelines (reported as Other_PA_Goals) were marginally more likely to receive feedback from the district’s SHAC (2019-2020 [OR: 1.183, 95% CI: (0.988, 1.416), p= .067], 2020-2021 [OR: 1.19, CI: (0.992, 1.427), p=.061]) and implement more changes recommended by their SHAC during the years of 2018-2019 [OR: 1.19, 95% CI: (0.992, 1.427), p=.061]. Districts with LWPs that included the specific goal to “make physical activity enjoyable for students and staff” were also marginally more likely to notify parents that they could request their children’s physical assessment results in all three years 2018-2019 [OR: 1.447, 95% CI: (0.939, 2.229), p=.094], 2019-2020 [OR: 1.458, 95% CI: (0.967, 2.198), p= .072], 2020-2021 [OR: 1.498, 95% CI (0.976, 2.299), p= .064]). CONCLUSION: Districts with LWPs that further expanded on the template presented by the state or had used alternate text compared to the template, were more likely to report positive physical activity practices in their district, including having the SHAC make policy recommendations and the districts implementing changes recommended by the SHAC. These findings may suggest that SHACs play an important role in the development and implementation of a districts’ LWP

    A neurodynamic approach for a class of pseudoconvex semivectorial bilevel optimization problem

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    The article proposes an exact approach to find the global solution of a nonconvex semivectorial bilevel optimization problem, where the objective functions at each level are pseudoconvex, and the constraints are quasiconvex. Due to its non-convexity, this problem is challenging, but it attracts more and more interest because of its practical applications. The algorithm is developed based on monotonic optimization combined with a recent neurodynamic approach, where the solution set of the lower-level problem is inner approximated by copolyblocks in outcome space. From that, the upper-level problem is solved using the branch-and-bound method. Finding the bounds is converted to pseudoconvex programming problems, which are solved using the neurodynamic method. The algorithm's convergence is proved, and computational experiments are implemented to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed approach

    Trends in, projections of, and inequalities in non-communicable disease management indicators in Vietnam 2010–2030 and progress toward universal health coverage : a Bayesian analysis at national and sub-national levels

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    Background: Movement towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) can improve health services, risk factor management, and inequality in non-communicable diseases (NCD); conversely, prioritizing and monitoring NCD management can support pathways to UHC in resource-limited settings. We aimed to estimate trends in NCD management indicators in Vietnam from 2010, and projections to 2030 at national and sub-national levels; compute the probability of reaching UHC targets; and measure inequalities in NCD management indicators at demographic, geographic, and socio-economic levels. Methods: We included data of 37,595 households from four nationally representative surveys from 2010. We selected and estimated the coverage of NCD health service and risk management indicators nationally and by six sub-national groups. Using Bayesian models, we provided trends and projections and calculated the probability of reaching UHC targets of 80% coverage by 2030. We estimated multiple inequality indices including the relative index of inequality, slope index of inequality, and concentration index of inequality, and provided an assessment of improvement in inequalities over the study period. Findings: Nationally, all indicators showed a low probability of achieving 2030 targets except sufficient use of fruit and vegetables (SUFV) and non-use of tobacco (NUT). We observed declining trends in national coverage of non-harmful use of alcohol (NHUA), sufficient physical activity (SPA), non-overweight (NOW), and treatment of diabetes (TOD). Except for SPA, no indicator showed the likelihood of achieving 2030 targets at any regional level. Our model suggested a non-achievement of 2030 targets for all indicators in any wealth quintile and educational level, except for SUFV and NUT. There were diversities in tendency and magnitude of inequalities with widening gaps between genders (SPA, TOD), ethnic groups (SUFV), urban-rural areas (TOH), wealth quintiles, and educational levels (TOD, NUT, NHUA). Interpretation: Our study suggested slow progress in NCD management at the national level and among key sub-populations in Vietnam, together with existing and increasing inequalities between genders, ethnicities, geographic areas, and socioeconomic groups. We emphasised the necessity of continuously improving the healthcare system and facilities, distributing resources between geographic areas, and simultaneously integrating economic, education, and gender intervention and programs. Funding: None. © 2022 The Author(s

    Prescribed Performance Function Based Sliding Mode Control of Opposing Pneumatic Artificial Muscles to Enhance Safety

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    The field of rehabilitation robotics has seen a significant increase in the utilization of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM)-based systems in recent years. These systems have demonstrated great potential in assisting and enhancing human movements and motor functions. However, as with any system that involves human interaction, safety is of the utmost importance. It is essential to ensure that the tracking error is kept within a safe range to prevent harm to people and equipment. This research proposes a control strategy that combines the exponential reaching law with a prescribed performance function to enhance safety in PAM-based rehabilitation robots. The prescribed performance function is designed to regulate the tracking error within predetermined limits during short and long-term operations, thereby mitigating large oscillations that may damage mechanical structures and patients. The experimental results indicate that the proposed controller demonstrated superior tracking accuracy and safety performance compared to traditional control methods. It is hoped that the findings of this study will contribute to developing safe and effective rehabilitation systems for patients in need

    Mineralogical characteristics of graphite ore from Bao Ha deposit, Lao Cai Province and proposing a wise use

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    Graphite, especially, high quality graphite can be used in many industrial applications including metallurgy, batteries, fuel cells, and refractories. In 2011, Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issued a mineral exploration license to explore Bao Ha graphite deposit, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai Province. The studied samples were taken from 3 drill holes of the Bao Ha largest ore body. Different methods including light microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and carbon and sulfur analyzer were performed to identify its lithological and mineralogical characteristics as well as graphite quality, then propose a wise use of the resource. The Bao Ha graphite is characterized as disseminated flake graphite in massive form, which developed in the sillimanite schist and quartz-biotite schist of the Ngoi Chi formation. Graphite flakes occur as distorted clusters of flaky plates/flakes within 50÷500 mm, which is the medium size in comparison with the general grain size of graphite flake. Graphite particle makes up 33÷43% by volume and graphitic content (Cg) makes up 10.0÷11.7 wt.%. Impurities include mainly quartz, biotite, and feldspar (combining of K-feldspar and anorthite, the primary ore) or kaolinite (the weathered ore). This graphite ore should be refined to reach an ore concentration of at least 90% Cg for domestic industries of metallurgy, batteries, thermal materials, and refractories as well as for exports.ReferencesAsbury Carbons, 2015. Natural graphite - Introduction to natural graphite. http://asbury.com/technical-presentations-papers/materials-in-depth/natural-graphite/(Accessed on April 26, 2015). Bergmann J., Friedel P., Kleeberg R., 1998. BGMN - a new fundamental parameters based Rietveld program for laboratory X-ray sources, its use in quantitative analysis and structure investigations. CPD Newsletter 20, 5-8. Bien Xuan Thanh (Editor), 2014. Exploration of graphite deposit in Bao Ha area, Bao Ha community, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province. Report. Song Da Lao Cai Mining Joint Stock Company. Cameron E., 1960. Graphite: Industrial Minerals and Rocks. Seeley W. Mudd Series, AIME (Chapter 20). European Commission, 2010. Report lists 14 critical mineral raw materials. http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-10-263_en.htm?locale=en. (Accessed on April 26, 2015). Garnier V., Giuliani G., Ohnenstetter D., Fallick A.E., Dubessy J., Banks D., Vinh H.Q., Lhomme T., Maluski H., Pêcher A., Bakhsh K.A., Long P.V., Trinh, P.T., Schwarz D., 2008. Marble-hosted ruby deposits from Central and Southeast Asia: Towards a new genetic model. Ore Geology Reviews, 34, 169-191. Hoang Thai Son (Editor), 1997. Geological and Mineral Resources Map of Vietnam at 1:50,000 scale, sheets Doan Hung - Yen Binh. General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam. Hoang Thai Son, Pham Ngoc Thach, Nguyen The Trung, Chu Hong Phong, Nguyen Ngoc Dung, Pham Xuan Doanh, 2000. Disscussion about metamorphism facies of Song Hong Series. Proceedings. General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam. Industrial Minerals, 2011. Supply Situation Report: Graphite demand soars above precrisis levels. http://www.indmin.com/Print.aspx?ArticleId=2797590 (Accessed on April 04, 2011). Industrial Minerals, 2012. The Natural Graphite Report 2012-Data, analysis and forecast for the next five years. http://www.indmin.com/downloads/reports/graphite2012.pdf. Kleeberg R., Ufer K., Bergmann, 2005. The Quantification of Disordered Clay Minerals by the Rietveld Method - Some Practical Aspects. Presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society, June 11-15, 2005, Burlington/Vermont. Lu X. and Forssberg E., 2001. Flotation selectivity and upgrading of Woxna fine graphite concentrate. Mineral Engineering, 14(l l), 1541-1543. Lu X. and Forssberg E., 2002. Preparation of high-purity and low-sulphur graphite from Woxna fine graphite concentrate by alkali roasting. Minerals Engineering. 15(10), 755-757. Luu Huu Hung (Editor), 2001. Evaluation on graphite of Bao Ha area, Bao Yen, Lao Cai. Report. General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam. Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2016. Circular - amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Minister of Industry and Trade’s circular no. 41/2012/TT-BCT of December 21, 2012, providing the export of minerals (July 05, 2016). https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Xuat-nhap-khau/Thong-tu-12-2016-TT-BCT-sua-doi-41-2012-TT-BCT-xuat-khau-khoang-san-316914.aspx Mitchell C.J., 1993. Industrial Minerals Laboratory Manual - Flake Graphite. Technical Report. British Geological Survey. Nguyen Vinh, Phan Truong Thi, 1973. 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Tran Thi Hien, Vu Tan Co, Chu Van Hoan, Vu Van Ha, Bui Van Ngu, Nguyen Duc Minh, Nguyen Bao Linh, Tran Duc Dung, 2008. Study about mineral processing technology for graphite ore from Nam Thi mine - Lao Cai province. Report. National Institute of Mining - Metallurgy Science and Technology, Vietnam. Tran Van Tri, Vu Khuc (Editors), 2001. Geology and Earth Resources of Vietnam. General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam. Publishing House for Science and Technology, 645p. Tran Xuyen (Editor), 1988. Geological and Mineral Resources Map of Vietnam at 1:200,000 scale, sheets Bac Quang - Ma Quan. Map explanation. General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam. U.S Geological Survey, 2007. 2007 Minerals Yearbook - Graphite. U.S Geological Survey, 10. U.S Geological Survey, 2012. Mineral commodity summaries 2012. U.S Geological Survey, 68-69. U.S Geological Survey, 2017. Mineral commodity summaries 2017. U.S Geological Survey, 74-75. 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    Reservoirs optimization with dynamic programming

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    Differential Evolution (DE) and Dynamic Programming (DP) are important optimal methods in reservoir regulation. In the previous work [1], we presented the outline of DE, and applied it into Pleikrong reservoir, a big one in the Highland of Vietnam for dry season of 2010 year. Continuing from that, in this work, we present the outline of DP and then again, apply it to Pleikrong reservoir; and also apply it to Ialy, the biggest reservoir in Sesan cascade in the Highland of Vietnam; to reach optimal regulation for the maximum power production in the dry season of two years: 2010 and 2012. The results getting from DP are compared to the results by using DE. The results by these two methods have the same trend of releases which is storing the water at the beginning and significantly releasing at the end of the calculation time

    Trends in, projections of, and inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health service coverage in Vietnam 2000-2030: A Bayesian analysis at national and sub-national levels

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    Background: To assess the reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) service coverage in Vietnam with trends in 2000-2014, projections and probability of achieving targets in 2030 at national and sub-national levels; and to analyze the socioeconomic, regional and urban-rural inequalities in RMNCH service indicators. Methods: We used national population-based datasets of 44,624 households in Vietnam from 2000 to 2014. We applied Bayesian regression models to estimate the trends in and projections of RMNCH indicators and the probabilities of achieving the 2030 targets. Using the relative index, slope index, and concentration index of inequality, we examined the patterns and trends in RMNCH coverage inequality. Findings: We projected that 9 out of 17 health service indicators (53%) would likely achieve the 2030 targets at the national level, including at least one and four ANC visits, BCG immunization, access to improved water and adequate sanitation, institutional delivery, skilled birth attendance, care-seeking for pneumonia, and ARI treatment. We observed very low coverages and zero chance of achieving the 2030 targets at national and sub-national levels in early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding, family planning needs satisfied, and oral rehydration therapy. The most deprived households living in rural areas and the Northwest, Northeast, North Central, Central Highlands, and Mekong River Delta regions would not reach the 80% immunization coverage of DPT3, Polio3, Measles and full immunization. We found socioeconomic, regional, and urban-rural inequalities in all RMNCH indicators in 2014 and no change in inequalities over 15 years in the lowest-coverage indicators. Interpretation: Vietnam has made substantial progress toward UHC. By improving the government\u27s health system reform efforts, re-allocating resources focusing on people in the most impoverished rural regions, and restructuring and enhancing current health programs, Vietnam can achieve the UHC targets and other health-related SDGs
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