160 research outputs found

    Un réseau de neurones à décharges pour la reconnaissance de processus spatio-temporels

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    Traitement des processus dynamiques non stationnaires dans les réseaux de neurones -- Traitement de l'information dans les systèmes nerveux biologiques -- Modèle du réseau de neurones à décharges -- Modèle du neuronne -- Architecture et apprentissage -- Activité d'auto-organisation -- Application à la reconnaisance des chiffres bruités -- Réseau avec mécanisme de > avec récompense -- Traitement des séquences temporelles et détection de mouvement -- Traitement des séquences temporelles -- Détection de mouvement -- Prototype pour un système d'identification du locuteur à l'aide du réseau proposé -- Analyse de la parole par modulation d'amplitude dans le système auditif -- Système d'identification du locuteur -- Traitement des enveloppes par le réseau proposé -- Identification du locuteur basée sur les paramètres de sortie du réseau proposé

    Finding proper pronunciation assessment

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    Pronunciation is an indispensable component of a student’s language competence. However, there has been a lack of a system to help teachers conduct proper assessment or design reliable tests to evaluate their student’s articulation performance in English. This paper presents the atomistic and holistic testing with the aim of contributing to the design of reliable and valid pronunciation tests for English learners

    A close look at jokes in pragmatic aspect

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    This article aims at studying various features of pragmatics in every day jokes to understand why they are so funny, unpredictable and unexpected as well as what provides them with these characteristics

    Genetic variation within and between three Vietnamese pine populations (Pinus merkusii) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers

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    Pinus merkusii is an important species in Vietnam with many economic and biological contributions. The information on diversity within and between populations of a species is necessary for plantation programs, breeding and conservation strategies. Genetic diversity of three Vietnamese populations (NA, QB and QN) was analyzed using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Nine RAPD primers produced 82 markers, 77 of which were polymorphic with 93.9% of polymorphism. The results showed higher genetic variation within populations (72%) than between populations (28%) and low Nei’s genetic differentiation index among populations (0.1867). The populations also clustered based on PCoA analysis where cluster I included NA and QB populations and Cluster II, the QN population. These results suggest that P. merkusii populations in Vietnam is necessary to develop the genetic resources.Keywords: DNA markers, genetic diversity, Pinus merkusii, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Vietna

    A Maximum Entropy Approach to Sentence Boundary Detection of Vietnamese Texts

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    International audienceWe present for the first time a sentence boundary detection system for identifying sentence boundaries in Vietnamese texts. The system is based on a maximum entropy model. The training procedure requires no hand-crafted rules, lexicon, or domain-specific information. Given a corpus annotated with sentence boundaries, the model learns to classify each occurrence of potential end-of-sentence punctuations as either a valid or invalid sentence boundary. Performance of the system on a Vietnamese corpus achieved a good recall ratio of about 95%. The approach has been implemented to create a software tool named vnSentDetector, a plug-in of the open source software framework vnToolkit which is intended to be a general framework integrating useful tools for processing of Vietnamese texts

    Structural, Mechanical, Electronic and Thermodynamic Analysis of Calcium Aluminum Silicate Crystalline Phases in Stone Wool Insulation Materials: A first-principles study

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    Stone wool materials have gained considerable attention due to their effectiveness as thermal and acoustic insulation solutions. The comprehension of crystal structure properties is pivotal in determining the overall performance of these materials, as it enables us to optimize their composition for enhanced insulating capabilities. Crucial factors such as structural, mechanical, and thermodynamic characteristics of crystalline phases within stone wool are vital for evaluating its thermal and acoustic insulation properties. This study investigates the properties of calcium aluminum silicate crystal phases commonly present in stone wool, including anorthite, svyatoslavite, scolecite, and dehydrated scolecite using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. In comparison to previous works, this study provides a more comprehensive analysis using advanced DFT calculations. Our analysis reveals the complex interplay between the crystal structures and mechanical behavior of these phases. The calculated bulk modulus of the phases varies significantly, ranging from 38 to 83 GPa. We have compared the calculated elastic properties with available experimental data and found excellent agreement, confirming the accuracy of the computational approach. Moreover, we find that polymorphism has a significant impact on the mechanical strength, with anorthite exhibiting higher strength compared to svyatoslavite. Furthermore, dehydration is found to cause a reduction in unit volume and mechanical strength. The thermodynamic properties of dehydrated scolecite, including entropy and heat capacity, are significantly lower due to the absence of water molecules. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the structural and mechanical characteristics of calcium aluminum silicate phases in stone wool materials. Additionally, our findings have broader implications in various industries requiring effective insulation solutions such as to develop new materials or to enhance the energy efficiency of existing insulating products. © 2023 The Author(s)publishedVersio

    Simulation of the Emotion Dynamics in a Group of Agents in an Evacuation Situation

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    International audienceNowadays, more and more emergency evacuation simulations are used to evaluate the safety level of a building during an emergency evacuation after an accident. The heart of this kind of simulations is the simulation of human behavior because simulation results depend for a big part on how this behavior is simulated. However, human behaviors in a real emergency situation are determined by a lot of cognitive mechanisms. In order to make the simulation more realistic, plenty of factors (e.g. innate characteristics, perception of the environment, internal rules, personality and even emotions) that affect human behaviors must be taken into account. This paper focuses on the influence of emotions, and more precisely on the influence of their dynamics and propagation from an agent to another. The main contribution of this work is the development of a model of emotions taking into account their dynamics and their propagation and its integration in an evacuation simulation. The first results of the simulation show the benefits of considering emotion propagation


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    This study examined the influence of astaxanthin added to food on growth, survival rate and pigmentation of commercial false clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris. Five experiments were performed with synthetic astaxanthin contents: 0; 50; 100; 150 and 200 mg/kg diets. Mean weight and mean length of fish were 1.16 ± 0.22 gand and 33.05 ± 3.29 mm respectively. Fish were fed by 5% of their live weight during the examination of 8 weeks. After 56 days of experiments, the skin pigmentation levels were analysed using Clownfish Exercise pigmentation chart which has a scale from 1 to 10. Color scales of 5 experiments: 0; 50; 100; 150 and 200 mg Astaxanthin/kg diets were 2.12 ± 0.08, 3.79 ± 0.1, 5.31 ± 0.14, 7.78 ± 0.09, 8.04 ± 0.12 respectively. The result showed that the dietary astaxanthin could increase coloration of skin compared with the control group which had the lightest color (P 0.05) but there were no significant effects on growth and survival rate of clownfish (P 0.05).Nghiên cứu này đánh giá ảnh hưởng của Astaxanthin bổ sung trong thức ăn lên tăng trưởng, tỷ lệ sống và màu sắc da của cá khoang cổ Nemo Amphiprion ocellaris thương mại. Năm lô thí nghiệm được thực hiện với hàm lượng astaxanthin tổng hợp (Carophyll Pink 10% CWS) bổ sung vào trong thức ăn là: 0, 50, 100, 150 và 200 mg/kg. Cá thí nghiệm có khối lượng và chiều dài trung bình ban đầu tương ứng là 1,16 ± 0,22 g và 33,05 ± 3,29 mm. Cá được cho ăn với khẩu phần 5% khối lượng thân trong 8 tuần. Sau 56 ngày nuôi màu sắc da của cá được đánh giá bằng phương pháp cho điểm sử dụng thước so màu Clownfish Exercise có thang điểm từ 1 tới 10. Thang điểm màu sắc của 5 lô bổ sung 0, 50, 100, 150 và 200 mg Astaxanthin/kg thức ăn lần lượt là: 2,12 ± 0,08; 3,79 ± 0,1; 5,31 ± 0,14; 7,78 ± 0,09; 8,04 ± 0,12. Kết quả cho thấy những lô thí nghệm có bổ sung Astaxanthin làm tăng màu sắc da của cá so với lô đối chứng (P0,05) nhưng không có sự khác biệt có ý nghĩa về tăng trưởng và tỷ lệ sống giữa các lô thí nghiệm với nhau (P 0,05)

    Impact of GnRH agonist triggering and intensive luteal steroid support on live-birth rates and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome:a retrospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Conventional luteal support packages are inadequate to facilitate a fresh transfer after GnRH agonist (GnRHa) trigger in patients at high risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). By providing intensive luteal-phase support with oestradiol and progesterone satisfactory implantation rates can be sustained. The objective of this study was to assess the live-birth rate and incidence of OHSS after GnRHa trigger and intensive luteal steroid support compared to traditional hCG trigger and conventional luteal support in OHSS high risk Asian patients. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 363 women exposed to GnRHa triggering with intensive luteal support compared with 257 women exposed to conventional hCG triggering. Women at risk of OHSS were defined by ovarian response ≥15 follicles ≥12 mm on the day of the trigger. RESULTS: Live-birth rates were similar in both groups GnRHa vs hCG; 29.8% vs 29.2% (p = 0.69). One late onset severe OHSS case was observed in the GnRHa trigger group (0.3%) compared to 18 cases (7%) after hCG trigger. CONCLUSIONS: GnRHa trigger combined with intensive luteal steroid support in this group of OHSS high risk Asian patients can facilitate fresh embryo transfer, however, in contrast to previous reports the occurrence of late onset OHSS was not completely eliminated