119 research outputs found

    Review of bus rapid transit and branded bus service performance in Australia: From workhorse to thoroughbred

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    Bus rapid transit on dedicated right-of-way and branded bus services with a distinct visual identity have been implemented in various forms around Australia over the past three decades. A major public policy debate has surrounded the relative success of these bus priority and branding measures as compared with generic route services in attracting patronage. In this paper, we devise a metric known as a (gross) performance ratio to quantify the success for each of 7 bus rapid transit systems and 20 branded bus services as compared with regular route buses across six Australian capitals. A regression analysis is conducted to determine the statistical significance of various bus priority and brand identity initiatives which are used as inputs into a normalisation procedure to determine the net performance ratio of each service offering. This allows an informed comparison between systems and cities, controlling for operating environment and other service characteristics. The results reinforce the merits of upgraded bus services both as standalone initiatives and also as an alternative to expensive, rail-based infrastructure investment. Measures like network legibility and brand identity all help upgrade the image of the bus from workhorse to thoroughbred

    Reasoning in inconsistent prioritized knowledge bases: an argumentative approach

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    A study of query answering in prioritized ontological knowledge bases (KBs) has received attention in recent years. While several semantics of query answering have been proposed and their complexity is rather well-understood, the problem of explaining inconsistency-tolerant query answers has paid less attention. Explaining query answers permits users to understand not only what is entailed or not entailed by an inconsistent DL-LiteR KBs in the presence of priority, but also why. We, therefore, concern with the use of argumentation frameworks to allow users to better understand explanation techniques of querying answers over inconsistent DL-LiteR KBs in the presence of priority. More specifically, we propose a new variant of Dung’s argumentation frameworks, which corresponds to a given inconsistent DL-LiteR KB. We clarify a close relation between preferred subtheories adopted in such prioritized DL-LiteR setting and acceptable semantics of the corresponding argumentation framework. The significant result paves the way for applying algorithms and proof theories to establish preferred subtheories inferences in prioritized DL-LiteR KBs

    Applying calcium fluoride and silica particles: A solution to improve color homogeneity of pc-WLEDS

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    This article focuses on enhancing the lighting efficiency of pc-WLEDs, a new and advanced lighting solution that has received lots of attention. To adapt to the demand of modern lighting, the lighting performance of pc-WLEDs must be improved, especially the color homogeneity and luminous flux, two of the most important quality indicators of pc-WLEDs. Through experiments, this article proposes using the scattering enhancement particles (SEPs) such as CaF2 and SiO2 with yellow phosphor Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ in pc-WLEDs configuration. The pc-WLEDs model is created by using the LightTools program and set at 8500 K correlated color temperature, while the experimental results yielded from this simulation will be verified by Mie-scattering theory. The information from this article reveals the scattering coefficients of SEPs at 455 nm and 595 nm wavelengths. Moreover, it is confirmed that the employment of CaF2 is effective in promoting the color but may damage the luminous efficiency if the concentration is too high while the SEP material, SiO2, exhibits high luminous efficiency at all concentration

    Acidifiers as Alternatives for Antibiotics Reduction and Gut Health Improvement for Poultry and Swine

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    Using antibiotics of low doses as feed additives could support to improve poultry and swine performances. However, these applications have caused resistance of bacteria and antibiotic residues in foods of animal origins. Therefore, efforts were focused on solutions to replace antibiotics as growth promoters (AGPs). There are many alternatives for AGPs, in which organic acids are one of the important alternatives. The aim of this chapter is to review publications on these acids and their other forms namely as acidifiers using as feed additives including their names and forms, mode of actions, spectrum against bacteria, combinations among them, and latest updates on their effects on swine and poultry production. The scientific findings show that acidifiers can inhibit pathogenic bacteria growth, improve nutrient digestibility, enhance immunity and overall gut health, consequently increase performances of poultry and swine. Several acids and their salts in both liquid and solid forms have been studied and applied as poultry and swine feed additives; however, the efficacy levels and the mode of actions are dependent on the single acidifiers, their salts, and combinations among them. The uses of acidifiers in their salts and derivative forms and mixtures of different acidifiers seem to be more favorable

    Infection status and molecular identification of digenean cercariae in snails in Kim Son district, Ninh Binh Province and Ba Vi district, Ha Noi

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    In this study, the molecular method was used to identify digenean cercariae from freshwater snails in Kim Son District (Ninh Binh Province) and Ba Vi District Ha Noi. A total of 9 snail species were collected and examined for cercarial infection. Three snail species (Radix swinhoei, Angulyagra polyzonata and Pomacea canaliculata) were not infected, while the other 6 species (Austropeplea viridis, Gyraulus convexiusculus, Parafossarulus striatulus, Bithynia fuchsiana, Melanoides tuberculata and Tarebia granifera) were infected with digenean cercariae at low infection rates, ranging from 2.3% to 6.3%. Seven cercarial groups were identified: Echinostome, Monostome, Parapleurophocercaria, Xiphidiocercaria, Fucocercaria, Gymnocephalous and Megalurous. Snails M. tuberculata and P. striatulus were infected with 4 cercarial groups, A. viridis and G. convexiusculus snails were infected with 2 groups, 2 snail species B. fuchsiana and T. granifera were infected with one group of cercaria. The results of ITS2 sequences analyses of the cercarial groups identified the larvae of 9 trematode species, namely Echinostoma revolutum, Echinochasmus japonicus, Notocotylus intestinalis, Philophthalmus gralli, Haplorchis pumilio, Procerovum cheni, Fasciola gigantica, Australapatemon burti and Cyathocotyle prussica. Among them the last three species, P. cheni, A. burti and C. prussica, were found for the first time in Vietnam. In addition, the ITS-2 sequence of Gymnocephalous cercariae which was previously identified as Sphaeridiotrema monorchis, from P. striatulus snail was 97% similar to that of Sphaeridiotrema pseudoglobulus. Likewise, ITS-2 sequence of Echinostome cercaria from B. fuchsiana snail was 93% similar to that of E. japonicus and that of Xiphidiocercaria cercaria from M. tuberculata snail was 93% similar to Lecithodendrium spathulatum.


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    Edible-nest Swiftlets (A. fuciphagus) create nests using their solidified saliva. The nests have long been harvested because of their high economic value. This research addresses the phylogenetic relationships of several bird populations in Vietnam based on a portion of the cytochrome b gene with 606bp in length. Phylogenetic analyses show that populations inhabiting islands and mainland belong to different subspecies of A. fuciphagus. Wild swiftlets on islands are assigned to subspecies A. f. germani, while house swiftlets (birds on mainland) are recovered as A. f. amechanus with mean genetic divergence of 1.9%. There are some specific sites for nucleotide substitutions between the two groups (group resident on islands and mainland, respectively): 36 (C-T), 93 (G-C), 96 (C-T), 117 (T-C), 306 (G-A), 468 (G-A), 489 (A-G), 531 (T-C). Our results suggest that the recently recorded house swiftlet populations (subspecies A. f. amechanus) in Vietnam are probably originated from the southern region of Southeast Asia. We recommend that future studies should include nuclear genes (chromosome genes) to evaluate cross-hybrid between the populations.TÓM TẮT Chim yến (Aerodramus fuciphagus) hiện là loài chim có khả năng tạo ra tổ chim hoàn toàn bằng nước bọt được con người khai thác với giá trị kinh tế cao. Các loài trong giống Aerodramus thuộc nhóm chim bay liên tục và rất khó phân biệt về hình thái. Những năm gần đây, số lượng chim yến làm tổ trong nhà yến ở đất liền ngày một gia tăng trải rộng các tỉnh ven biển từ Cà Mau ra tận Thanh Hóa. Phân tích trình tự một phần gen cytochrome b với chiều dài 606bp cho thấy các quần thể chim yến cư trú ngoài đảo (chim yến đảo) thuộc phân loài Aerodramus fuciphagus germani và chim yến làm tổ trong nhà ở đất liền (chim yến nhà) thuộc phân loài A. f. amechanus, vì giữa chúng có sự khác biệt về di truyền trung bình khá cao, tới 1,9%. So sánh phân tích di truyền cho thấy quần thể yến nhà A.f.amechanus ở nước ta được hình thành chủ yếu từ các quần thể chim yến khác nhau ở Thái Lan và Malaysia di cư đến trong khoảng hơn một thập kỉ qua


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    Đề tài nghiên cứu được thực hiện nhằm đánh giá những ảnh hưởng đến quá trình sinh lý và sự tăng trưởng của cá tra khi có sự tăng lên của độ mặn dưới sự ảnh hưởng của biến đổi khí hậu toàn cầu. Cá tra giống đã được thuần dưỡng độ mặn theo thời gian thích hợp được bố trí ngẫu nhiên vào 6 nghiệm thức gồm đối chứng, 2, 6, 10, 14 và 18?. Kết quả cho thấy cá sống trong điều kiện độ mặn từ 2-10? cho tỉ lệ sống cao nhất. Cá ở nghiệm thức 6? có tốc độ tăng trưởng cao, hệ số tiêu tốn thức ăn thấp và có tỉ lệ sống cao (

    Host Transcription Profile in Nasal Epithelium and Whole Blood of Hospitalized Children Under 2 Years of Age With Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection.

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    BACKGROUND: Most insights into the cascade of immune events after acute respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection have been obtained from animal experiments or in vitro models. METHODS: In this study, we investigated host gene expression profiles in nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs and whole blood samples during natural RSV and rhinovirus (hRV) infection (acute versus early recovery phase) in 83 hospitalized patients <2 years old with lower respiratory tract infections. RESULTS: Respiratory syncytial virus infection induced strong and persistent innate immune responses including interferon signaling and pathways related to chemokine/cytokine signaling in both compartments. Interferon-α/β, NOTCH1 signaling pathways and potential biomarkers HIST1H4E, IL7R, ISG15 in NP samples, or BCL6, HIST2H2AC, CCNA1 in blood are leading pathways and hub genes that were associated with both RSV load and severity. The observed RSV-induced gene expression patterns did not differ significantly in NP swab and blood specimens. In contrast, hRV infection did not as strongly induce expression of innate immunity pathways, and significant differences were observed between NP swab and blood specimens. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that RSV induced strong and persistent innate immune responses and that RSV severity may be related to development of T follicular helper cells and antiviral inflammatory sequelae derived from high activation of BCL6

    Whey protein reduces early life weight gain in mice fed a high-fat diet.

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    An increasing number of studies indicate that dairy products, including whey protein, alleviate several disorders of the metabolic syndrome. Here, we investigated the effects of whey protein isolate (whey) in mice fed a high-fat diet hypothesising that the metabolic effects of whey would be associated with changes in the gut microbiota composition. Five-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were fed a high-fat diet ad libitum for 14 weeks with the protein source being either whey or casein. Faeces were collected at week 0, 7, and 13 and the fecal microbiota was analysed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses of PCR-derived 16S rRNA gene (V3-region) amplicons. At the end of the study, plasma samples were collected and assayed for glucose, insulin and lipids. Whey significantly reduced body weight gain during the first four weeks of the study compared with casein (P<0.001-0.05). Hereafter weight gain was similar resulting in a 15% lower final body weight in the whey group relative to casein (34.0±1.0 g vs. 40.2±1.3 g, P<0.001). Food intake was unaffected by protein source throughout the study period. Fasting insulin was lower in the whey group (P<0.01) and glucose clearance was improved after an oral glucose challenge (P<0.05). Plasma cholesterol was lowered by whey compared to casein (P<0.001). The composition of the fecal microbiota differed between high- and low-fat groups at 13 weeks (P<0.05) whereas no difference was seen between whey and casein. In conclusion, whey initially reduced weight gain in young C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet compared to casein. Although the effect on weight gain ceased, whey alleviated glucose intolerance, improved insulin sensitivity and reduced plasma cholesterol. These findings could not be explained by changes in food intake or gut microbiota composition. Further studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms behind the metabolic effects of whey

    Urinary catecholamine excretion, cardiovascular variability, and outcomes in tetanus

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    Severe tetanus is characterized by muscle spasm and cardiovascular system disturbance. The pathophysiology of muscle spasm is relatively well understood and involves inhibition of central inhibitory synapses by tetanus toxin. That of cardiovascular disturbance is less clear, but is believed to relate to disinhibition of the autonomic nervous system. The clinical syndrome of autonomic nervous system dysfunction (ANSD) seen in severe tetanus is characterized principally by changes in heart rate and blood pressure which have been linked to increased circulating catecholamines. Previous studies have described varying relationships between catecholamines and signs of ANSD in tetanus, but are limited by confounders and assays used. In this study, we aimed to perform detailed characterization of the relationship between catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline), cardiovascular parameters (heart rate and blood pressure) and clinical outcomes (ANSD, mechanical ventilation required, and length of intensive care unit stay) in adults with tetanus, as well as examine whether intrathecal antitoxin administration affected subsequent catecholamine excretion. Noradrenaline and adrenaline were measured by ELISA from 24-h urine collections taken on day 5 of hospitalization in 272 patients enrolled in a 2 × 2 factorial-blinded randomized controlled trial in a Vietnamese hospital. Catecholamine results measured from 263 patients were available for analysis. After adjustment for potential confounders (i.e., age, sex, intervention treatment, and medications), there were indications of non-linear relationships between urinary catecholamines and heart rate. Adrenaline and noradrenaline were associated with subsequent development of ANSD, and length of ICU stay