281 research outputs found

    Instabilities of wave function monopoles in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present analytic and numerical results for a class of monopole solutions to the two-component Gross-Pitaevski equation for a two-species Bose condensate in an effectively two-dimensional trap. We exhibit dynamical instabilities involving vortex production as one species pours through another, from which we conclude that the sub-optical sharpness of potentials exerted by matter waves makes condensates ideal tools for manipulating condensates. We also show that there are two equally valid but drastically different hydrodynamic descriptions of a two-component condensate, and illustrate how different phenomena may appear simpler in each.Comment: 4 pages, 9 figures (compressed figures become legible when zoomed or when paper is actually printed

    Renormalization and Quantum Scaling of Frenkel-Kontorova Models

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    We generalise the classical Transition by Breaking of Analyticity for the class of Frenkel-Kontorova models studied by Aubry and others to non-zero Planck's constant and temperature. This analysis is based on the study of a renormalization operator for the case of irrational mean spacing using Feynman's functional integral approach. We show how existing classical results extend to the quantum regime. In particular we extend MacKay's renormalization approach for the classical statistical mechanics to deduce scaling of low frequency effects and quantum effects. Our approach extends the phenomenon of hierarchical melting studied by Vallet, Schilling and Aubry to the quantum regime.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, submitted to J.Stat.Phy

    A simple variational approach to the quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model

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    We present a simple and complete variational approach to the one-dimensional quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model. Dirac's time-dependent variational principle is adopted together with a Hatree-type many-body trial wavefunction for the atoms. The single-particle state is assumed to have the Jackiw-Kerman form. We obtain an effective classical Hamiltonian for the system which is simple enough for a complete numerical solution for the static ground state of the model. Numerical results show that our simple approach captures the essence of the quantum effects first observed in quantum Monte Carlo studies.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum phase transition in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain: from pinned instanton glass to sliding phonon gas

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    We study analytically and numerically the one-dimensional quantum Frenkel-Kontorova chain in the regime when the classical model is located in the pinned phase characterized by the gaped phonon excitations and devil's staircase. By extensive quantum Monte Carlo simulations we show that for the effective Planck constant \hbar smaller than the critical value c\hbar_c the quantum chain is in the pinned instanton glass phase. In this phase the elementary excitations have two branches: phonons, separated from zero energy by a finite gap, and instantons which have an exponentially small excitation energy. At =c\hbar=\hbar_c the quantum phase transition takes place and for >c\hbar>\hbar_c the pinned instanton glass is transformed into the sliding phonon gas with gapless phonon excitations. This transition is accompanied by the divergence of the spatial correlation length and appearence of sliding modes at >c\hbar>\hbar_c.Comment: revtex 16 pages, 18 figure

    Structure and dynamics of Rh surfaces

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    Lattice relaxations, surface phonon spectra, surface energies, and work functions are calculated for Rh(100) and Rh(110) surfaces using density-functional theory and the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method. Both, the local-density approximation and the generalized gradient approximation to the exchange-correlation functional are considered. The force constants are obtained from the directly calculated atomic forces, and the temperature dependence of the surface relaxation is evaluated by minimizing the free energy of the system. The anharmonicity of the atomic vibrations is taken into account within the quasiharmonic approximation. The importance of contributions from different phonons to the surface relaxation is analyzed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, scheduled to appear in Phys. Rev. B, Feb. 15 (1998). Other related publications can be found at http://www.rz-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    A P53-Independent DNA Damage Response Suppresses Oncogenic Proliferation and Genome Instability

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    The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex is a DNA double-strand break sensor that mediates a tumor-suppressive DNA damage response (DDR) in cells undergoing oncogenic stress, yet the mechanisms underlying this effect are poorly understood. Using a genetically inducible primary mammary epithelial cell model, we demonstrate that Mre11 suppresses proliferation and DNA damage induced by diverse oncogenic drivers through a p53-independent mechanism. Breast tumorigenesis models engineered to express a hypomorphic Mre11 allele exhibit increased levels of oncogene-induced DNA damage, R-loop accumulation, and chromosomal instability with a characteristic copy number loss phenotype. Mre11 complex dysfunction is identified in a subset of human triple-negative breast cancers and is associated with increased sensitivity to DNA-damaging therapy and inhibitors of ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related (ATR) and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). Thus, deficiencies in the Mre11-dependent DDR drive proliferation and genome instability patterns in p53-deficient breast cancers and represent an opportunity for therapeutic exploitation

    Dynamics of a deformable self-propelled particle under external forcing

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    We investigate dynamics of a self-propelled deformable particle under external field in two dimensions based on the model equations for the center of mass and a tensor variable characterizing deformations. We consider two kinds of external force. One is a gravitational-like force which enters additively in the time-evolution equation for the center of mass. The other is an electric-like force supposing that a dipole moment is induced in the particle. This force is added to the equation for the deformation tensor. It is shown that a rich variety of dynamics appears by changing the strength of the forces and the migration velocity of self-propelled particle

    Solidification of Al alloys under electromagnetic pulses and characterization of the 3D microstructures under synchrotron x-ray tomography

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    A novel programmable electromagnetic pulse device was developed and used to study the solidification of Al-15 pct Cu and Al-35 pct Cu alloys. The pulsed magnetic fluxes and Lorentz forces generated inside the solidifying melts were simulated using finite element methods, and their effects on the solidification microstructures were characterized using electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray tomography. Using a discharging voltage of 120 V, a pulsed magnetic field with the peak Lorentz force of ~1.6 N was generated inside the solidifying Al-Cu melts which were showed sufficiently enough to disrupt the growth of the primary Al dendrites and the Al2Cu intermetallic phases. The microstructures exhibit a strong correlation to the characteristics of the applied pulse, forming a periodical pattern that resonates the frequency of the applied electromagnetic field

    Continuity of generalized parton distributions for the pion virtual Compton scattering

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    We discuss a consistent treatment of the light-front gauge-boson and meson wave functions in the analyses of the generalized parton distributions(GPDs) and the scattering amplitudes in deeply virtual Compton scattering(DVCS) for the pion. The continuity of the GPDs at the crossover, where the longitudinal momentum fraction of the probed quark is same with the skewedness parameter, and the finiteness of the DVCS amplitude are ensured if the same light-front radial wave function as that of the meson bound state wave function is used for the gauge boson bound state arising from the pair-creation(or nonvalence) diagram. The frame-independence of our model calculation is also guaranteed by the constraint from the sum rule between the GPDs and the form factors.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, we (1) changed the title, (2) added references, (3) discussed the GPD value at the crossover in Sec. III, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Radiative Scalar Meson Decays in the Light-Front Quark Model

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    We construct a relativistic 3P0^3P_0 wavefunction for scalar mesons within the framework of light-front quark model(LFQM). This scalar wavefunction is used to perform relativistic calculations of absolute widths for the radiative decay processes(0++)γγ,(0++)ϕγ(0^{++})\to\gamma\gamma,(0^{++})\to\phi\gamma, and (0++)ργ(0^{++})\to\rho\gamma which incorporate the effects of glueball-qqˉq\bar{q} mixing. The mixed physical states are assumed to be f0(1370),f0(1500)f_0(1370),f_0(1500),and f0(1710)f_0(1710) for which the flavor-glue content is taken from the mixing calculations of other works. Since experimental data for these processes are poor, our results are compared with those of a recent non-relativistic model calculation. We find that while the relativistic corrections introduced by the LFQM reduce the magnitudes of the decay widths by 50-70%, the relative strengths between different decay processes are fairly well preserved. We also calculate decay widths for the processes ϕ(0++)γ\phi\to(0^{++})\gamma and (0^{++})\to\gamma\gamm involving the light scalars f0(980)f_0(980) and a0(980)a_0(980) to test the simple qqˉq\bar{q} model of these mesons. Our results of qqˉq\bar{q} model for these processes are not quite consistent with well-established data, further supporting the idea that f0(980)f_0(980) and a0(980)a_0(980) are not conventional qqˉq\bar{q} states.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure