34,168 research outputs found

    Analysis of opposed jet hydrogen-air counter flow diffusion flame

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    A computational simulation of the opposed-jet diffusion flame is performed to study its structure and extinction limits. The present analysis concentrates on the nitrogen-diluted hydrogen-air diffusion flame, which provides the basic information for many vehicle designs such as the aerospace plane for which hydrogen is a candidate as the fuel. The computer program uses the time-marching technique to solve the energy and species equations coupled with the momentum equation solved by the collocation method. The procedure is implemented in two stages. In the first stage, a one-step forward overal chemical reaction is chosen with the gas phase chemical reaction rate determined by comparison with experimental data. In the second stage, a complete chemical reaction mechanism is introduced with detailed thermodynamic and transport property calculations. Comparison between experimental extinction data and theoretical predictions is discussed. The effects of thermal diffusion as well as Lewis number and Prandtl number variations on the diffusion flame are also presented

    Supersymmetric reduced models with a symmetry based on Filippov algebra

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    Generalizations of the reduced model of super Yang-Mills theory obtained by replacing the Lie algebra structure to Filippov nn-algebra structures are studied. Conditions for the reduced model actions to be supersymmetric are examined. These models are related with what we call \{cal N}_{min}=2 super pp-brane actions.Comment: v3: In the previous versions we overlooked that Eq.(3.9) holds more generally, and missed some supersymmetric actions. Those are now included and modifications including a slight change in the title were made accordingly. 1+18 page

    Double Phase Transitions in Magnetized Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensation

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    It is investigated theoretically that magnetized Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) with the internal (spin) degrees of freedom exhibits a rich variety of phase transitions, depending on the sign of the interaction in the spin channel. In the antiferromagnetic interaction case there exist always double BEC transitions from single component BEC to multiple component BEC. In the ferromagnetic case BEC becomes always unstable at a lower temperature, leading to a phase separation. The detailed phase diagram for the temperature vs the polarization, the spatial spin structure, the distribution of non-condensates and the excitation spectrum are examined for the harmonically trapped systems.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Non-Sequential Double Ionization is a Completely Classical Photoelectric Effect

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    We introduce a unified and simplified theory of atomic double ionization. Our results show that at high laser intensities (I1014I \ge 10^{14} watts/cm2^2) purely classical correlation is strong enough to account for all of the main features observed in experiments to date

    A size of ~1 AU for the radio source Sgr A* at the centre of the Milky Way

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    Although it is widely accepted that most galaxies have supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at their centers^{1-3}, concrete proof has proved elusive. Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*)^4, an extremely compact radio source at the center of our Galaxy, is the best candidate for proof^{5-7}, because it is the closest. Previous Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations (at 7mm) have detected that Sgr A* is ~2 astronomical unit (AU) in size^8, but this is still larger than the "shadow" (a remarkably dim inner region encircled by a bright ring) arising from general relativistic effects near the event horizon^9. Moreover, the measured size is wavelength dependent^{10}. Here we report a radio image of Sgr A* at a wavelength of 3.5mm, demonstrating that its size is \~1 AU. When combined with the lower limit on its mass^{11}, the lower limit on the mass density is 6.5x10^{21} Msun pc^{-3}, which provides the most stringent evidence to date that Sgr A* is an SMBH. The power-law relationship between wavelength and intrinsic size (The size is proportional to wavelength^{1.09}), explicitly rules out explanations other than those emission models with stratified structure, which predict a smaller emitting region observed at a shorter radio wavelength.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Crystalline electric field effects in the electrical resistivity of PrOs4_4Sb12_{12}

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    The temperature TT and magnetic field HH dependencies of the electrical resistivity ρ\rho of the recently discovered heavy fermion superconductor \PrOsSb{} have features that are associated with the splitting of the Pr3+^{3+} Hund's rule multiplet by the crystalline electric field (CEF). These features are apparently due to magnetic exchange and aspherical Coulomb scattering from the thermally populated CEF-split Pr3+^{3+} energy levels. The ρ(T)\rho(T) data in zero magnetic field can be described well by calculations based on CEF theory for various ratios of magnetic exchange and aspherical Coulomb scattering, and yield CEF parameters that are qualitatively consistent with those previously derived from magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and inelastic neutron scattering measurements. Calculated ρ(H)\rho(H) isotherms for a Γ3\Gamma_{3} ground state qualitatively account for the `dome-shaped' feature in the measured ρ(H)\rho(H) isotherms.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    A New Sample of Low-mass Black Holes in Active Galaxies

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    We present an expanded sample of low-mass black holes (BHs) found in galactic nuclei. Using standard virial mass techniques to estimate BH masses, we select from the Fourth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey all broad-line active galaxies with masses < 2 x 10^6 M_sun. BHs in this mass regime provide unique tests of the relationship between BHs and galaxies, since their late-type galaxy hosts do not necessarily contain classical bulges. Furthermore, they provide observational analogs of primordial seed BHs and are expected, when merging, to provide strong gravitational signals for future detectors such as LISA. From our preliminary sample of 19, we have increased the total sample by an order of magnitude to 174, as well as an additional 55 (less secure) candidates. The sample has a median BH mass of = 1.3 x 10^6 M_sun, and in general the objects are radiating at high fractions of their Eddington limits. We investigate the broad spectral properties of the sample; 55 are detected by \rosat, with soft X-ray luminosities in the range 10^40 to 7 x 10^43 ergs/sec. Much like the preliminary sample, these objects are predominantly radio-quiet (R = f_6cm/f_4400A < 10), but 11 objects are detected at 20 cm, with radio powers (10^21-10^23 W/Hz) that may arise from either star formation or nuclear activity; only 1% of the sample is radio-loud. We further confirm that, with =-19.3 and = 0.7 mag, the host galaxies are low-mass, late-type systems. At least 40% show disk-like morphologies, and the combination of host galaxy colors and higher-order Balmer absorption lines indicate intermediate-age stellar populations in a subset of the sample.Comment: to appear in ApJ; 13 pages, 8 figure

    High-ionization mid-infrared lines as black hole mass and bolometric luminosity indicators in active galactic nuclei

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    We present relations of the black hole mass and the optical luminosity with the velocity dispersion and the luminosity of the [Ne V] and the [O IV] high-ionization lines in the mid-infrared (MIR) for 28 reverberation-mapped active galactic nuclei. We used high-resolution Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph and Infrared Space Observatory Short Wavelength Spectrometer data to fit the profiles of these MIR emission lines that originate from the narrow-line region of the nucleus. We find that the lines are often resolved and that the velocity dispersion of [Ne V] and [O IV] follows a relation similar to that between the black hole mass and the bulge stellar velocity dispersion found for local galaxies. The luminosity of the [Ne V] and the [O IV] lines in these sources is correlated with that of the optical 5100A continuum and with the black hole mass. Our results provide a means to derive black hole properties in various types of active galactic nuclei, including highly obscured systems.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ